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Impact spoilers for 5/1

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Impact for May 1st


- The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Shark Boy & Curry Man ended in a no-contest when Scott Steiner & Petey Williams came out and attacked all four men. Steiner then cut a promo on Kurt Angle. Angle came out and they started to brawl, with Steiner putting Angle in the Steiner Recliner until Samoa Joe made the save.


- Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviews AJ Styles, who says he needs to find a partner for tonight since Tomko got hurt "in an MMA fight in Japan".


- Mike Tenay conducts an in-ring interview with Velvet Sky & Angelina Love, who talk about their match at Sacrifice. They make fun of Gail Kim & ODB, who come out and brawl with them.


- LAX defeats Eric Young & Kaz. After the match, Homicide gets on the mic and calls Hector Guerrero to the ring. He talks about their past, but also how LAX admires the Guerrero family. They make a pact for all Latinos to be united. LAX left, then came back out to add a part where they officially ask Hector to be in their corner at Sacrifice, and Hector accepts.


- ODB & Gail Kim defeated Angelina Love & Velvet Sky. After the match, Angelina tries to attack Gail but Roxxi and ODB make the save.


- AJ Styles & Super Eric defeated The Rock & Rave Infection.


- Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle defeated Scott Steiner & Petey Williams. Afterwards, Angle attacked Joe, then Steiner attacked Angle. Steiner then attacked Joe and posed with the TNA belt.


- Jim Cornette comes to the ring and brings out the singles wrestlers for the Deuces Wild tournament: Matt Morgan, Kip James, BG James, James Storm, Booker T, Robert Roode and Sting.

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Hmmm, interesting results here....


I REALLY like the idea of Kong as one of the singles in the Deuces Wild tournament, we'll see what happens but something really cool could happen there, any way you see it, she will finally compete against the guys, which is something I remember some of us here wanting to see. Kong teaming up with Booker T might be interesting, especially if Booker goes heel on Sting at the ppv, which seems likely. Hell, give Kong and Booker the tag team belts even, in that case.


The Steiner/Angle/Joe build.......eh......nothing too special here. Still looking forward to the match, though.


Hector Guererro in the corner of LAX for the rest of the tournament......to me, that sounds like LAX might take the whole thing, and have him as a full time manager (which is cool in my book).


I'm still not feeling "Super Eric" at all. It's actually too bad that they weren't able to do Styles/Super Eric v. Young/Kaz, that would have at least been different and played into the storyline. The only positive I can see from teaming w/ Styles is that this will slowly move Styles into a babyface.


And not that its really covered this week much, but I REALLY like the idea of a heel Booker T v. Sting, presumably at Slammiversary.

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I'm still not feeling "Super Eric" at all. It's actually too bad that they weren't able to do Styles/Super Eric v. Young/Kaz, that would have at least been different and played into the storyline. The only positive I can see from teaming w/ Styles is that this will slowly move Styles into a babyface.


How can Eric Young wrestle himself? :lol:


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I will go on record with this: Nothing possibly decent can come from Kong being involved in this tourney. Either you have her beating up men and becoming the new Chyna for TNA and it buries people on the roster, or you needlessly put the women's champion in matches with men where she jobs. Keep in mind that Kong isn't even really invincible in the Knockouts Division anyway, since Gail Kim has defeated her.


It's always funny but when I read TNA spoilers it always makes me want to pull my hair out, but then I end up largely enjoying the show.

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Hector Guererro in the corner of LAX for the rest of the tournament......to me, that sounds like LAX might take the whole thing, and have him as a full time manager (which is cool in my book).

Just remember: it's Russo. Someone's turning on someone.

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From PWI:


Earlier today, I wrote that Daizee Haze vs. Cheerleader Melissa was scheduled for tonight's TNA Impact taping. That was incorrect. The match actually took place on last night's taping and will air on this Thursday's episode, with Melissa (who went over) working babyface and Haze working as a heel. I apologize for the confusion and the error.



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From PWI:


Earlier today, I wrote that Daizee Haze vs. Cheerleader Melissa was scheduled for tonight's TNA Impact taping. That was incorrect. The match actually took place on last night's taping and will air on this Thursday's episode, with Melissa (who went over) working babyface and Haze working as a heel. I apologize for the confusion and the error.




Did the Raisha Saed character finally get dropped or is this like Super Eric/Eric Young?

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I know this isn't getting a lot of talk this week, but Cheerleader Melissa just used Homicide's finisher to defeat Daisy Haze. That can't be good.

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That Cheerleader Melissa vs. Daizee Haze match was a nice surprise, as it wasn't on the non-spoiler match listing that I read. It felt like I was back in St. Louis at a Gateway Championship Wrestling show. I was surprised that Melissa was allowed to use the vertebreaker since it's one of Homicide's big moves. I wonder how long it will be till the Impact Zone fans start chanting "Raieesha Sayid" at Melissa.


