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Twisted Intestine

Pokemon Draft!

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We're playing under the assumption that unevolved pokemon can be as powerful as their evolved forms, but of course the evolved forms can have a different set of powers. For example, Magikarp can only splash and tackle while Gyrados has a bunch of dragon moves. Bulbasaur is more agile than Venisaur who has more strength, but they share the same abilities. Just use common sense like that.


Serpentine rules. No duplicates. 10 trainers with 5 pokemon each. That will leave 100 unpicked. Just start picking, and we'll use that order. The first 9 people to pick are in, and I'll take the 10th spot. 12 hour time limit between picks - If you don't pick by the time your 12 hours is up, $rand decides your pick for you. Remember, to be a Pokemon master is your destiny!


Pokeomon remaining:


#1. Bulbasaur

#2. Ivysaur

#3. Venusaur

#4. Charmander

#5. Charmeleon

#6. Charizard

#7. Squirtle

#8. Wartortle

#9. Blastoise

#10. Caterpie

#11. Metapod

#12. Butterfree

#13. Weedle

#14. Kakuna

#15. Beedrill

#16. Pidgey

#17. Pidgeotto

#18. Pidgeot

#19. Rattata

#20. Raticate

#21. Spearow

#22. Fearow

#23. Ekans

#24. Arbok

#25. Pikachu

#26. Raichu

#27. Sandshrew

#28. Sandslash

#29. Nidoran

#30. Nidorina

#31. Nidoqueen

#32. Nidoran

#33. Nidorino

#34. Nidoking

#35. Clefairy

#36. Clefable

#37. Vulpix

#38. Ninetales

#39. Jigglypuff

#40. Wigglytuff

#41. Zubat

#42. Golbat

#43. Oddish

#44. Gloom

#45. Vileplume

#46. Paras

#47. Parasect

#48. Venonat

#49. Venomoth

#50. Diglett

#51. Dugtrio

#52. Meowth

#53. Persian

#54. Psyduck

#55. Golduck

#56. Mankey

#57. Primeape

#58. Growlithe

#59. Arcanine

#60. Poliwag

#61. Poliwhirl

#62. Poliwrath

#63. Abra

#64. Kadabra

#65. Alakazam

#66. Machop

#67. Machoke

#68. Machamp

#69. Bellsprout

#70. Weepinbell

#71. Victreebell

#72. Tentacool

#73. Tentacruel

#74. Geodude

#75. Graveler

#76. Golem

#77. Ponyta

#78. Rapidash

#79. Slowpoke

#80. Slowbro

#81. Magnemite

#82. Magneton

#83. Farfetch'd

#84. Doduo

#85. Dodrio

#86. Seel

#87. Dewgong

#88. Grimer

#89. Muk

#90. Shellder

#91. Cloyster

#92. Gastly

#93. Haunter

#94. Gengar

#95. Onix

#96. Drowzee

#97. Hypno

#98. Krabby

#99. Kingler

#100. Voltorb

#101. Electrode

#102. Exeggcute

#103. Exeggutor

#104. Cubone

#105. Marowak

#106. Hitmonlee

#107. Hitmonchan

#108. Lickitung

#109. Koffing

#110. Weezing

#111. Rhyhorn

#112. Rhydon

#113. Chansey

#114. Tangela

#115. Kangaskhan

#116. Horsea

#117. Seadra

#118. Goldeen

#119. Seaking

#120. Staryu

#121. Starmie

#122. Mr. Mime

#123. Scyther

#124. Jynx

#125. Electabuzz

#126. Magmar

#127. Pinsar

#128. Tauros

#129. Magikarp

#130. Gyrados

#131. Lapras

#132. Ditto

#133. Eevee

#134. Vaporeaon

#135. Jolteon

#136. Flareon

#137. Porygon

#138. Omanyte

#139. Omastar

#140. Kabuto

#141. Kabutops

#142. Aerodactyl

#143. Snorlax

#144. Articuno

#145. Zapdos

#146. Moltres

#147. Dratini

#148. Dragonair

#149. Dragonite

#150. Mewtwo

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moltress.jpg machamp.jpg squirtle.jpg articuno.jpg ivysaur.jpg


Moltres, Machamp, Squirtle, Articuno, Ivysaur


Exslade ZX:


pikachu.jpg zapdos.jpg dragonite.jpg Farfaetchd.jpg ditto.jpg


Pikachu, Zapdos, Dragonite, Farfetch'd, Ditto




psyduck.jpg snorlax.jpg parasect.jpg jolteon.jpg vaporeon.jpg


Psyduck, Snorlax, Parasect, Jolteon, Vaporeon


Kimbo Slice's Ball Sweat:


porygon.jpg dugtrio.jpg seaking.jpg mr.jpg weezing.jpg


Porygon, Dugtrio, Seaking, Mr. Mime, Weezing


Brooklyn Zoo:


mewtwo.jpg blastoise.jpg venusaur.jpg kangaskhan.jpg gengar.jpg


Mewtwo, Blastoise, Venusaur, Kangaskhan, Gengar

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Vitamin X:


jigglypuff.jpg poliwhirl.jpg exeggcute.jpg rattata.jpg voltorb.jpg


Jigglypuff, Poliwhirl, Exeggcute, Rattata, Voltorb




charizard.jpg raichu.jpg primeape.jpg venomoth.jpg kabutops.jpg


Charizard, Raichu, Primeape, Venomoth, Kabutops




flareon.jpg alakazam.jpg aerodactyl.jpg sandslash.jpg electabuzz.jpg


Flareon, Alakazam, Aerodactyl, Sandslash, Electabuzz




cubone.jpg magmar.jpg slowpoke.jpg hypno.jpg pidgeotto.jpg


Cubone, Magmar, Slowpoke, Hypno, Pidgeotto


Twisted Intestine:


garaydos.jpg scyther.jpg haunter.jpg arcanine.jpg butterfree.jpg


Gyrados, Scyther, Haunter, Arcanine, Butterfree

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To ensure this draft is quick and painless, if somebody doesn't choose by the time their 12 hours is up, a random choice will be selected for them.


Also, be sure to message the person who's turn it is next.


I'll be adding pictures tomorrow - they're giving me a hard time right now.

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