I've been listening to Dennis Miller's new radio show. It's very entertaining. He does not get in-depth into topics the way that a Rush or Boortz would and he always has 2 guests per hour. I think he's just trying to feel his way through the beginning here, not wanting to do too much monolouge stuff. But the jokes he gets off are classic and hilarious. He of course works in the world of the simile, and they come hard and fast, like a 10-cup-a-day coffee drinker working a gatling gun. I would put the url to his site, but my workplace computer is denying me access due to a filter. This filter is very hit and miss, as evidenced by my ability to post this blog entry right now. In fact it's probably watching my every keystroke....
Donald Trump is now selling steaks through the mail--kind of like the Omaha Steaks that you can order. In what is certain to be a very good deal, Trump will send you what he calls the greatest steaks in the world. Now, I--oh wait, I just saw the prices--hmm, $999 sounds reasonable for 16 steaks and 24 burgers. Or you can really save a lot of money and get the Classic Collection. The CC features 4 steaks and 12 burgers for $199. Forget Biggs, I'm going exclusively with Trump from now on to meet my meat needs.
George Lucas thinks that Spiderman 3 is "silly" Um, yeah, George, you did alright with those first 3 movies, but a lot of people agree that your next 3 attempts fell a little short. In fact one could make the case they appeal more to the grade school set than the adult world.
Most radio side kicks don't bother me at all. But I listen to the Dennis Miller show and I have to say that his side kick "Sal" is the worst presence on radio that I've ever heard. This guy is HORRIBLE. Dennis seems to have a blind spot concerning this guy. He actually thinks Sal is hilarious. Sal will say the dumbest, most vapid, boring comment you've ever heard and Dennis will laugh like crazy.
Here's an example of Sal's brilliant comedy: Dennis was making a reference to Mr. Miagi from "Karate Kid", talking about how Southern California needs to prune back some of the foilage to prevent fires, like Mr. Miagi pruning the Bonsai to let it breathe. As they go into commercial break Sal chimes in with "Wax on Wax Off!". Oh God.
California Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi took the opportunity to trash Bush while being interviewed by Chris Matthews about the fires.
Graham Nash and Bonnie Raitt are on Capitol Hill fighting AGAINST the building of nuclear power plants. Nash called such plants "monsters". Huh? Good God, get over it people. Why don't you read up on France. They seem to be doing well with it.
Another example of the Left's tolerance and willingness to support the right of someone expressing their views, even if those views differ from theirs.
Watched "Heroes" and the season finale of "The Unit" last night, which I recorded on the High Def DVR. Heroes is just getting on my nerves. It's not as good as the hype surrounding it. The storyline with the blonde chick with the violent alter-ego and her husband and their child is painfully boring. The cheerleader is very annoying. The Unit, however is first class. David Mamet, you can't go wrong. The show almost never attempts to dumb-down to the audience--often I have to rewind to pick up on something that is happening.
D.E. Jr is bolting from DEI, though he still owns 51% of the company. When he switches car numbers, it's going to be a problem for the diehard fans who have 8 all over their house, yard, vehicles, some even with tattoes. Their was a commercial a while back where Dale Jr made an announcement that he was changing car numbers and all these people were going nuts tearing down all the 8s they had, only for Jr to say "just kidding." Well, not anymore.
Al Sharpton cracked on Mormons. Then he was on Paula Zahn's show demonstrating ingorance of the Mormon faith. Then he was on Glenn Beck still demonstrating ignorance of the Mormon fatih. He apologized to all Mormons....except Mitt Romney. Hilarious. He's expecting Mormons to accept his apology, although he certainly did not accept Imus' apology. Now, I think the stuff Mormons believe is damn near right up there with Scientologists on the weirdness scale, but so what. They aren't hurting anybody and I couldn't care less what they believe.
And apparently 60 Minutes is grilling Romney on whether or not he had premarital sex. What a bunch a little babies. They're trying to play gotcha with the Mittster. Now, Bapists believe premarital sex is a sin, Bill Clinton said he was a Bapist, did this come up then? Oh.
