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7/19: #72, Black People And Stealing

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KKK’s Top 103 Poste_s


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Numbe_ 72: The Th_ead Kille_


I didn’t know much about this guy until he came out of the closet. Is he a homo? I don’t know. Howeve_, he admitted something that’s much b_ave_ than that. He admitted to being a fan of mine. That could get you black-balled in some places. Too bad he’s olde_ than me and not a hot chick whose panties got wet eve_y time I said the magic wo_ds “OMG FAUX NEWS LOL2003/4/5/6!” Maybe he does wea_ panties and get them wet wheneve_ the ph_ase of the day is said, but that’s going down a path I’d _athe_ not t_avel – not that the_e’s anything w_ong with taking that _oad, it’s just that it’s a bit on the bumpy side, and my shocks a_e ve_y sensitive. He also “saved” the othe_ place, so that’s anothe_ plus. I don’t know if he’s an economist, but since he’s Canadian he would only be a f_action of what TSM’s Ame_ican mic_o/mac_o numbe_ c_unche_s a_e. Neve_theless, I’d still like him, but only in a plutonic sense.


And now a wo_d f_om the expe_t panel I have put togethe_ to comment on the people I’ve listed.


F_om Cance_ Ma_ney:


Dave kicks ass. Good man. Can discuss books intelligently. He's actually done some good wo_k. He's done something with his life, unlike 99% of you lose_s. Someone will _emembe_ him in a hund_ed yea_s, and no one will _emembe_ you.


• So W finally decided to exe_cise the powe_ of his veto pen. And he came so close to going two te_ms without using it. Of cou_se, instead of x-ing out one of those bloated budgets he goes against emb_yonic stem-cell _esea_ch. Now I’m p_obably on the w_ong side of this issue, but the_e’s just something c_eepy about this. I can’t explain it, so if anyone wants to go “OMG U P_O-LIFE EXT_EMIST U WANTED CH_ISTOPHE_ _EEVE TO STAY IN THAT WHEELCHAI_” then go _ight ahead. And while Bush’s veto is going to supposedly kill millions upon millions of people, what just got _ejected? A bill pimping adult stem-cell _esea_ch. Why? Acco_ding to the a_ticle:


“Opponents, mostly Democ_ats, said the bill would have given the _epublican Santo_um and othe_ anti-abo_tion lawmake_s political cove_ fo_ opposing a _elated bill that instead would fund emb_yonic stem cell _esea_ch.”


Yet _epublicans a_e the only ones playing politics with this issue.


• Hey, Bush is doing anothe_ fi_st. He’s going to add_ess the NAACP at thei_ convention fo_ the fi_st time. If a bomb went off at NAACP headqua_te_s I wouldn’t shed a tea_ – fuck that g_oup. What they did to W. du_ing the ’00 election was despicable when they _an an ad that compa_ed him opposing hate c_ime legislation to the (at the time) _ecent d_agging death of a black guy. Fuck these bitches. In the so_ta-wo_ds of black commentato_ Julianne Malveaux when she opined on Justice Thomas (just so I can’t be accused of being _ACIST): “You know, I hope the spouses of NAACP leade_s feed them lots of eggs and butte_ and they dies ea_ly like many black men do, of hea_t disease. Well, that’s how I feel. This is an absolutely _ep_ehensible ‘civil _ights’ g_oup."


• I liked the Cle_ks movie, although I only bought the ult_a-special DVD and not the supe_-10-yea_-you’_e-not-a-_eal-fan-if-you-don’t-buy-this-one edition. I’ve _ecently seen some p_eviews fo_ the sequel, and I wasn’t encou_aged. Well now I’m a bit mo_e optimistic. Still won’t see it in the theate_, though. A su_e-fi_e DVD pu_chase.


• The Ba__y-Bonds-is-getting-indicted talk is getting p_etty heated. I hea_d today that if this we_e to happen because he didn’t pay some hippie taxes, o_ whateve_ the case is, Majo_ League Baseball could suspend him, vi_tually squashing any _emote hope he has at catching Hank Aa_on’s home _un _eco_d. I hope this suspension doesn’t happen. No, I haven’t had a change of hea_t towa_d this asshole. I have my _easons. _eason 1) You a_e always innocent until p_oven guilty in this count_y, [unless you’_e Tom Delay] and he should be allowed to make a living. 2) I don’t want him in any way to become a sympathetic figu_e. 3) You thought the fan _eaction to him in the ea_ly pa_t of this yea_ was funny? Man, it’ll be kicked up a notch o_ th_ee should he get indicted; keep the funny signs coming.


• I’ll tell you what, wheneve_ I find this cocksucke_ I’m going to kick his ass. G__________________.


A consonant-loving thief has police and business owners in Greencastle, Indiana, baffled after dozens of letter "R's" were stolen from signs.


The weekend caper targeted gas stations, restaurants, repair shops and medical offices in the small city about 40 miles west of



The thief also nabbed half a dozen letters from a lighted marquee in front of a National Guard post.


Putnam Inn manager Jane Hansen isn't sure how the thief climbed more than six feet off the ground to take "R"s from a sign in front of her motel.


Greencastle Police said they've been notified about the lost letters, but many business owners are choosing not to file reports because of the nature of the crime


You may now pelt me with _otten pe_ishables.

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A consonant-loving thief has police and business owners in Greencastle, Indiana, baffled after dozens of letter "R's" were stolen from signs.


The weekend caper targeted gas stations, restaurants, repair shops and medical offices in the small city about 40 miles west of



The thief also nabbed half a dozen letters from a lighted marquee in front of a National Guard post.


Putnam Inn manager Jane Hansen isn't sure how the thief climbed more than six feet off the ground to take "R"s from a sign in front of her motel.


Greencastle Police said they've been notified about the lost letters, but many business owners are choosing not to file reports because of the nature of the crime


Police are on the lookout for this man:

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