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Big Ol' Smitty


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Guest Vitamin X

I forgot if it was Memphis or Nashville that Czech told me he went to a couple years back and had really awesome BBQ. So I guess you might want to check that out.

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Bachelor party coming up there.


What do we do?

Depends. Do you have a set location that you know of, which side of town you're on, or whatever? Is this a full on coke-n-whores bachelor party, or something more restrained and polite? There's always the standard option of going to a strip club, but all the ones in Nashville are downtown and surrounded by hobos and crackheads.

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If it comes to actually hiring them for a private party, unfortunately I have no idea how that works. Aside from that, like I said, all the clubs are downtown where you gotta inevitably dodge some bums on the way into the building and hope they don't decide to break into your car.

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