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Feedback for 8/8

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Crappy feedback time!


Dissention in the DA? Gotta keep an eye on that. Also a short and sweet promo from DS to set up the US title match later in the show.


Apparently the LKOS have an updated version of their old theme or whatever. Patty is the music guy around here.


Queen Esther awesomeness following the LKOS lost.


CAE/J-Max vs. THR/Abdullah: Total non-stop action.


Leon speaks, people listen. What kind of feedback that is I don’t know!


Women’s match: Great shit. LOL @ the Tiny Terror of Edmonton. That’s pretty good.


Vintage Krista in her promo w/TT.


TK vs. DS: Didn’t expect a title change here. Fun match. Poor DS. He loses the title and gets hit w/the barbed wire bat.


Holly gone?! Maya taking her roster spot?! :o


Holy shit! Another match!


D*LUX vs. Los Conquistadors: The entertainment gene obviously runs in the Duncan family. Maya bringing the goods in her debut.


Krista vs. Malaysia: Witness to history! Match rocked.


MOTN: Krista vs. Malaysia (honorable mention TK/DS)


Quote of the Show: “Anyway, the point is the housekeeper lived. Just about. And Mom can be cruel sometimes. But she was just trying to teach you guys a lesson. What you've gotta do now is move on. Get on with your lives. The housekeeper now plays centre for a wheelchair basketball team. And you guys are going to go back to being a super cool tag team again!” -- Maya Duncan Blanchard


LOL Moment:






:o My virgin ears!

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The opening promo shocked me, I thought MD and Reject were boiz, specially cause Reject wanted MD in the stable and Alf didn't. Is this the start of a face turn for MD? You'd think I'd know, but I don't :(


Apparently the LKOS have an updated version of their old theme or whatever.

Word. I thought the lyrics fit better given their managers ultra-positive upbeat attitude. So its a mixing off both worlds.


Good blow off match, I was pulling for the LKOS, but alas Esther couldn't work her magic. It'll be interesting to see how danny and scott recover from this loss. They must face their trials with a brave heart. lolololololol get it guys?????


Really loved the six man tag match. I liked how the CAE and J-MAX had the upper hand because of The Rockers confusion early on. I knew Holly's contract was expiring but I was still surprised at how KC introduced it.


When Patty writes people read.


Wow a title change! I never would've thought ThunderKid would beat Denzel. Took a lot of help from the DA, but wow, a surprising win. My guess was that Denzel would hold the thing all the way AP and maybe AM. Shows what I know! The United States title wasn't always around, but I forgot if there were two titles that got merged into it or did it just appear one day.


lol at Maya, she makes a pretty good manager/cheerleader. Coach's comments about how she's better in one day than Jade's been in her entire career were funny. I think this good be a very fun storyline. Possibly short though, Maya has to go back to school soon!

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