Rome was just talking about LeBron James and how he demonstrated that he is no Michael Jordan by passing the end-of-the-game last second shot off to a teammate instead of taking the shot himself. Rome is a complete ass. How can someone who purports to have a deep knowledge of sports make such an idiotic comment? Has he never heard of John Paxton and Steve Kerr? Jordan in fact passed off a last second shot not once, but twice, to the aforementioned players, during the post-season.
Oh, update, 12:20--now he's mentioning Paxton and Kerr, someone must have clued him in...starting to backtrack slightly...but he's still sticking to his take! Ah, he's "in that situation, he has to take the shot". Um, Jordan did so "in that situation" you dumbass. He's stuck, he made his signature 'take' and now he can't back off it. Hilarious. Yeah, better move on to the O.J. suit story.
Speaking of sports talk show hosts, they really are all a bunch of extremely jealous wanna-bees. Guys who played in high school and could never make it to college or the pros. So they end up talking about it instead of doing it.
And most of them (not all by any means) no very little about breaking down sports and being knowledgeable about which team or player is better, etc. The PTI guys are a prime example--they know nothing about sports. Now, I don't either, but I can tell when someone else doesn't. Yesterday they said if the Pistons shut down LeBron James, they win, guaranteed. Well, they nearly lost and James had 4 points total I think, no more than 6 for sure. The Cavs were winning at one point by 10 or 12, with James at that point below 4 points.
Bookstores tend to attract a certain kind of person. These kooks are intelligent, but are social misfits and are just plain weird. I worked at a large Barnes and Noble in Cincinnati, in an up-scale part of town.
The cafe was a hotbed of nutjobs. This one guy was pretty much a clinical OCD. He would come in at the exact same time every day, grab the same newspaper, order the same specialty coffee drink in a tall glass mug, and sit at the same table alone. Another guy came in around 4 or 5pm and would stay until closing at 11pm. This routine would go on for weeks and weeks continously, every day. He would bring a spread of notepads, claiming he was writing a sci-fi novel.
One guy would wander around the store, picking books at random, althought often his "random" picks included large, full-color books from our Sexuality section. He would park himself in one of our large comfortable chairs and talk to himself loudly, flipping through the books. He would leave them splayed open for all to see.
People would call to place books on hold and come later to pick them up. Often these people would call one location and then show up at ours looking for their book. Some would get quite upset when we didn't have their book. When we called around and found their book at another location, they usually just slinked off, mumbling an apology. Once, this one guy was really giving it to us, I mean calling us the scum of the earth for not having his book. He was one of these "I'm better than you and you'd better start kissing me feet right now." We of course found it at another location. I took great glee in keeping a stone face and telling him that he had called a different store and that they had his book on hold, just like he asked. He acquired a dumb look on his face and just left, not saying a word. Dick.
Some people would steal from us. Yes, hard to believe I know. This one guy really went the extra mile to try and get away with it. He stole a lot of expensive books. I can proudly say that I was the one who figured out what he was doing, and finally identified him as the thief. We could order any book in print and we had a computer system to place orders. This guy would order a $50-$100 book using several different made up names. He would then come to the counter and ask to see his book. He would then wander off to some corner of the store, stuff it down his pants or some such thing, and boogie out the door, unnoticed. I started tracking the books that were missing and connecting them all to these names that I recognized as people in the media. Robert Novak was one name he used. Then I found a missing book where he actually used his real name. Gotcha, sucka. Yeah, I know, real junior G-man stuff.
So I'm reading the next to last book in the Harry Potter series. Why I'm not sure, maybe it's just the massive pull of something that is a cultural phenomenon. I want to read the final book and I might as well read the book that leads up to it. It hasn't gotten up to a good start. I'm already annoyed with it. There's a line in the opening chapter about the Prime Minister of England meeting with the U.S. president. The president is referred to as a "wretched person". Great, and I have some 700 pages to go.
There was a show on in the late 70s/early 80s called "That's Incredible". It featured people from around the world who did strange things, like had 5 inch fingernails or something, or who performed some kind of stunt. It was hosted by John Davidson and some chick with the last name Crosby or something.
