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So... what happened?

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You are losing traffic.

Traffic the last 3 days has been higher than any non-PPV or Raw period in the last year.


People like to watch trainwrecks, I guess.


One simple message from Mike to the old "regime" to the effect of "Hey, I'm turning things over to someone else in a week. Thanks for everything" could have prevented a lot of this, you know. There still would have been some bitching, but it would have been a hell of a lot more peaceful transition.


Plus, allowing CWM or someone to make one post informing people that are interested that they can join the new board would have prevented this PM business. Mike wasn't courteous to them, so why the hell should they be the same to him?

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You are losing traffic.

Traffic the last 3 days has been higher than any non-PPV or Raw period in the last year.


People like to watch trainwrecks, I guess.


One simple message from Mike to the old "regime" to the effect of "Hey, I'm turning things over to someone else in a week. Thanks for everything" could have prevented a lot of this, you know. There still would have been some bitching, but it would have been a hell of a lot more peaceful transition.

Concepts like planning ahead are beyond Mike.

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You are losing traffic.

Traffic the last 3 days has been higher than any non-PPV or Raw period in the last year.


People like to watch trainwrecks, I guess.


One simple message from Mike to the old "regime" to the effect of "Hey, I'm turning things over to someone else in a week. Thanks for everything" could have prevented a lot of this, you know. There still would have been some bitching, but it would have been a hell of a lot more peaceful transition.

Concepts like planning ahead are beyond Mike.


Most concepts are beyond Mike.


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Gah, I wish this link to this "secret board" would just be posted, as everyone is saying it's so much better...


I don't know exactly what is going on, nor have I been here for years like most of you.


Can someone just tell me what Mike did?

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How dare you fucking question who built a computer for the church's chosen few when he was ten? What were you all doing at ten? Probably finding ya'll peckers and pulling the skin over if you got the jew fix down there.

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Matt Young? I don't know if I should be happy or sad about that one. This one was easier than Stan Buttle too.


Seriously though, you guys were all cool with Mike before, which would of been the first sign something was wrong with him, so go back to being BUTT-buddies so I can get my MMA news and talk about Lost. I mean shit Hereos just got good again too, and you guys have to go and have some lame ass board drama? Fuck... do it over the summer when we're getting re-runs, and then only on weekdays, or, better idea... don't act like this place is worth anything more than the effort spent on a 5 minute post about how cool Randy Orton is, made by a 13 year old kid, or the time it takes a 30 year old to find out what fights are coming up while he drinks his coffee before he goes to work. Because it's not. This is a wrestling forum, for wrestling fans to talk about wrestling and other subjects. It's not fucking Jerusalem. Stop the crusades and kiss and make up.... or spend the next year spamming and criticizing eachother's forum, either way. Just keep the MMA folder the way it is. And don't delete the Lost thread, that motherfucker is like a mini lostapedia.

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Mike's been on hot coals with people for a while now. Example: the time he unbanned wildpegasus.


I see Byron is here. Do me a favor and ban me. I've had enough of this shit, and it will be a mercy killing. And change my name back to Gary Floyd please.

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I once got really mad at my mom, but I didn't move out. I started pissing in her coffee, but I didn't move out. Plus, her health improved and she seemed to find more foods appealing. So it all worked out.


I really do want love and peace for all of you despite everything though... except 909. I mean we can all agree he's about as useful as a vagina with teeth, right? But other than him I want you guys to be happy.

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Personally, I just think this whole episode has been the greatest April Fool's Joke ever.*


Though, technically, starting the gag a few days early and then letting everyone off the hook on April 1st is probably cheating, but whatever.




*Except for about a couple of hundred dozen other jokes I'm sure I could find if I were inclined to do the research.

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April Fools everyone! Tomorrow everything will be like it was a week ago...




Not really.


Wait....this Leena bullshit was legit?



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Yeah, I saw it, and I've since stopped fingering girls while they wear pants. Where do you think I got the idea for the analogy? That's not exactly a thought a man produces on his own. Not if he plans on masturbating that day.



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