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St. Gabe

New Cthulhu movie

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I've seen you discuss this monster on the board, but I'm not familiar with it. There is a trailer up on yahoo now for a movie called "Cthulhu" I assume it is in regard to the monster, it comes out August 22nd...here's a link....what's this about?






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Aw c'mon. Just because it's a Lovecraft adaptation, in which they completely changed every single thing about the plot to the point where only one-fourth of the original title remains, and it was directed and written and produced by people who've never made a single movie before, and it co-stars Tori Spelling, that doesn't mean it's automatically gonna suck.



No wait, on second thought, it does mean exactly that. The next good Lovecraft movie I see will be the first.

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Advanced word has been mixed, as it's been playing in the festival circuit for a while.


I'll see it if I have a chance, though I don't have high hopes. Then again, Lovecraft isn't exactly the easiest author to adapt.

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No, he's not, but he's probably not the hardest. A talented director could easily do it, and even Stuart Gordon and Brian Yuzan have done at least ENTERTAINING adaptations of his work (and made their entire careers off of it).


Just go rent Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness. It's the closest thing to a real Lovecraft movie you'll ever get (including a TON of nods to HP's work, most especially naming the innkeeper Mrs. Pickman, a reference to the Lovecraft story The Pickman's Model).

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The next good Lovecraft movie I see will be the first.


Just you keep an eye out for my eventual The Colour Out of Space adaptation.

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