Now I was a young teenager taking all this in and I remember a couple of people from the show. One guy from India, the full Hindoo deal, was on and he was referred to as the "Yogi ----", I don't remember the second part. This guy was over 6 feet tall and would contort and twist himself into this little clear plexiglass box that was something like 3 ft by 3 ft. They even put a lid on the box. He wore nothing but those diaper looking things and this guy was a TV cult hero for a brief period.
This other guy was a specialist at jumping over cars as they drove toward him. Hey, don't ask me, this is what passed for talent back in the day. This guy would stand in the road and a car would be driven at a specified speed directly towards him. He would get a running start and leap up, letting the car speed under him and then he would land safely. One time he did hit his foot on the upper part of the windshield, that was the only time I saw him screw up. The car was a Ferrari 308 (the Magnum PI Ferrari). I always wondered what became of these two guys. I can't imagine where your career goes after jumping over cars on TV or squeezing into a little box.
I recently fixed up a old 10-speed bike. I got nice cushy handle bar wraps, a new gel seat cover, new tires, special bike chain lubricant/cleaner, and even got a new chain thing on the back wheel, the one with the french name that controls the "speed" changes (I was expecting that to be expensive, but it was only 13 bucks). Now, I'll ride the thing around my neighborhood, which luckily is a pretty large area of winding streets, but I aint taking it out on the actual roadways. I know how drivers react to bikers and I'm not going anywhere near them. 99% of drivers see a biker on the road and they go into full adversarial mode. They get angry--how dare this guy get in my way! I'll admit to getting impatient and a bit teed off when I have to slow to 10mph, waiting to get around a biker.
I'm listening to 700 WLW in Cincinnati (Mike McConnell show) and their phone systems are completely down. They cannot take calls. So Mike (or one of his producers) decides to have people email to Mike's on-air address with their phone number and they will call them and put them on the air. The first guy they tried it with sounded pretty bad, but, hey I love this. I've never heard of this being done before. At least they're trying to keep the callers/fans happy.
I'm tempted to try it, but I don't think my boss would cotton to it. Then again, that recent court ruling allowing workers to surf the net may give me an out. Apparently talking on the phone and reading the newspaper are similar to web surfing while at work, so I guess I can talk with Mike on company time.
7:50pm More road nonsense
kkk always seems to have an asshole driver story...don't we all.
A couple days ago I was at a light waiting to turn left--waiting for an opening in the stream of cars coming the other way. A truck comes up behind me after I had been there already. Finally there is an opening and apparently I didn't accelerate fast enough because this guy was nearly touching my rear bumper. So I speed up and we come up to the 4 way stop at an intersection. This intersection is weird in that it has 2 lanes. The lane on the right ends not far up ahead. So I know what this guy is going to do--I'm in the left lane, the correct lane to eventually continue. He gets in the right lane and doesn't really stop at the stop sign, he wants to fake a stop and get ahead of me. I, seeing this coming a mile away, give him a taste of his own medicine. I mimic his "rolling stop" and take off just as he is taking off (there was no other cars at the other 3 stop signs) staying ahead of him. Now, there is a car ahead of us, in my lane. This guy decides to gun it and barely gets ahead of the car in front of me. I had to slow down because the car in front was going a normal, slowish speed. But at least he didn't cut me off and if the car wasn't there, he would've had to get back in my lane behind me.
Wow, our Navy is really evil. Check this out.
This building has existed since 1967 and now thanks to Google Earth, some people are outraged. Due to complaints the Navy will spend $600,000 of your dollars to fix something that is completely meaningless and doesn't affect anybody.
The U.S. women's soccer team has been pummeled by Brazil, 4-0 in the World Cup semi-final. For this game, the goalie that had played in all the games of the World Cup was benched in favor of a veteran goalie who had played well against Brazil earlier in the summer. Not since whats-his-name (Red Sox manager) left Pedro in the game one inning too long in 2003 and the Sox blew their 3-0 lead in the playoffs has a player change been this controversial. Well, maybe not, since no one is paying the least bit attention to this.
kkk brought up losing his wedding ring in his blog. I have a similar story, although in my case my wife found out that I had lost it. I'm a little older than kkk, but we're roughly the same generation and most of us take our rings off far more than our fathers did. As far as I know, my dad's ring has NEVER come off, it's fused to his finger. But our generation seems to not really be used to wearing rings full time. Mine comes off all the time. This can lead to trouble. Here's my story.