Also, my DirecTV info for the show lists, "Kurt Angle and Scott Steiner vs. Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash". Huh.


I geuss we're not having Impact discussion threads anymore... I started one last week that got no activity.

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I'm still not feeling "Super Eric" at all. It's actually too bad that they weren't able to do Styles/Super Eric v. Young/Kaz, that would have at least been different and played into the storyline. The only positive I can see from teaming w/ Styles is that this will slowly move Styles into a babyface.


How can Eric Young wrestle himself? :lol:


Russo is booking. It'll propably involve a mirror or some low level CGI.

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I'm still not feeling "Super Eric" at all. It's actually too bad that they weren't able to do Styles/Super Eric v. Young/Kaz, that would have at least been different and played into the storyline. The only positive I can see from teaming w/ Styles is that this will slowly move Styles into a babyface.


How can Eric Young wrestle himself? :lol:


Since in the storyline, they are apparently "not one of the same" it would fit the storyline for Cornette to try to book "both" guys in the same match. I'm sure even though it didn't play out this way in this weird tournament, they will book that match at some point or another.


Thought this last week's Impact was pretty strong, BTW. I'm really intruiged how or if they will play into Melissa being Saeed or if they will never really go there and take the mask off Saeed at all. My guess is they are debuting Melissa for that reason, to slowly build into the unmasking. Daisee Haze in TNA is also good too.


The LAX segment with Guererro was really quality stuff, too. Lets hope for no bullshit there and Hector doesn't do a turn at all or anything, although I fear Hector will turn on LAX and bring in another latino tag team of some sort to feud with them.

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I thought about a potential Hector heel turn but that makes literally no sense on ANY possible level. I could see it perhaps if Hector had approached LAX first and was like "Hey I can get you guys to the next level!" and then betrays them. But they went to him, so in other words he had no current connection to these events. I'm hoping they don't overbook this tag tourney and just let LAX use the Guerrerro knowledge to win the belts.


They also should just pair Kong with BG James and let the Road Dog take the pin, that solves a world of problems. It gets Kong out of the tourney without her burying a man on the roster, and keeps her strong in the Knockouts division.


I have to say that Cheerleader Melissa is the most intriguing thing about TNA right now. I wonder...how many fans know that she is also Raesha Saeed? What would be really wild is if they somehow set up a Kong vs. Melissa feud in the future, and given that they have basically jobbed Gail and ODB to Kong a bunch of times and no one else is really over enough to beat Kong, putting Melissa against Kong might be the best idea.


The angle could be truly wild as Melissa could be dressed as Saeed and attack Kong, as though she beat up the real Saeed and left her laying and donned the outfit (while in reality being the REAL Saeed, but in theory few know this). At this point you have the Saeed character offscreen for a while and either write her out, or later bring in someone else as her sister or something. Then you do Kong vs. Melissa.

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I have to say that Cheerleader Melissa is the most intriguing thing about TNA right now. I wonder...how many fans know that she is also Raesha Saeed? What would be really wild is if they somehow set up a Kong vs. Melissa feud in the future, and given that they have basically jobbed Gail and ODB to Kong a bunch of times and no one else is really over enough to beat Kong, putting Melissa against Kong might be the best idea.


The angle could be truly wild as Melissa could be dressed as Saeed and attack Kong, as though she beat up the real Saeed and left her laying and donned the outfit (while in reality being the REAL Saeed, but in theory few know this). At this point you have the Saeed character offscreen for a while and either write her out, or later bring in someone else as her sister or something. Then you do Kong vs. Melissa.

[isaiah Thomas]


It's crazy enough that it just might work.


[/isaiah Thomas]

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Oh and I failed to mention it but Steiner's interview in the back was truly gold, with him ranting about his % chance of winning, Joe's chance of winning, and dismissing Angle since "he won't even try anyway."

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Oh and I failed to mention it but Steiner's interview in the back was truly gold, with him ranting about his % chance of winning, Joe's chance of winning, and dismissing Angle since "he won't even try anyway."


That was a great part of the show. That is Steiner at his best, when he makes no sense, but knows he's not.

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OK I've been catching up with the last few weeks of Impact, and Steiner's backstage interview is classic. On one hand, I'm pretty sure that that was done in one take because it was so random and rambling that there's no way Steiner could remember enough of it to do it again. On the other hand, I have no idea how Petey, Khan, or the interviewer didn't laugh at least once during filming. "I'm a genetic freak, and I'm not normal" indeed.


I like Cheerleader Melissa. I don't really think she was wrestling face though. It's just that the fans liked her more than Daisy. Plus, her using the Vertebreaker was pretty cool. Haze took it like a champ. I could see them doing something like what cabbage suggests. It's Russo, he loves doing stuff like that.

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