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Obi Chris Kenobi

Dead Space

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Dead Space
Formats: PC, PS3, 360
Release Date: Halloween 2008
Website: http://deadspace.ea.com/AgeGate.aspx?retur...mp;locale=en-GB
Wiki Page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Space_(video_game)

To be fair when I saw the first trailer over a year ago, I wasn't that impressed, I cast it off as just 'another' EA game. All shine with nothing special. However, after seeing the latest Preview trailer (above) I'm pretty excited, it looks like a decent game and I'm surprised that EA have went ahead and commissioned it (though it looks like EA have had some influence with the 'pointless' asteroid shooting section).

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Got this game on Thursday, and I have to say its pretty immense. The over all feel and atmosphere the game creates is great - amazing! Akin to Resident Evil the very first time you played it on the PS1. Lighting, sounds, lack of music and then sudden musical outbursts during 'scuttle' moments (similar to Aliens) all work well. Its not a scary game, but its gripping and enthralling.


Sadly, the amount of 'bigger' more hyped games out there means people might not pick this one up until later on. That's not a bad thing, as long as you DO pick it up later on. Single player only, so expect to see some traded in over the next few weeks.

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I've been hearing mostly good on this. This is in my huge backlog right now. I picked it up on the Toys R Us sale, but I still have to get down and switch it. I wanted it on my 360, but they were sold out so I have the PS3 one sitting here to exchange once they get the 360 one back in.

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I picked this game up earlier this afternoon. Fun story about how I got the game for $22 following the next section. I've played about two hours of it so far, and I am VERY impressed with what I've seen. I have a TV with a native 1080p resolution, and for some reason, my PS3 will only display in 720p, but that's entirely beside the point. The graphics, specifically the lighting and textures are truly impressive, and the sound is very well done. Everything seems to come together just right to make this almost what I would expect a video game version of Event Horizon to play and look like. From what I've seen so far, I highly recommend this.


Now, onto getting the game for $22. I was in a Target yesterday afternoon and saw that they had the collector's editions of GTA 4 on clearance for $22. I'm not a fan of the GTA series, but decided I would pick it up since it was clearanced for next to nothing. So, I got home last night, and I was going through the large box that the game came in, and figured why pay another $60+ to pick up Dead Space? I now had a factory-sealed copy of GTA 4, so why not return it to Wal-Mart which accepts nearly anything in a return? At first they didn't want to accept the return, but once I told them I just wanted store credit, if that was OK. So, in closing, I kept the badass extra stuff that came with the GTA set, and returned my sealed GTA 4 for full Wal-Mart value and got Dead Space in return. Not the most honest thing in the world, but it worked out.

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