One day I realized that I didn't really know for sure where my ring was. I looked in all the normal places it could be, I checked every single pair of pants pockets, shirt pockets, every nook and cranny in my car, briefcase, bedside night table, every drawer in the house, desk at work, etc.
Then I remembered one of my favorite lines of all time, written by Arthur Conan Doyle in a Sherlock Holmes novel (I think it was "The Sign of Four").
"Once you have eliminated all possibilities, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
I'm telling you, this worked for me. It was amazing. I thought what remains, I know it isn't in any of the usual places, so what's left? I remembered that I had been vacuuming in the dining room and there were some small boxes in there. I remembered I had changed the vacuum bag and dumped it in the nearest thing handy, which was the boxes. Here's the critical part: I didn't know where to look for a new replacement bag, so I had emptied out the bag and reused it. Emptying the bag involved digging in through the one hole with my hands and taking out the stuff in there. Since my ring doesn't fit snugly on my finger, it can come off somewhat easily. I looked in the remains of all the dust and crap that had come out of the vacuum bag, and there was the ring. Thank you Mr. Doyle.
In the mid 1980s, Porsche introduced a supercar known as the 959. At the time, it was the most amazing automobile on the planet. Costing around $300,000, it featured technological wizardry that is still admirable in 2006. It has now been sent to the woodshed by the new Bugatti Veyron. The quad-turbo 16 cylinder Veyron is the most powerful production street car ever made (1000 bhp), the quickest ever, and the fastest ever. Only a select few will ever drive one, fewer still will own one, considering you will have to lay down over 1 million dollars to have one in your driveway.
How amazing is this street car? Consider this: Fitted with the proper tires, it would easily win any Nascar race as its top speed is 252 mph. That top speed is in Indy car territory.
The British automobile show "Top Gear" recently featured the Veyron. The show's host, Jeremy Clarkson, drove the car across France on his way to London. He was racing his two co-hosts, who were flying a Cessna in an attempt to beat him to London. They lost.
Top Gear is the best show about cars I've ever seen. It was briefly seen in America on the Discovery Channel, only to be yanked off (rumor is that Discovery is trying to produce an American version). It was a thoroughly British show, some of the cars were Europe-only models, they were right-hand drive, etc. Most of their pop-culture references were incomprehensible to an American viewer. But despite all that it is very entertaining and interesting.
The host of Top Gear is a tall, ungainly yob who frequently utters anti-American sentiments, as do the other hosts. It seems anti-Americanism is deeply embedded in their Id or Superego or whatever the hell the appropriate sub-conscious is for this example. They always trash American cars, but it doesn't stop there. Yet I still find episodes to watch from the internet--the show is too good to stop watching simply because of their bias.
Recently kkktookmybabyaway talked about turning 30. Yes, being in your 30s is a real shock if you were someone who was very active in their 20s. In my 30s, things began to hurt, ache and generally be sore that never were before after normal physical activity. I played a lot of tennis and golf in my teens and 20s. In my 30s, my shoulder would be killing me after a game of tennis, where that never happened before. And of course the "legs go". I remember when I took classes at Cincinnati State in my 30s. There was a huge hill with steps that you had to climb to get to the building. When I got to the top, I was a physical wreck and my legs, specifically the thigh muscles, were killing me. And it wasn't that bad really. I could've jogged up the steps easily at 25. Whenever I hear of a pro athlete who is just past his prime and has made some type of comeback and says "I'm in the best shape of my life" I just laugh. Sure you are.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to my 40s.
I just wish these egghead scientists would perfect this whole nanotechnology thing. Molecular sized robots roaming around in your body, keeping your cells in pristine condition, all your muscles and organs in perfect health, forever. Let's get going, boys, staying young forever is a concept whose time has come.
