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Patty O'Green

Feedback the 1/17 show

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Hey. I didn't forget about my AC match, I've just been really busy the last week or so after moving into a new apartment. I'll try to have the match in tonight or tommorrow.

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Really enjoyable show last week. If HD was real there might be a lot of complaints over the lack of actual matches, but the out of the ring stuff was strong.


MD vs. BW: Helluva opener.


Great Leon Rodez promo.


Who’s Nerdly Is It Anyway had me LMAO.


Zack once again shows why he’s arguably our best promo writer.


It’s a damn good thing the Zero Hour DVD is shot in Technicolor. It’s good to see OAOAST Home Entertainment hasn’t tried to sway its customers into upgrading to Blu-Ray by releasing the DVD version in black and white instead!


The Name interrupts LP’s time in the spotlight and we have ourselves an AM match, if Name can make it that is.


JR vs. DJ Giant Jesus: Riggs isn’t the only one yet to figure out the Giant. But who wouldn’t love a dancing big name with such a wild name?


Give Enterprise VICE a bunch of Emmys. The greatness of POG never ceases to amaze me.


:lol: at the Melody/Jade spat at McDonalds. Really well done.




When I think of Mexican food, all I picture is that Taco Bell where Abdullah found a rat in his beef burrito in fifth grade.
-- Inspector Nerdly

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Why was Who's Nerdly Is It Anyway not a Whose Line Is It Anyway rip-off!?


I quit! Un-fucking-acceptable!



Also, before I go, thanks this many months later to Patty for giving me a reason to use the Space Invaders Photoshop shape thing I downloaded months ago. The amount of crap I downloaded for no reason other than it was free. Future suggestion, I've got two packs of shapes that are positions from the Kamasutra.


Hopefully I'll get around to proper feedback later since I'm long overdue.

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