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Guest thebigjig

Angle vs. Cena

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Guest thebigjig

From the Observer


SmackDown #1 - Kurt Angle def. John Cena.

- Probably the best debut match anyone in the WWF has ever had, and that was with Cena uses very basic maneuvers Kurt's making him look like a million bucks. Angle went for the anklelock twice, and Cena escaped both times to huge pops. Cena gets maybe 10 2-counts, some of the "three in a row variety." Crowd is going nuts, sensing an upset, chanting the counts after

every big Cena move, which again were nothing spectacular. Angle finally wins with a move I've never seen him use. He started in like he was going for the Angle slam, but then grabbed Cena's arm for a spinning, very realistic looking backslide. Post match, Cena tries to get Kurt to shake his

hand. Kurt scoffs at him and leaves. As Angle walks back up, Cena gives the crowd several "this close" hand signals. Angle gets mad, walks back down, and Cena's ready to go again. Angle thinks better of it and leaves to more thunderous boos.


Cena gets massive applause from the fans once Angle leaves. An absolute brilliant job by Angle and the WWE with Cena here -- he went from absolute nobody to superstar in about 8 minutes. THAT'S HOW YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO IT!

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Guest Incandenza

John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton...


What's the deal with everyone using their real names lately?

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Guest Downhome

Thank you, you mentally absent Smark, you just officially spoiled something for me, way to go. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Guest Downhome

Well, since this has been spoiled now and was one of the main things from the preview I was looking forward to, let me ask you...


...who is John Cena?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Prototype from OVW. Did they actually call him John Cena on air?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I still want to see the match. Sounds like they actually did something right for a change, and Im even more surprised that the crowd was into it as they were..

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Guest thebigjig
Thank you, you mentally absent Smark, you just officially spoiled something for me, way to go. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:









Yeah, I'm pretty sure the words "description" on "smackdown" should've been your clue that it would contain a SPOILER


Geez, this isn't rocket science!

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Guest jimmy no nose

That's why Angle is the best wrestler in the company. He knew exactly how to build up Cena in the match.

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Guest thebigjig
Yay. Angle got his ass kicked by a rookie.

Oh come on... be happy. The greatest wresler of all time, a guy by the name of Ric Flair made a career out of bumping around and making other guys look good. It's an admirable trait

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Guest RickyChosyu

Could they actually be creating new stars?


I hate to be the one to say it, but remember when everyone thought that Jericho's debut was the best ever? Think about it.

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Guest Brian

From the other descriptions I've read, it sounded like Cena brought a much stronger moveset than any other wrestler that Angle's faced coupled with Angle's bumping.

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Guest BoboBrazil

They should have kept him as Prototype and kept Deacon Bastista as Leviathan. Those names sound much cooler and are much easier to chant during a match. WWE made a stupid mistake changing them.

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Guest Downhome
I still want to see the match. Sounds like they actually did something right for a change, and Im even more surprised that the crowd was into it as they were..

Ok, let's not begin prasing WWE for "doing something right" untill we actually see how it plays out on TV. Knowing them, they will edit it down just for sh*ts and giggles.

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Guest Downhome
Thank you, you mentally absent Smark, you just officially spoiled something for me, way to go.  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:









Yeah, I'm pretty sure the words "description" on "smackdown" should've been your clue that it would contain a SPOILER


Geez, this isn't rocket science!

Before you go trying to even THINK about rocket science, perhaps you should first understand the basics. In this case, what I meant by what you quoted me in saying...


...I didn't even know who Angle was wrestling, so THAT was the spoiler, in the topic. All that I've been told up to now is that it was a "mystery debut" and the such. After I knew who Angle was facing, I knew by default that he wold win therefore I read the topic. Think, think before you post. Come on man...


...this isn't rocet science!

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Guest LJSexay

Prototype is such a fucking awesome name ...


... that's why WEE changed it. And I've met the guy, he .... rules sooo much.

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Guest Downhome
Prototype is such a fucking awesome name ...


... that's why WEE changed it. And I've met the guy, he .... rules sooo much.

Is he a huge musscle beast like Lesnar and Waterman, or is he more along the lines of Orton? From the name Prototype, it sounds like he'll be this huge, *ahem*, hoss.

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Guest LJSexay

He's much more like Randy Orton. I dig his hair too, I hope he didn't go wwe and have himself all ... bulked and de-talentized. :(

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Guest Downhome
He's much more like Randy Orton. I dig his hair too, I hope he didn't go wwe and have himself all ... bulked and de-talentized. :(

Damnit, just watch him go and become the next HHH. Guys, after you saying that, I bet that his being made to look better than Angle in that match is just the begining of ProtoHelmsly!!! He's already abusing his power!

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Guest BigTim2002

Yeah, see Kurt wanted to make someone look good.


Ric Flair...lost the NWA title...to Ron Garvin.


Which is worse? You be the judge.


Well, Prototype was one of the guys kicking ass down there. Glad he got brought up. Sounds like on helluva match.

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Guest Ripper

If you think back about a 2 years or so ago, they did this little documentary type thing about this indy wrestling fed on E! I belieive it was. Prototype was the champ on there. They showed when whats his face from the WWF(the guy that interviewed the TE guys for the final interview) came to one of thier shows to scout them and they offered Prototype, some goth chick, and this tag team( it might have been the Haas's...I can't remember) the developmental contracts. 2 years later, he is finally on television.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20






















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Guest Anglesault

If we have an Angle/Typrewriter feud, this board will feel the full wrath of Anglesault

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Guest Anglesault
Yay. Angle got his ass kicked by a rookie.

Oh come on... be happy. The greatest wresler of all time, a guy by the name of Ric Flair made a career out of bumping around and making other guys look good. It's an admirable trait

There is a difference. Ric Flair could have gone out there, lost to me in 8 seconds, and would STILL be massively over and a main event contender, for the soul reason that he IS Ric Flair. Angle can't be made to look like the bitch of midcarders, jobbers, and rokkies and still be considered a threat.

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Guest y2jailbait

If it means anything to you, im scared shitless of Kurt Angle and see him as threat to The Undertaker even with his arms tied behind his back!

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Guest Sandman9000

If I remember correctly, wasn't Prototype also on that abortion of a TV show Manhunt?

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