Ohio, which demonstrated its lowly state of existence a year ago by passing a smoking ban, now has topped itself. Legislation has passed that bans touching at strip joints and has mandated that patrons must be six feet away from the dancers at all times, a so-called "6 foot bubble" that must be maintained around the dancers. No more dollars in g-strings, no more leaning in for a close look in Ohio. God, we suck. At least these chicks are fighting back.
Vincent Bugliosi, famous for prosecuting nutjob Charlie Manson, has written a magnum opus, 1600 pages worth, refuting the JFK conspiracy nuts. Not that we really needed this, but there are still numbnuts out there that think along the lines of an Oliver Stone. 3 quick points:
1. Despite people's claims, the act of getting off 3 shots from Oswald's location in a certain amount of time is not impossible and has in fact been duplicated over the years. Out of those duplications, 2 shooters have bested Oswald's results (2 or more head shots as opposed to Oswald's 1).
2. The magic bullet nonsense is actually on the part of the conspiracy nuts. When they talk about a magic bullet, it is because they have misrepresented where Connelly was sitting in relation to the president. Yep, it's that simple. The bullet travelled as it should based on where Connelly was really sitting. If the conspiracy nuts are right, the bullet would have ended up stuck in the car somewhere, because they say it would have had to make a right turn, etc. in order to hit Connelly. There was no bullet found elsewhere, and they can't explain where it ended up.
3. Kennedy's head did in fact move forward (as can be seen in a frame shot from the Zapruder film) before it moved backward, just as it should. For a brief microsecond, his head moved forward, then snapped backward, just as physics allow.
The Cincinnati Reds have hired Dusty Baker as thier manager. Good God. Well, I guess it's appropriate to hire a racist in this town. After all we had Marge Schott and her Hitler memorabilia for an owner. F*** me it's going to be a helluva 2008 season.
I don't care if you want to save gas, in fact, I rarely drive over 65, usually around 60, on the highway. But these people are taking it to the extreme and putting other drivers in danger. One of these days a trucker is going to squash one of these pinheads just for the fun of it for tailgating.
HBO is making a movie about the 2000 presidential election in Florida. So what's the over/under on how many days this will be premiered before the presidential election between Hillary and Guliani/Romney/Thompson?
A Nike poster of English soccer star Wayne Rooney has inspired outrage and condemnation among some dipshits in England. And in America as well I'm sure. There are three reasons for the outrage: 1) the red paint and expression on his face promotes violence and aggression, 2) the configuration of the paint, in the form of England's flag, recalls a cross, with Rooney as the crucified Jesus, and 3) the form of the cross also recalls the familiar vest/clothing of the Crusades, which is offensive to Muslims.
Sweet living Jesus in a soda can, get a life people. A friend of mine was watching an England World Cup match and saw fans dressed in Crusader outfits. He immediately thought of Monty Python--I said no, that's a Crusader costume and if someone did that in America, CAIR and the ACLU would go apeshit. He said nah, it wouldn't be a big deal. This poster incident is a perfect example of the hysterical reaction to these kinds of things. And Christians don't get a free pass either--some are condemning it as offensive to God. Get a grip people.
Well, Michelle Wie did not qualify for the U.S. Open. Now, I was all for Wie being able to attempt to qualify, but some of the commentators and sports journalists (ESPN of course) who agree with me are just pathetic. They are on Wie's side only because of political correctness. I just look at it as just another person who may have the ability to compete on the PGA tour. Watching the live cut ins on ESPN was a hoot--when it became clear she wasn't going to make it, the comments by the dumbass PC commentators were truly pathetic. One nitwit sportscaster on ESPN (don't know his name, he's a regular) kept saying "What went wrong, how come she fell back". The woman who was at the golf course was trying to explain how in the world this could've happened. Uh, maybe because she's a 16-year old girl with little experience on a PGA course under these pressure circumstances. Even the experienced men had trouble dealing with the pressure, etc. Steve Fleisch, who at one point was leading the Memorial tournament last week (one of the biggest and most prestigious events on the tour) failed to make it. Everyone was acting as though it was a disaster, it was as if Dwayne Wade just went 0-20 in the first half of the NBA final.
