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OVW TV Report for March 7, 2009

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After not paying the bills for a month or so, JBL has come to the rescue just in time for OVW to air their 500th episode. Every match tonight will be contested inside a steel cage.


- Show open...


- Dean Hill, Kenny Bolin and Timmy Baltimore are your hosts.


- Tonight... all matches are in a cage... the Southern Tag Team Titles are on the line with Ironman Rob Conway as the special ref.... Theta Lambda Psi vs. The Bolshev-hicks... APOC vs. Vaughan Lilas... the TV Title is on the line...


- Cage Match Battle Royal

- Pinfalls or submissions equal elimination. The winner gets a TV Title shot. Entrants are Top Shelf Talent (Maverick and Buck), Dre Blitz, Tony Mann, Hog Wild, Los Rojos Dos, Fang, Shiloh, Chris Alexander (a true OVW Original; he wrestled on the first show), Eugene, and Brewski. Chaos ensues and it is nearly impossible to tell what is going on. TST is double teaming Tony Mann. Dre Blitz and Chris Alexander are squaring off. Shiloh tries to ram Eugene into the cage, but Eugene blocks it and Shiloh goes into the cage.


- Commercial Break


- Back in and Fang is covering Alexander, but he is able to kick out. Everybody gangs up on Brewski, but Brewski powers out of all 11 other wrestlers. Maverick clips Brewski's knee and everybody covers him, eliminating Brewski. Hog Wild submits to JD Maverick's Sharpshooter. Top Shelf Talent double team Dre Blitz and eliminate him. Eugene hits a stunner on Tony Mann and eliminates him. Chris Alexander pins Rojos for the elimination. TST double teams Shiloh to eliminate him. Eugene drops Fang with a stunner for the elimination. The final four is Eugene, JD Maverick, Pat Buck and Chris Alexander. TST hit their finisher on Chris Alexander and he is eliminated. Maverick sets Eugene in position, but Eugene ducks Pat Buck clothesline. Eugene with the quick roll up on Buck for the elimination. Eugene nails Maverick with the Rock Bottom, but Pat Buck comes back in the cage to break up the pin. TST hit Eugene with their finisher and Maverick wins the battle royal. Maverick wins the TV Title shot for next week. Entertaining enough. **


- Commercial Break


OVW Alumni Match

- Vic the Bruiser & Guido Andretti vs. "Smooth" Johnny Spade & Randy Royal

Brandon Blaze is the referee, who is also an OVW alum. I vaguely remember Vic the Bruiser wrestling in a glorified backyard fed near my hometown. Vic and Royal start off. Test of strength won by Randy Royal. Spade tags in and chops away at Vic. Vic turns the tide with some chops of his own. Andretti tags in, but he gets tripped up by Spade. Some nice double team work by Spade and Royal. Royal goes for the pin, but only gets two. Andretti was a former co-Southern Tag Team Champion. Spade and Vic tag in. Vic works over Spade with a huge spinebuster. Spade was a former light heavyweight champion. Vic rakes the face of Spade. Royal tags in and he punches out Vic and Andretti. The faces take control and hammer on the heels in the corners. Royal hits a Downward Spiral on Andretti and a modified Rocker Dropper on Vic. Spade goes to the top rope and crashes down on Vic with a senton bomb for the win. Your Winners: "Smooth" Johnny Spade & Randy Royal. Decent enough match considering the shape and the ring rust for most of the participants. **


- Commercial Break


OVW Heavyeight Title Match

- APOC © vs. Vaughan Lilas

APOC comes out on crutches asking for the mic. He says Lilas injured him in E-town over the weekend and thus can't compete tonight. Lilas says the doctor's note is a fake. APOC's valet Belle jumps Lilas, distracting him long enough for APOC to nail Lilas behind with his crutch. APOC goes into full dick heel mode, throwing powder in Lilas's face and then hitting the blinded Lilas with a low blow. Now that is a heel. APOC hits him a few more times with the crutch for good measure. He then goes to work on his knee. Lilas may have had his career ended.


