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Twisted Intestine

Vote on my tattoo

X-Men tattoo  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Which should I go with?

    • Silver/black
    • Red/Yellow
    • Other (Specify)

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Alright, so here's the deal. Later today, I'm most likely going to get a tattoo done. I only found out last night that my friend was going to get one from somebody(I wasn't really listening) who is giving them for free, and taking photos of them(Obviously I'm going to check out the work they're doing and if it's complete shit not get one). The tattoo isn't allowed to be any larger than 3.5 by 3.5 inches. So, on a whim I've decided to get the X-Men logo, as it's the only thing I want that is small enough. I'm either going to get a smaller version (About 1 by 1 inches) on my neck, or a larger version on my torso somewhere.


I want to get the classic Red/Yellow colours, but I'm not sure it'll look good. So should I go with that or with this:




Before anyone says anything, yes I already have tattoos and yes I know that they're permanent and I'm going to regret it. But I really won't regret it.

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I know some people worry that yellow won't look right, but my Watchmen smiley is A-Ok, and having seen your complexion, it should be fine. Go for the classic. You'll regret it if you don't.

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So I decided to go with yellow/red with blue outline, but still using the above design (I don't want it to look flat). I'm getting it on the neck.


There wasn't time today, so I'm going in sometime next week to get it done. I'll post pictures, and we'll all get to see how cool or how shitty my new tattoo will be.

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If the dude is at least even halfway good with his tat game, it should come out good anyway about it. That's a pretty simple tat, really.




So this:




With a blue outline?


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This is going on the top of my back:



Not completely across the whole thing, but about as wide as my shoulder blades.


EDIT: I voted for red n' yellow.

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