Very soon Roger Federer will compete to try and win the French Open with hopes of keeping alive his chance to win the Grand Slam for 2006 (he has already won the Australian Open). Paris in springtime and all that. But the pleasantries surrounding Paris will be far from Federer's mind. The French Open is a grueling, tough tournament that has denied glory to some one of the game's great players. Pete Sampras--who has more grand slam titles than anyone--never conquered the clay at Rolland Garros. McEnroe came within 1 game, but failed to pull it off in an agonizing defeat to Ivan Lendl.
Of course the Australian Rod Laver did win the French Open and did win the Grand Slam--twice (1962, 1969). Since 1969, only Steffi Graf has won the Grand Slam (1988). Can Federer pull this off? Doubtful. There are too many Euros who grow up on clay and do nothing but play claycourt tennis. They dominate hard court and all-court players on clay. He's got about a 30% chance to win and I'm going to predict a victory. At this point, I believe his confidence and amazing ability will overcome the claycourt specialists. As dominant as Sampras was in his prime, the clay-courters knew they had a good chance against him on the red clay. I believe the clay-courters of today look across the net at Federer and aren't too sure they can actually win. That will be the difference.
Jesus, at least when an American goes nuts and kills people they have the ability to finish the suicide portion of the process properly.
The shooter posted a video of himself on Youtube.
So I guess by attempting suicide, he feels that he is unfit and a disgrace to the human race.
Wednesday's new South Park was off the charts. If you didn't see it, it was the 2nd part of a 2 part episode, featuring Cartman trying to stop an episode of "Family Guy" from running. In the episode, Family Guy is going to show Mohammed, sparking a worldwide controversy. Cartman pretends to be concerned about the showing of an image of Mohammed, but really just wants Family Guy off the air because he just doesn't like the humor in the show.
Kyle, on the other hand, wants to get the network to air the show, and succeeds at the last minute. So we see the scene play out in Family Guy, but Mohammed is censored...by Comedy Central. They wouldn't let an image of Mohammed appear on South Park. Then they show an Al Qaida cartoon featuring Jesus and Pres. Bush crapping on each other, no censoring. Absolutely brilliant.
A Comedy Central executive was quoted as saying: (paraphrase) "In light of recent events, we feel we made the right decision (to censor the image of Mohammed)". He offered no further comment. Phil Hendrie had a great comment on this executive: "He had no further comment because he doesn't have the intelligence to back up his comments".
Speaking of Al Qaida, people seem to be split on whether they want Zaccarius Moussaui to get the death penalty. Those that don't argue that death is what he wants so that he may be rewarded by Allah, etc. So therefore let him rot in a cell for the rest of his life. Deny him what he wants. I kind of agree with this. Life in cell would be worse than death for this guy. Unless there really is a Hell where people like him go...in that case, send him there, do not pass Go.
Following up on my Bengals post, there was a Q&A with none other than Mike Brown in today's Cincinnati Enquirer. This is perhaps the most comical example of front office football buffoonery ever recorded.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention in the previous post that the Bengals do NOT have an official GM. When he took over the team as president in 1992, Mikey was basically the GM/President. When asked during this Q&A if he would hire a GM, he said no, we currently have a 3-headed GM consisting of himself, his daughter Katie Blackburn, and his son-in-law Troy Blackburn (Katie's husband).
Here are some choice samples:
What's served for lunch? Right you tight-ass, gotta check the prices on the vegetable tray.
King Kong, rabbits...my head is spinning.
Jesus, now elephants too?
You're not sure who Hines Ward is? It's kind of important seeing how Pittsburgh is in your division.
Awwwwwww, he's glum.
