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Patty O'Green

Angleslam Feedback

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I can hold out no longer, I must give the people their feedback!!


Riverwalk Battle Royal: When I did watch wrestling I used to hate battle royals to all hell. But for some reason I like em better here in the OAO. Maybe its because its more exciting to read “person tries to lift other person over the ropes” than watch it very slowly in real life. This was a smart choice for an opener, and I liked the use of so many big dudes. That had to be a super reinforced ring. Where might Brock go from here? My OAOAST history must be messed up, I thought Brock was once a member of the DA. He was in some stable though, I know that.


Women's Title: Too cute skit with Jade and Alix! And that's the second time Alix has brought a live horse on television. Anyway, that was a really funny skit, and I can check off braveheart on my list of things to have parodied in the OAOAST. I love the Little Miss California nickname, also way too cute. Great show of heart and courage from Jade in the match, fighting on after her coach got the boot. Although, I don't know how much insight Alix provides, its nice to have a distraction. Very well written match, that told a really great story. The whole angle had the ultimate happy ending. A nominee for feel good moment of the year if I remember to include that award, which I won't, so remind me.


All that stuff with Vinny, Tony, Biff, and the gang were pretty funny. Tony fretting about Jumbo's baloney tits was worthy of a serious LAWLing. I've always imagined the 85% of the roster not appearing on the show are either playing video games, getting hammered, or trying to score drugs. Alf has confirmed it for me!


Baron Vs Mister Dick: LOL at the continued trials of the Rooster. LOL indeed. Mister Dick's been of my favorite heels over the last few months, who's gully enough to jizz on the next man? He's a really well developed character. I mean personality wise not penis wise. Good, quick, high speed violence in this bout. Baron picking up Jock and botching his chances for a victory (at the moment) really showed how intense this feud has gotten. HAHAHAH, tell me how my ass taste, you a fool for that one snaq o'meal.


TLC: A shocker! I thought for sure Alf was gonna let Team Heyross was gonna go the way of GPX, but they're back and they've got gold and I bet tony's happy with that! This one was a breeze to read, quick, fun action a lot like the match before it. The difference being the spots were agile here as opposed to brutal and violent in Baron Vs Dick. I mean, they were violent, but it was a different type so to speak. Anyway, very cool spots here from start to finish, probably too many to list. Alf really had em going all out in this one. You have to wonder, though, is Reject's focus gonna be on Leon or on getting his tag title bag, and if its the former where does that leave ThunderKid.


IC title match: Not only has Zoidberg's done a good job with the IC title, he turns in things like crazy ahead of time. One time homie sent me for a skit for a show that wasn't happening for two weeks. That's some dope ass responsibility and dedication by my man. He put in real solid work here. You could really feel the hatred between CMJ and JM right from the moment the match started. Just the type of moves they used showed how much they despised each other. The finish was awesome, and the feud can only get hotter from here.


What could the DA have in store for us???? I think I might know, that makes me a god damn genius in my eyes.


hey, no devil's playground match!


Will Brannigan accept the bribe? Making Moneymaker his cousin was a very smart move by Tony, but the smartest was making him the 2nd largest investor of TSM, half the shit we do with Moneymaker couldn't be done if he wasn't an investor. Has anyone realized, though, that he's only an heir to the throne? He has no real money of his own, besides a trust fund, so if his parents say fuck you, son, and write him out the will he's well fucked!


My match! Thanks to everyone who wrote something for the MITB tournament. Tournaments are fun! This one produced some pretty good matches and some first time contests, which was one of KC and I's goals. I think. Maybe it was. Ya know, it was awhile when we came up with the idea so back off!


Enterprise Vs Usual Suspects: Somehow, someway, the handicap match got done. Much respect and much love to KC for stepping up and doing work to get it done. A ppv where the double mainevents are no shows ain't what's hot in the streets. I'm not sure e-fedding is what hot in the streets period actually, but you kinda see what I'm saying.


and some of the graphics are broken. how nice. I will fix them! Great work, my darling butterflies. I will not pee on you while you sleep. That is your reward for a job well done.

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Nice segment with Jade and Alix, and then a nice little women's match to follow. Jade finally took down Malaysia! Definitely a great moment, as Patty said. But what happens from here?


Good promo by Mr. Dick which leads into his match with Baron, which was a terrific, brutal brawl. Good to see Baron get the last laugh in this war, but I don't think we've seen the last of Mr. Dick.


Very good, hot I-C title match. I don't think we've seen the last of this one, either.


Tony leaves us with a nice cliffhanger.


Thrilling MITB final. My predicted payoff didn't come through, but nice to see Krista win, and the fallout from the whole Enterprise bounty angle should be good.


Excellent handicap match, and some good stuff at the end with Tony getting involved and Bo cleaning house. This one is far from over.


MOTN: Usual Suspects vs Enterprise


LOTN: “Get up, Little Maddy. Why do you care if I take a few inches off your pig nose? You're an oink and a curly tail away from the lead role in the next Babe movie. If this SWF thing doesn't work out, and I don't know why a direct to DVD wrestling promotion possibly wouldn't, you can always try the county fairs.” - Krista Isadora Duncan

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Let me just state that I am NEVER EVER EVER doing an Iron Man Match EVER AGAIN! MY GOODNESS did that take longer than expected! BAH~!!! I hope all of y'all end up reading the whole thing anyway so that all of my writing was worth it. And feedback it too. That would be sweet!


