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WWE SmackDown - October 17, 2008

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* The entire upper level is of the arena is tarped off.


* A WrestleMania XXIV video package is shown.


* A video promoting SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 is shown.


Dark Match:

* Ricky Ortiz b. Gavin Spears in a squash match. The crowd could have cared less.


* Following ECW, The Miz emerged from underneath the ring with his mouth gagged and his hands tied. Cryme Tyme worked the crowd at ringside.


SmackDown: (Airing This Friday 10/17)

* Big Show opens SmackDown accompanied by Chavo Guerrero. He talks about the Undertaker's chin and says that Undertaker has lost his mind for interfering with his match against Triple H.


Big Show then proceeds to announce the stipulations that fans will be able to vote for in his match against Triple H at Cyber Sunday. They are:


* Last Man Standing Match

* I Quit Match

* A Knockout Match


Big Show then demonstrates each type of match with a jobber. He dominates them all effortlessly.


* Carlito & Primo Colon b. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins

- Primo Colon got the win via pinfall following a drop kick off the top rope.


* MVP comes out and cuts a promo and talks about the longest United States Title Reign. He then talks about how he's going to do what Shelton Benjamin can't and beat R-Truth.


* R-Truth b. MVP

- R-Truth entered through the crowd. He got the win with the spinning axe kick.


* Big Show & The Great Khali are in the ring for a promo. Vickie comes out and says she wants Khali to take out Undertaker. Khali doesn't want to be a pawn. Khali and Big Show stare each other down to end the segment.


* Brian Kendrick comes out the the ring. He says due to doctor's orders he can't wrestle against Super Crazy tonight. He says that Ezekiel will wrestle in his place.


* Ezekiel Jackson b. Super Crazy in a squash match.


* Triple H comes out and talks about his upcoming match at Cyber Sunday against either Jeff Hardy, Vladimir Kozlov, or both.


* Undertaker vs. The Great Khali

- The match ends in disqualification when Big Show comes out and choke slams Undertaker. Big Show grabs a chair and wants The Great Khali to hit the Undertaker. Khali chops the chair out of Big Show's hands and leaves the ring


* Maria b. Victoria, Natalya, Maryse, Brie Bella in a "Las Vegas Poll Match"

- Maria got the win in a quick match. She will now get a title shot against Michelle McCool.


* Jesse & Festus b. Kenny Dykstra & Brian Kendrick

- Festus gets the win via pinfall on Kenny.


* Vladamir Kozlov b. Jeff Hardy

- Vladamir Kozlov corners Jeff Hardy and hits a big running power slam. Kozlov then locks an arm bar on the mat. Jeff finally gets up and hits two whisper in the winds. He goes to the top and jumps off. He misses. Kozlov regains control and wins with a headbutt.


After the match Triple H gets in the ring and taunts Kozlov with the belt. Kozlov leaves and Triple H helps Hardy. Triple H then raises Hardy's hand, kicks him, and hits a pedigree to send SmackDown off the air.



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You know, if they seriously want to bother pushing Kozlov he needs a finisher better than a friggin headbutt. What is this, 1978? I think we all know where this is headed for the PPV: Jeff wins the vote anyway, Kozlov gets pissed and runs in and attacks both HHH and Hardy. Let's just skip the next couple of months and get to the part where Vlad eats a Pedigree and gets jobbed out.


As far as MVP goes, he desperately needs a trade to Raw.


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Not even MVP/Killings?


I like both, but, seriously- MVP is absolutely above jobbing to the "new" guy role.



Incentives, Mellow, incentives.


No. There's a fish fry goin' on just three blocks away from my house on Friday night... with dollar beers... fuck SmackDown!

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I guess this is another step in Khali turning face but he's playing heel in the Jackass feud.


and Kendrick is seemingly being put in the JTTS role while Zeke gets a semi push squashing lower midcarders

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Not even MVP/Killings?


I like both, but, seriously- MVP is absolutely above jobbing to the "new" guy role.



Incentives, Mellow, incentives.


No. There's a fish fry goin' on just three blocks away from my house on Friday night... with dollar beers... fuck SmackDown!


Fish fry?


Do you live in Florida, Mellow?

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Not even MVP/Killings?


I like both, but, seriously- MVP is absolutely above jobbing to the "new" guy role.



Incentives, Mellow, incentives.


No. There's a fish fry goin' on just three blocks away from my house on Friday night... with dollar beers... fuck SmackDown!


Fish fry?


Do you live in Florida, Mellow?


Seasonal Residences.

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Wow. 3 separate specialty match wins for Big Show. That'll be big Fantasy points.


Haha. Just what i was thinking :)

You all suck.


But then, i'm happy with people who took Zeik but not TBK, like I did. Easy points this week! Even Victoria got me speciality points, and the tag-champs came through again for me.

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This sounds like an okay show. Ezekiel finally gets a match, the Taker/TBS match choices sound intriguing, and I like Kozlov so any match involving him beating Rainbow Skittles Guy makes me happy. I'll watch. Because I always do.