Finally a decent horror moive...from 27 years ago. After the crap movies I saw for Halloween, I finally saw a decent one this weekend. "The Burning" is a classic summer camp slasher from 1980. In a word, awesome. I love the free-wheeling, PC-free attitude of those times. Kids at summer camp swearing, smoking, running around with beebee guns shooting at people. In other things that would get you expelled and sent to a social worker these days. The story involves a mean summer camp caretaker who is horribly burned in a prank gone bad. Of course he exacts his revenge with hedge clippers. Fuckin A.
During NBC's laughable green segment during the SNF halftime show, Matt Lauer referred to Al Gore as one of the "best minds" on Climate Change. Best minds? What exactly is his science degree in?
So the purpose of the segment is turns off the lights in the studio for the halftime show to demonstate being green. I'm not kidding. They had candles on the desk. Yet their generators were certainly still going, the giant plasma screen was on behind Costas' head, all the power necessary to video link to Lauer on the other side of the world was not shut down. This had to be an SNL skit, right?
We got our email notice about a Holiday Party at work today to take place December 14th. That's right, Holiday Party, not Christmas Party. Earlier this month we received an email about the Thanksgiving Luncheon that will take place November 14th. Ah PC split personality, I love it. Why is it OK to willy nilly use the word "Thanksgiving", and yet "Christmas" must NOT be used. Everyone knows it is because of Christmas that we have this party, but we must not name it so.
Mike Gallagher's career in radio may be coming to an end. He just wished for (9:10 am Friday) the execution of the various Leftist pundits who have not exactly expressed joy over the killing of the Z-man in Iraq. He was quite serious about shooting the likes of Jerry Springer (Air America talker), Randi Rhodes, and some congressman, among others, for treason. I don't know, I've never heard something this extreme from him. This has to cause problems, I don't see how this will just blow over.
Edit: He just said that he is not "calling for" the assasination of these people. He is just wishing for their execution. Whatever, you decide what he means and if this is a big deal or not.
Savage is trying to set differentiate himself from other Conservative radio hosts by taking the side of the U of Florida student who was tazed by the campus police at a John Kerry speech. He wants to be the "renegade independent Conservative" don't you know. In explaining his position he told a few untruths. Maybe he thought what he was saying was true, but I doubt it. That would make him a liar. Oh well, if the shoe fits. Here's what he said.
1. The kid was hand-cuffed when he was tased.
Wrong. They could not handcuff him due to his squirming and resisting.
2. The female officer tased him without warning.
Wrong. They warned him, telling him to stop resisting.
3. "They" cut off the mike during his allotted time because tase-boy was asking Kerry unsettling questions about Skull and Bones.
Wrong. The Q&A had been declared over and tase-boy interrupted and strated giving a speech and not obeying the rules of the Q&A. He would not stop yelling.
By the way, tase-boy's yelling "help! help me! they're arresting me!" during the event is eerily, hilariously, similar to a scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. When King Arthur is riding along among a bunch of serfs and he drags Michael Palin off, who is protesting the fact that Arthur has declared himself King of the Britains because some "aquatic tart" handed him a sword. Palin yells out "Help! Help! I'm being oppressed! See the repression!"
So I'm in a stall in the men's room at work and some guy comes in and takes the stall right next to me. There are open stalls farther down but he takes the one right next to me and let's loose, making all kinds of noises. What the hell, what kind of sick freak intentionally sits right next to some guy in the men's room? And don't give me this crap about he didn't know someone was in the stall. The doors in our men's room hang open. It's easy to tell if they are occupied.
And I'm a guy who was forced to take a crap in a room full of open toilets with oh, about 25 other guys. That's right no stalls. It was circa 1984, Fort Benning, Georgia, U.S. Army Airborne School. Yeah, that was fun. And noboby could come up with a funny line to break the uneasyness in the room. So we just took our crap and got outta there.
And now a special announcement to help you save money. If you have a Pep Boys auto parts store in your area, they have Purolator oil filters on sale for 49 cents, after a mail-in rebate. They also have Pennzoil Full Synthetic on sale for $1.99 a qt, also after rebate. To demonstrate how cool that is, consider that Mobil 1 Full Synthetic is $5.50 a qt. That's awesome and come on, it's not that big a deal to change your own oil.