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The Amazing Rando

"Class Terrorism"

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The following stems from ideas featured in the book/film "Fight Club" and is on the subject of "class terrorism" or one class of people terrorizing another class for whatever reason.


In Fight Club, the group Project Mayhem engages in activities that may fall under this title, including blowing up mid-town art, bashing lights from expensive cars, and more.



To me, it seems the gap between the lower-middle class and the upper-class is growing larger and larger, as businesses continue to find more ways of helping the CEOs while hurting the front line employees. Could there be a time, somewhere in the future, where either a single person or a group of people decides that unions are not good enough...and goes violent?



Would the world be a different place if the low men on the todem pole rose up without warning? Unions frighten alot of businesses, and some go so far as to completely shut down or fire off entire crews when even the slightest talk of unions begins (Note: That is not the case for EVERY business). Could the economy survive in that kind of setting?


Think of Fight Club. The group of waiters, garbage men, security gaurds, office techs, bartenders, landscapers... the most menial and yet most abudant of the entire business world...joined together and rising up with a common goal -- anarchy.


They didn't care about what it would do to their own lives, only what it would do to the lives of the white collar businessmen that lived in their proverbial ivory towers. This that kind of mindset not a possibility in this day and age??





Is it possible that one man like Tyler Durdan waits out there?

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The common man fears losing his paycheck too much to actually follow through with this plan...you may have small groups of them here and there, but what's the ultimate gain if you actually did topple a company? You end up jobless and/or in prison while your family is left to struggle...what does that accomplish? I know you said they don't care, but ultimately, they will when they see that all that shit they did was for nothing. The common man needs to look at himself to fix his situation, not blame the upperclass...plus think of all the OTHER common men who were perfectly accepting of what they did in that company and now don't have shit because of your greediness and jealousy...want a better job? Go to school, work two jobs if you have to with little sleep and little family time. Make the sacrifice for a better life for you and your family...

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If someone showed me away to actually destroy all of the credit agencies records and start everyone back over then I would quit this fucking job in a minute and do it.

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Let me know before you do so I can max out all my credit cards first, OK?


And Lushus, isn't the Man supposed to be holding you down and not some perfectly acceptable whitey like Rando? (assuming he's one of "my people...")

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