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Gangrel Q&A

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His answers are in bold...


Who was your favorite opponent and least favorite opponent in WWE and why?


I really liked wrestling Matt Hardy because we were able to hit each other and not have to worry about it after the match. My least favorite would be Dick Togo, because he's just so ugly.


What was the feeling amongst people being brought back for a one shot deal at the Raw 15th Anniversary show?


It was a good time. I think everyone realized it was a one time deal and everyone was just in good spirits.


Whose idea was it for you to emerge from the fire for your entrance?


It was Vince Russo's idea for me to come up from the fire as he's a big Kiss fan and thought it would look cool.


How much input did you have concerning the Gangrel character and the angles that you were involved in?


I had no input on the angles but I gave them all the background info on the Gangrel character and then I kinda lost all input from there.


What it was like working with William Regal?


He was cool to work with and one of the nicest guys I know.


Was it true that your position on the card was affected by your weight?


No, don't believe everything you see on the Wikipedia.


Do you think that the lower to mid card wrestlers in the WWF that were stalwarts and fairly over (yourself, D-Lo, Steve Blackman, Crash, Headbangers etc.) in late 98 and 1999 were shoved aside with the huge influx of talent from WCW and ECW by 2000? Was it an issue backstage or cause any tension, because from an outsider's perspective it seemed that the new talent was immediately pushed to the forefront.


Yeah, once Vince Russo left WWE basically all the mid-carders got pushed aside as he was the one who really pushed for the mid-carders to have story lines. I don't know, at that time I was out with a neck injury and then got released..So it kinda affected me.


How were you first "scouted" and seen by the WWE to be signed to a deal?


I've been working with the WWE since 1988 doing jobs but what got me signed was because Brian Christopher didn't show up to wrestle Taka and WWE asked me to replace Christopher, while I was wrestling Taka I hit the impaler ddt on Taka and Vince saw it and said to send me to the farm.


What was your favorite or most memorable match in your WWE tenure and why?


I think it was working Edge on Monday Night Raw in San Jose at the HP Pavilion.


What is your take on steroids in the industry both when you were in the WWE and now?


I don't really have a opinion on it just because it was a necessary evil back then, but now I really don't have any thoughts on it.


Who came up with the bloodbath idea?


Myself and Edge both came up with the bloodbath idea at the same time, we ripped it off from the movie Blade.


Was there any reason the Brood had such a short time in Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness?


I think it's because the Brood got over too strong, stronger than the Ministry itself.


Which did you like better? The Brood (w/ Edge & Christian) or the New Brood (w/ the Hardy Boys)?


The Brood with Edge and Christian feuding against the Hardy Boys


Any crazy road stories?


I don't really remember any crazy road stories, and the ones I do.....I can't really talk about.

Also, what was the deal with your Royal Rumble 1999 match with X-Pac, where the ref screwed up the 3 count?


Ha! The Referee didn't actually screw up, X-Pac just didn't kick out in time.


What liquid was used in the goblet?




Did you ever see Kevin Thorn and Ariel's ECW take on the vampire gimmick and if so, what did you think of it?

I honestly didn't think much of it and it's not his fault but Kevin Thorn is a nice guy.


What were your thoughts on your short time in TNA?


"blah", I really don't have any thoughts, I just kinda came through and got a paycheck.


What are your thoughts on Vince Russo?


I liked Vince Russo, I think he went a little crazy once he got to WCW but I liked all his WWF stuff.


ESPNC has given a new generation of fans the chance to see the goofiness that was Herb Abrahms' UWF. What was it like working for that, ahem, unique organization?


It was like going to the fuckin' carnival every weekend but I was glad to be apart of the carnival at that time.


When the time came to bring you in as "Gangrel", were you aware with White Wolf at the time and familiar with their product?


Yes, I gave WWF all the research on White Wolf stuff so they could look up the Gangrel information.


Also was there supposed to be more cross-branding between the WWF and White Wolf in bringing other members into the group, all representing different clans from the Vampire: the Masquerade franchise?


No, Vince missed up and didn't know that the name "Gangrel" was copyrighted and had to lease out the name from White Wolf.


Considering how long your gimmick in WWE lasted, do you still get recognized often by fans and/or are you surprised by their reactions or lack their of?

Yeah, I still do get recognized and I'm flattered that they know me.

Have any other organizations asked for your services in recent years?

All Japan just asked me to take a tour but I had to turn it down because NWE in Europe had me already scheduled for their shows.


Would you consider taking on an agents role backstage at WWE or TNA if it was offered to you?

I really don't know, I don't think TNA or WWE would offer me that role but if they did, I honestly really don't know.


What's the funniest moment you've experienced so far as a porn director?


I offered Ron Jeremy some food that I was eating and the next thing I know I turn around and he ate the entire plate of food.


Who did you usually ride with in the WWE?


I rode with Edge and Christian originally, then it was Road Dogg, Jeff Jarrett, and Big Bossman, and then my last ride was Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero.


Discuss...my favorite answer is the one where he calls the UWF a fuckin' carnival.

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I found the fact that he was sent to the farm after wrestling Taka most intriguing simply because BC didn't show. Imagine what could've been if Christopher had showed, maybe no Gangrel/Brood, etc.

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Also, what was the deal with your Royal Rumble 1999 match with X-Pac, where the ref screwed up the 3 count?


Ha! The Referee didn't actually screw up, X-Pac just didn't kick out in time.


That really made me laugh for some reason.

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He hasn't left the business all together. He wouldn't say something he'd regret. Wish he would've answered my question about his viewpoints on the negative perceptions of his careers and if it has affected his personal relationships and such. At least we finally know what really happened at the 1999 Royal Rumble match.

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I should reiterate that I'm glad to see that he was willing to answer any questions at all for a message board, so thanks to scroby for setting that up.

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It's not everyday you get to ask a wrestler a bunch of questions, and i'm really happy he answered both questions I posed (favourite/least favourite to work with and the funniest porn moment) Thought that was really neat.

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What liquid was used in the goblet?






Next question: Whose blood?



Was he being sarcastic?


He probably just bought some cups of pigs blood at the deli.

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What's the funniest moment you've experienced so far as a porn director?




He's been a director of porn for the last year.

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I'm sad that I still don't know how big of a freak Luna Vachon is in bed.


It's pretty fuckin' cool of these dudes to actually do an interview for this place. I'm diggin' this whole Q&A deal ya'll got goin'. Props due.


Didn't somebody mention maybe getting RVD and a few other wrestlers to do this?


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He didn't really answer anything...


That was a lot of "I don't knows" and "I don't really have an opinion on this".

To be honest, when me and him went over the questions (I typed the answers out) he really had to think about the majority of the answers as he had trouble remembering a lot of things. It's not that he didn't want to answer anything, because he did, he just had memory issues.

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Maybe I can use my connections to get A-1 on board for a Q n A.


Have you asked him if he got his ring name from the steak sauce?


I honestly couldn't think of any other questions that I would want to ask him besides that.

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Once Jamie Noble is no longer with WWE and never wants to go back, maybe I can get him for a Q&A.


That'll be awhile. I might also be able to talk his former partner Jimmy Yang into a Q&A as well. Maybe it can be a joint project.

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Hopefully, somebody knows Kaz Hayashi and we can get a Jung Dragons Reunion Q&A! I'm sure TSMers are thrilled at the prospect of asking them about their numerous battles with Three Count.

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Tell Jimmy I am terribly sorry for calling him Jimmy Jung because I was drunk back in 2001. He was one of many wrestlers present for the last Nitro that I got to talk to and/or cut promos with on my camcorder.

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