(Trying to stay positive so I won't think about this damn R-Truth push.. I guess black guys always do have to feud with black guys, huh?...)


(And where's Youmanga?...)

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Smackdown spoilers from Las Vegas

By Paul Kobylarz


Show starts with Big Show and Chavo coming to the ring. Big Show gives out stips for Cyber Sunday, and voting for BS/UT will be exclusively on wwe.com (awwwww... text messages failing?). Stips are Last Man Standing, I Quit, or a Knockout Match. Then Big Show gives a demonstration of each match with enhancement talent, first a KO Match (punches guy out, ref calls it), then the I Quit Match (put guy in cobra clutch, got the "I Quit" over the mic, then did the twirling toss), then a Last Man Standing Match with Chavo setting up a table in the ring and Show putting the last guy through it for the 10 count.


WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Carlito/Primo b Edgeheads. Primo with a top rope dropkick to the Edgehead that wears the short trunks for the pin.


MVP in the back bringing up his incentive clause where he needs one more win to hit it. MVP v. R-Truth is NEXT!


R-Truth b MVP


Vicki in the back with Show. KUNG FU NAKI comes into the office in full blown Karate Kid regalia, Show and Vicki tell him to get lost. Maryse... ooo ooo... ooo oui... then comes in and complains about the FUZZY DICE ON A POLE MATCH the Divas are having later in the show for a Divas Championship shot because she beat Michelle McCool on ECW last week, or whenever it was, and she's right. Vicki says she loves her, but too bad. Then Khali comes in with Runjin. Vicki tells Khali that he has a match with Undertaker tonight. Khali ain't happy. Show gets in Khali's face to do what he's told. Kizarny vid from last week then aired for some reason.


THE Big Zeke b Super Crazy. THE Brian Kendrick gets on the mic and says he's got an infection and his throat's bothering him (stupid Vegas dry air and wind), so Big Zeke's gonna get his chance to shine. Quick squash. Zeke's finisher is hooking in for the Rock Bottom, lifting for the Rock Bottom, but then dropping the opponent, while staying standing.


UT b. Khali by DQ. Show run-in. Show chokeslams UT. Then he goes outsides, gets a chair, and yells at Khali to use it on UT. Khali yells in Show's face, slaps the chair out of his hands, then leaves. Show enters ring and leans on ropes by tron to yell at Khali in the aisle, UT situp, UT grabs chair, nails Show hard in the back knocking him out of the ring.


They announce HHH v. Undertaker for next week.


FUZZY DICE ON A POLE MATCH for a Divas Championship title shot. Maryse, Maria, Victoria, Natalya, and Brie are involved. Typical pole match stuff. Maryse had control and was climbing for the dice, but got yanked off by Maria who won the match and the Divas Championship title shot. I was too busy staring at Maryse the whole match to notice much else happening. A man's got priorities sometimes. Sorry.


New Kizarny vizidieo around here or after next match.


Jesse and Festus b Kenny Dykstra and Ryan Braddock. Festus pinned Dykstra after the one-man flapjack.


Maria in the back walking with her pink fuzzy dice runs into Michelle and Michelle drops the diss saying she's happy for Maria because she's always so cute and cheery while Michelle has always been a competitor who played with the tomboys, was into sports, and was lovin' life. Michelle hoped she didn't take it the wrong way then left. Jesse then shows up with Festus. Tells Maria that Festus has a gift. Festus gives Maria a single white flower (awwww...), Maria thanks him, then Jesse and Festus run off to catch the non-existant Wayne Newton show that's currently running in town.


HHH comes out and is doing commentary.


Kozlov squashes Jeff Hardy. Kozlov worked Hardy over, doing one spot where he caught Hardy coming off the ropes or top with a cross body block, boosted him onto his shoulders, dropped him on the top turnbuckle then headbutted him in the back three times for good measure. Kozlov then with some mat work on Jeff. Eventually Jeff breaks free of all this and hits one Whisper in the Wind, then a second Whisper in the Wind, then goes to do something off the ropes and gets blasted with the HEADBUTT~! for the three.


Charles Robinson rolls Jeff into the corner while HHH gets into the ring and him and Kozlov have the staredown. Kozlov leaves after a good minute and heads up the ramp while HHH helps Jeff up to his feet, then Pedigrees him. Show ends here.


UT/Big Show post-show dark match, no idea how it ended.


Ricky Ortiz b Gavin Spears in the pre-show dark match.



-They announce HHH v. Undertaker for next week

-voting for BS/UT will be exclusively on wwe.com

-KUNG FU NAKI comes into the office in full blown Karate Kid regalia

-Jesse and Festus b Kenny Dykstra and Ryan Braddock

-Kozlov squashes Jeff Hardy

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Were those emergency tights that they gave Zeke?


I'm also wondering what, if anything, these Helms pop-ups will lead to. The announcers don't really mention anything about them...

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