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Patty O'Green

Booking 4 the 9/6 HD~!

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This is the show that's from Houston! And it mos def ain't seeing TSM until saturday given that its after a PPV. So ya'll cats have all kinds of time to operate no worries here.


Hey why the shit don't we hold this doggy fizzile televizzle in MinuteMaid Park home of the Astros. If there's a game there on that day...fuck em those dudes ain't shit! I guess it could be worse they could be the Pirates or the Nationals. The Astros had a pitcher choke out the GM, that's hardcore shit, that's the type of thing you'd see on HD after Los Diablos corners Biff in a boiler room and drops a deuce on him

Edited by Patty O'Green

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I think it might be a good idea to skip HD this week, due to the PPV situation. Tommorrow will have been a week since the last show, anyway.

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Cheese and rice! Its really only two matches that aren't done, and maaaaaaaan I'd really really really hate to cancel the show and maybe fuck up some ppl's plans just because of two matches. But, I leave it to my adoring public to decide. What say you, adoring public, do I look better with longer hair or wavy short hair, and do we cancel this week's show?

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Well, how long is it gonna take for the Paper View to be up? If it's gonna be on, like, Thursday or something, then no...I say cancel the show.


Whats the ETA on the paper view, by the by?

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Well, I don't really want to skip a show, but I'm pretty limited in what I can do until Ed posts his match. I'll see what I can do.

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Alf read my mind. I was going to suggest we postpone this week's show for the very reasons he did. Unlike some of you, I can't just turn it on after checking out mentally for the week (in terms of writing obviously). The PPV took longer than expected to be posted and I pretty much lost interest in doing anything this week because of it. But if the show must go on, then I say give us to Sunday night.

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Alright, I guess we'll do sunday night. That seems fair. Sunday night from Minute Maid Park you worthless hoomed out bitches. Damn, it why do I keep doing that. You know I gots love for ya'll ugly ass trick ass marks. I did it again!


yo, if you got a problem with sunday being too late, then speak up now, but otherwise...

Edited by Patty O'Green

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6-Man Tag Titles

Cucaracha Internacional vs. Jamie O'Hara and The Christ Air Express



This might have to be posted on Monday since I'm not sure I'll be around on Sunday to do so. So leave me a space somewhere.

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Enterprise shareholders meeting, a fancy way of saying victory celebration but I notice we got a couple other parties going on so I'm trying to be different. Hope to have this done tonight, but tomorrow afternoon at the latest. It could be good, it could be bad, or somewhere in between. We'll see. :lol:

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