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The Ghost of bps21

The Impact thread 6-19-08

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Perfect use of BG doing quick opening match jobs to people who matter. Of course he's getting paid way too much to do it...but Booker looked good.


And I really like what they're doing with Joe. I just wish Nash could work even halfway decent because the payoff match can't be nearly good enough for the long build they're giving the eventual match.


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Ok...so as we try to figure out the World X cup.


Round 1 is tag matches worth 1 point


This MCMG vs. Davari and Dux match


Then a tag match between Japan and Mexico (Speed Muscle vs. Bucanero/Guerrero???? Don't tease me!)


Then round 2 is singles matches which I'd assume would use the rest of the guys from the teams worth 2 points.




Round 3 is a 12 man elimination tag match featuring the 4 guys NOT in the Ultimate X match in round 4...maximum of 3 points (for how many people you have left)




Round 4 Ultimate X between 1 member of each team worth 4 points.




That's a mouthfull.

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Guns match was pretty good. Not as good as last week...but I don't think anyone expected that it would be. Picked up after the commercial break.


So your OFFICIAL X Cup standings are:


Team TNA - 1

Team Mexico - 0

Team Inernational - 0

Team Japan - 0


Team Japan has finished last every other year...so they'll get the bottom of the 3 way tie. GET OFF THE MAT TEAM JAPAN.




Anyways. AJ Styles is attacking everyone backstage.

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Intresting Gail Kim video package. Interesting as in completely different with indy footage and comments about her career.


I know it's killing Jingus that they're pushing Kim going for revenge on Love while Roxxi sits around bald as a cucumber doing nothing.

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Kong vs. the "fan" (who I believe is the girl that they had just signed IIRC) was really good stuff. Kong is so good at looking strong and yet vulnerable at the same time. The "fan" got in a ton of offense in that match but it was almost always as a result of a mistake Kong made (bringing the chair in the ring, missing the spinning backfist and hitting the post). Good stuff.



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Kaz vs. Kozlov was what it was. Fun to watch and I've forgotten all of it (except the russian hat dance) already as I type this.


I guess that wasn't a part of the official X cup? So at least Team TNA isn't out to a ridulous 3-0-0-0 lead I guess.

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I like that Lethal isn't talking in that Macho Man voice. He's serious now! Great elbow drop during a "real" fight.


Now, this would be a perfect time for the announcers to SHUT THE FUCK UP! The action can speak for itself.

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I briefly thought that the announcers were going to let the scene play out without them. That thought ended at the first sign of physical contact. Although that "damn" by West was well timed and the perfect comment when Lethal slapped Dutt...they should have remained silent after that.

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I love that LAX still has their own entrance. And Salinas has her own theme, nice.

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I know it's killing Jingus that they're pushing Kim going for revenge on Love while Roxxi sits around bald as a cucumber doing nothing.

I probably would be, if I was watching. Stuff like that sure as hell doesn't entice me to consume their product.

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I find it funny that Salinas was trying to get away from the whipping. I guess the writers didn't see her adult film.

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I missed the second half of the show last week, but has Abyss been on either show so far? Great way to bring him back and then do nothing with him.

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They'd have been far better off letting Lethal go into psycho Savage mode with both of them alienating Val and playing up this cheesy feud for what it is than with any kind of seriousness (with a bad, still comedic heel in Dutt and boring, negative charisma Lethal as the centerpieces, to boot). The 'fight' was a joke and they couldn't have done a worse job in disguising the 'Pink Taco' as anything more than the backstage of the Impact Zone. If Dutt wasn't still doing the Guru crap maybe this would be slightly better. But two weeks of the feud and it's already enough.

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I will also agree that Gail Kim being at the center of this Beautiful People angle is frustrating. They had Roxxi's head shaved....for what reason exactly? Why is Gail feuding with them at all, when they helped her win a #1 contender match? It's like TNA refuses to grasp the notion that Kim needs a trip down the card right now.

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Kim's becoming the Trish Stratus of TNA by being pushed above the other Knockouts (except Kong), getting played-out instead of moving down the card a bit. The only difference is Gail Kim is not the champion.


They'd have been far better off letting Lethal go into psycho Savage mode with both of them alienating Val and playing up this cheesy feud for what it is than with any kind of seriousness (with a bad, still comedic heel in Dutt and boring, negative charisma Lethal as the centerpieces, to boot). The 'fight' was a joke and they couldn't have done a worse job in disguising the 'Pink Taco' as anything more than the backstage of the Impact Zone. If Dutt wasn't still doing the Guru crap maybe this would be slightly better. But two weeks of the feud and it's already enough.


"Pink Taco", what a horrible name for a bar.

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"Pink Taco", what a horrible name for a bar.


Dumb trivia: Pink Taco is the name of a restaurant in Arizona (they also have locations in Vegas and California) that was the initial high bidder to be the sponser of the new stadium built for the NFL's Arizona Cardinals a few years ago. It was blocked due to the inappropriate nature of the name and now the Cardinals play at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale. I don't know which name is worse. I wonder if TNA knows this or it was just a brilliant idea by creative.

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Considering this is Russo we're talking about here, I would surely think he knows the possible meaning of Pink Taco.


Speaking of which, anyone else find it hilarious that TNA actually names each episode? Like this was Showdown at the Pink Taco and previous weeks have had the show's title at the beginning.

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Speaking of which, anyone else find it hilarious that TNA actually names each episode? Like this was Showdown at the Pink Taco and previous weeks have had the show's title at the beginning.


It's been like that for the past few months actually. I remember most of them having Kurt/Karen Angle-related titles at the beginning.


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I remember most of them having Kurt/Karen Angle-related titles at the beginning.


Nothing beats the, "I Put a Hit On My Wife" episode.

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