- Commercial Break


Cage Match

- The Insurgency vs. Debo & Ruff Ryder Rashaad

Last week, Turcan Celik cost Ali Akbar the TV Title, causing a rift in The Insurgency. The Insurgency attacks before the bell. Turcan hits Debo with a flying shouderblock. Rashaad gets hammered and Ali goes for the cover for 2. Turcan gets the Iraqi flag. Ali holds up Rashaad and Turcan has second thoughts about using it. Turcan throwns down the flag and slaps Ali. Rashaad rolls up Ali for the pin. You Winners: Debo and Ruff Ryder Rashaad. Post match, The Insurgency is explodes. Turcan shoves down Ali and tries to leave the cage, but Ali jumps up and nails Turcan with the flagpole. Ali then send Turcan into the cage. Bin Hamin can do nothing to stop Ali. Ali takes a bite out of Turcan and he is busted open. Bin Hamin decides to jump in the fun and nails Turcan with the flagpole. DUD of a match. Nothing but story progression for The Insurgency.


- Commercial Break


OVW Southern Tag Team Title Match

Dirty Money & Scott Cardinal © vs. Totally Awesome

- "Ironman" Rob Conway is your special referee. Cardinal has a towel drenched in the blood of Totally Awesome from a few weeks ago. Totally Awesome don't wait for the bell and attack Cardinal and Money on the outside. They are brawling all over the ringside are and Conway can't get them in the cage. Cardinal doesn't like something Conway says, so he pushes him. Not a smart move, as Conway kicks Cardinal in the gut and throws him in the cage. They are all almost in the cage and Money and Cardinal have the advantage. Money tells Conway he doesn't want to get in, so Conway says fine. He shuts the door, leaving Cardinal to fight by himself against Totally Awesome. Lots of double team moves from Totally Awesome. Totally Awesome hit a Total Elimination and Sucio goes for the pin. Conway lets go of the door to make the count and Dirty Money slides in to break the pin. Cardinal and Money take control and hammer away on Totally Awesome. Money sets up The Kamikaze Kid and Cardinal levels him with a superkick. Pin attempt is broken up by Sucio. Heavy body shots by Money take out Sucio. Money then picks up Kamikaze Kid and lawn darts him into the cage. Kid is busted open. Money takes Sucio down with a sidewalk slam. Cardinal goes for the pin, but is only able to get 2. Money picks up Kamikaze Kid and again launches him into the cage. Cardinal takes off his shirt and chokes out the Kid. Cardinal goes for the pin, but Kamikaze Kid kicks out. Cardinal tries to Irish whip Money into Sucio, but Sucio moves out of the way! Sucio climbs the cage and comes off with a huge hurricarana on Money! Sucio goes for the pin, but Money kicks out at 2. Cardinal takes Kamikaze Kid up in a powerbomb position, rams the Kid into the cage, and THEN powerbombs him. This is brutal. Cardinal goes for the pin, but Sucio breaks it up. Sucio climbs again and Money comes after him. Money literally throws Sucio across the ring with a spectacular German suplex! Kamikaze Kid climbs up the cage and Cardinal comes after him. Kid fights Cardinal off. Kid is on top of the cage and he flies on top of both Money and Cardinal! All four men are down! Kamikaze Kid crawls over onto Cardinal to make the pin. Conway makes it to two and Money clubs Conway in the back of the head. Money then sends Conway face first into the cage. Money with a huge spinebuster on Kamikaze. Money goes for the cover, but Conway is out. Cardinal comes over and makes his hand hit the mat, but Conway wakes up! He kicks Money low and levels Cardinal with a right hand! Conway sends Cardinal into the cage! Sucio comes over to pin Cardinal! Conway counts... 1-2-3! You Winners and NEW Southern Tag Team Champions: Totally Awesome! Another awesome match between these two teams. ****


Great main event this week with some decent undercard matches. No TV Title match or Preps vs. Rednecks as advertised, not that missing the latter is a bad thing. Maybe with the new investor things will start getting better for OVW. This show was a step in the right direction.

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