I shall get to reading OAOAST AngleSlam 2008 after I rest, because BOY am I EXHAUSTED after writing this one! Oy! I need a drink!

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Riverwalk Invitational Battle Royal: Like Patty said, great choice for an opener. Cool ending, and Faqu was perfect in the Diesel role. Has MISTER Warrior ever won a battle royal he’s participated in? If not, maybe that could be the payoff to the running gag at some point. He actually wins.


:lol: at Josh kicking Reject in the balls. Reject’s been on fire in recent months. The part about the specs thread got a chuckle out of me.


Women’s Title, Jade vs. Malaysia: Damn, J-Math is one fast dude and cool motherfucker given what took place moments ago! Anyway, priceless pre-match promo, and I second the love for the Little Miss California nickname. The match itself was tremendous.


Patty has the reputation of being our comedy writer, but Alf’s been doing a hell of a job lately with Vinny and the BB. It’s so politically incorrect it’s awesome.


TLC Tag Title Match: Team Heyross is back! And what a kick-ass match this was. Loved the comment about Shayne being 86 feet in the air. Hyperbole at its finest. It’s funny though. I was disappointed when Team Heyross lost the titles, now I’m a little disappointed Reject/TK aren’t the champs anymore. It’s a testament to the job Alf’s done making people care about the title. A fact made even more amazing when you consider he’s juggling so many different characters at once. I, sir, salute you.


IC Title, Colin Maguire Jr. vs. Jerme Grey: Dr. Zoidberg (great user name, btw) has done a heck of a job with this feud, and turned in a fine match.


Devil’s Playground: Uh-oh. Hopefully PFL hasn’t gone AWOL again. As I've said before, he's one of our best match writers.


MITB Finals, K.I.D. vs. Landon Maddix: :lol: at trying to explain Terry’s super speed. Our excuse is simple, the previous interview was pre-taped. Sorta like how the Texas Tornado has yellow trunks on during his pre-match interview with Mean Gene at Summerslam 1990 but then magically appears seconds later in white trunks.


Anyway, great shit as usual. You gotta love Krista’s in match banter, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Lithuanian announce table before. Sweet!


OAOAST Championship, Iron Man: Anybody who dares write an Iron Man match deserves our admiration. It’s probably the one match I’d refuse to write. No way could I do that without going insane!


It’ll take a few days to read the entire thing, but a few things struck out at me. One, the number of total falls, including an insane amount in the final 6 minutes or so in the match. I found that to be an interesting twist on the usual 2-1 or 4-3 format often used. And two, the “surprise” ending, assuming the reader stuck around to the very end because had I not known something was going down I would have thought the show was pretty much over with Cole and Jesse going on and on. It also was an interesting twist to the whole heel-tries-to-screw-baby face-after brutal-match. Damn was that a convincing finish, and maybe would’ve been a more exciting way to close the show, but I take it this means Alf and PR will feud now. Big thumbs up there because we went through a stretch where anything involving the World title was absent from our shows.


Overall, AS was a rousing success. Even though the show wasn’t posted until September, it capped off a tremendous month of August for the OAOAST.


MOTN: Jade vs. Malaysia


QOTS: “Aye matey! Shiver me timbers and all that! See, now I get why those Scottish people in pirate movies say that. Because wearing no underwear is really making my timbers shiver something rotten right about now!” -- Alix Maria Spezia

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At 27,319 words, it is longer than the Iron Man I wrote in the SWF (did it in a week, naitch) but yours did have two extra tiny matches built into the back end. Only totally about 772 words though, so that's still a crazy 26,537 or so. Right around what mine was.


Edit: A quick check puts mine at 26,692. When I first heard someone over here was doing the match, I was hoping it wouldn't be a cop-out, and it wasn't.

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I never checked how many words it was, but I do know that writing it on Microsoft Word it was 131 pages long, so it was definitely much longer than my usual length (I usually end up somewhere between 50-85 pages).


Yeah, I said it was going to be an Iron Man Match, and DAMNIT, I was going to do one! I watched The Rock/HHH Iron Man Match for the WWF Championship with Special Guest Referee Shawn Michaels from WWF Judgment Day 2000 to get an idea on how to time it. And the ending was my little "homage" to the Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart Iron Man Match for the WWF Championship from WWF WrestleMania XII.


And the reason that it was late in the first place was because I had my cousins and my aunt and uncle from New York come to visit me the week of AngleSlam. I started writing the match like August 16th, and did little by little in the days afterwards, but then my family came when I was only about half-way done with it (I had only done about 20 minutes of it so far when they came), and I had no time. I thought about maybe doing like 5 minutes a day while they were here, but then I went to Walt Disney World, and well, I sorta stopped thinking about the match. lol :)


But the important thing is that the match is finally done. PRL wasn't the only one exhausted, I was too! Good God! I am NEVER doing an Iron Man Match EVER AGAIN! Oy.

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