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Patty O'Green

Feedback for the 7/11 HeldDOWN~!

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My Battlebowl match is in, along with a very brief backstage segment. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY NOW, PATTY.


Feedback tomorrow.

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Had I not just completed the Vulcan ritual of kul'unar and purged myself of all emotion, I would most likely express a feeling you humans refer to as "delight".

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Nice to see Queen Esther back in a speaking role, it’s been a while. Loved her bit with Morgan.


I like J-Max’s new look, even if I don’t know the man behind the mask! Fun little match w/Abdullah that showcased J-Max.


Leon got the best of Bo tonight.


Holy shit! A title change! Think Patty told me about it but since my OAOAST memory is bad I forgot!


Patty brings the awesome with Drag Krista to Hell. Vintage POG. And a new look for Molly I think.


Heck of a US title between DS and CMJ.


Heat/Biff vs. Reject/Dos: You should’ve kept the masks on Los Conquistadors Patty! :lol: But it’s all good., especially for Biff Atlas. He made it to Battlebowl!


MOTN: Denzel vs. CMJ


LOL Moment:



Lies, lies, lies! No wait you’re right, I am most likely cursed. I am cursed with a youngest daughter that would leave her mother dangling on an unsteady ladder as she wallpapers the den, so she could text 4498 to wallpapersnow and get a Taylor Swift wallpaper for the phone I never ever should’ve got her. That’s what I, Krista Isadora Duncan, am cursed with!

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Heat/Biff vs. Reject/Dos: You should’ve kept the masks on Los Conquistadors Patty! :lol: But it’s all good., especially for Biff Atlas. He made it to Battlebowl!


I don't even know what they're supposed to look like anymore, I just picture them as this guy...



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Ah, so you went ahead with the change already, huh? I thought they were still that sinister looking dude with all the tattoos.

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Nah, I ain't fully gone through with the change. I think we'll have to announce it that Teddy gave them some upgraded outfitts as payment for their curssing of Krista.


Now, I'm struggling to remember why I had a problem with just regular ass people in gold costumes.

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