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Patty O'Green

Feedback 4 the 7/31 HD

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Huge segment to start off with! It'll be cool to see the interactions between those four guys. I think there should be cool and unique developments over the course of weeks as the various stables mix up with each other. I forgot Nada Surf even existed until I read that skit, I think they got a new album out.


Catchin up on old times with Josie and Leon, all she needs now is to shoot the shit with Faqu and Blonde and the reunions are complete. Very cute skit, with Josie showin the past is past, and being probably the only one in the fed to be unreceptive to Leon's friendly ovatures. Everyone chills with Leon!


All of CCB (or Dr.Zoidberg's if you ain't got memory issues like I do) characters are great. Some of these IRA guys are like human grenades I thought they might pull a glock out and start shootin'. Interesting little interplay between hotheaded Junior and more calm relaxed senior. And we got a new title later in the show!


Intrigue and development from Sly and Cooper. Wonder how long Coop is gonna tolerate being treated with kid gloves. Fun fact, that's first time I ever used the term “kid gloves” it will also be last.


I fucks with this Reject/Maggie/Leon love triangle. I fucks wit it! We got some strong displays of character from The R-Man, and even though he doesn't talk that much, ThunderKid's showing some personality to. Good, high energy match between these two familiar opponents. Wonder what Josie's gonna do about that ending though? Triple threat? Rematch?


Top segment by Alf and Tony with the 'Prise and the DA, with Teddy displaying his classic two-faced behavior at the end. That's the power of team work, friends. Respect it.


P.Diddy would fuck coach up for his bitchassdness, that man got no swag! Hanging off the next man's nuts? He's exposin his hoish tendencies. Lookin forward to seein just what goes down when the match gets edited in.


Already told 149 what I thought about the AS rundown. Cute seg.


EXCELLENT promo by Reject followed by an equally excellent mainevent! Really awesome match, that 'ish was crack, b. Loved reading that. But how's this gonna affect Leon/Maggie? Will it repair the relationship or does it only go downhill from here? I guess Leon has other things to worry about with having to fight his neiece's mother in two weeks.

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Can it be? We actually got a show up on Thursday?




So, the In-Crowd is back, eh? No doubt things are going to get a lot more interesting in the OAOAST with this revelation. I'll be especially interested to see how Zack and Bo co-exist as stablemates.


This Colin Jr. fellow has got quite an attitude. Where will it get him in the OAOAST? Only time will tell. The rematch should be interesting.


Really good match with Krista and Wall. I'm interested to see how far Krista ends up going in this.


Interesting segment with Leon and Josie. Another intriguing angle to follow, where will the whole "Moneymaker backed Josie" thing lead?


Break in the feedback for a bit: I think the summertime is really where the OAOAST hits its stride...I know that's when I pump out the most stuff. From about January/February (Lethal Rumble excluded) or so to May, it's a strain on me mentally just to get one match, hell, one segment in per show, and I start wondering how much longer I can do this e-fed thing. Even at AngleMania the last couple years, it was just one thrown-together month-long angle just to get Alf on the show. And here now, I'll more often than not be churning out two or three matches per show over at least the next two months, with the stuff I have planned. It's weird.


Back to feedback!


Oh no, it looks like that big win has gotten to Cooper's head. If those papers are what I think they are, he could regret this.


Hey, my commercial stopped working! :angry:


Dayum, don't hurt him, Coach! Now you just got yourself into some deep doo-doo, or, a match with PRL later in the night?


Awesome Alix segment, as usual.


So it's gonna be the OAOAST Intercontinental title on the line. Sad what happened with those SJPW folks, but good to see this match taking place under the OAOAST banner.


The Event center was great. Definitely gave me flashbacks to the 80's/90's segments with Mean Gene.


And of course, a terrific main event. I have to give KC credit for the "R-Man" moniker, too...he used it in that first segment he wrote for this feud, and I thought it was catchy, so I stole it from him.


Another dandy this week, good work, everyone. But, will Coach bring the World title with him to the booth next week? End the suspense, Ed!!!


MOTN: Reject vs Leon


LOTN: As usual, Mr. Moneymaker made me think about this one.


"I respect my elders, Cole. I respect those elders who still strive to be a productive member of society, who don't whine and complain about medicare, and medicaid, and social security, and hand me this and hand me that because I'm wrinkled, and flabby, and I smell like Fabreeze and cod liver oil. Greatest generation my ass. If this what we owe them for winning world war II I would rather be goose stepping down the streets of Berlin!"


I liked "Jesus Christ in a taxi cab", too.

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Let me begin by echoing what Alf said completely. We really turn up the heat in the summer. I remember the one year AM (V?)didn't have a whole lot of excitement going in, and was kind of a flat show by our high standards, but when AS came around it rocked the house.


Now the feedback!


It took a couple of extra years, but Zack finally got to reform the In Crowd. Very well done opening segment. With the heels running amok now there's a babyface squadron to keep them in check.


Interesting twist to the Grey/Maguire rematch at Angleslam.


Cuban Wall vs. KID, MITB: You can always count on Patty to deliver the goods, and this was no exception. Teddy was superb on commentary, as everyone Patty has sit in during his matches are.


The Josie/Leon segment brought the intrigue. Are Teddy/Josie in cahoots? Is he using her? Is she using him?


It appears Cooper Riley may have bitten off more than he can chew. He's likey in for an ass-kickin'.


Brock is back at AS!


BHB vs. D*LUX: Nonstop action from beginning to end, with a hot post-match angle followed by the Enterprise and Deadly Alliance getting into it. I blame the summer heat for everybody being on edge.


Funny how MARV and MEL started their careers as a couple of fan boys, then became skateboarders and now are stoners.


Coach vs. PR?! Seems like da Coach has a death wish.


Alix is awesome. That’s all that needs to be said in regards to her segment with Josie and Jade.


Reject vs. Leon, MITB: When the fan jumped into the ring I thought it was a plant at first, but I guess it wasn’t. Anyway, helluva match here, with both guys using everything but the kitchen sink to try and score the W. Maggie was also a treat on commentary.


MOTN: Reject vs. Leon Rodez


QOTS: "I'm not terribly comfortable with someone such as Cuban Wall being on the TSM board. I think after he crushes Krista's bones into dust I'll assassinate him. Don't give me that look, Cole, I'm not going to shoot him, just going to have him stabbed a few times." -- Theodore Moneymaker

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