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Break-Up. Weddings. School.

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Hawk 34


On Wednesday night, while I was standing in the pouring rain looking into her eyes, with the shriek of thousands around me rushing to get away from the deluge…I answered my own question and confirmed my doubts.


She smiled and nodded her head and I took her in and gave her a kiss on the forehead. We didn’t speak to each other for a ½ hour. We just stood in the pouring rain looking out over the river and we finally turned around and headed back to our seats.


It was strange, to break up peacefully. We actually enjoyed the night more this way. A part of me hates that it wasn’t the relationship I dreamt of years ago. I can’t tell what the fault was but I suspect it was just the fact we went into this whole thing trying to fulfill a childhood dream and didn’t realize that it was just that a dream…


It never worked, right from the start. Our schedules alone kept us apart, the spark didn’t extend past that first night of passion (which was just years of tension exploding)…


It’s rare to honestly mean “we’re still friends” but in this instance it is.


The real awkward part is having to see her family again, they are probably more disappointed in the extinction of this relationship then we are.


It’s for the best, really. School is starting in 5 weeks anyways. Miami, home of yuppie hot white pussy. Cool.


School D. Work

That’s rightl; I finally came to the decision. I’m taking this really big risk and I’m giving up my cushy well paying office job to go to school full-time.


I could stay on this track and be a top guy before I’m 25 and be making ridiculous money…but it’s not what I want to do.


I said this last time, I can’t be my father.


So, I’m sticking with school. Im going to spend money to get a degree that I’ll probably never use.




This is the wedding season, for me at least. In the next 6 weeks, I’m attending 3 weddings. One for a co-worker, my cousin and my sister.


Obviously the first two are merely “show up” deals but the sister one? That’s big. I’m just an usher, which feels dumb.


I never got weddings, really. I’ve been to over a dozen (I lost count) and probably 2-4 of them are still active.


It’s just another excuse for getting drunk and that means nothing to me. However, watching my grandmother get trashed is worth at least an hour of amusement.




So, the Reds are actually still in contention as we near the trade-deadling. On March 1st, I never would have imagined we’d be in this place. Playoffs or no playoffs, I’m exicted to know that for the first time in awhile, it appears we got an intelligent GM and owner that gives a fuck.



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I have been on only two "serious" relationships in my life, and my first breakup was a peaceful one, too. My take has always been this: This is a free market. If you find someone of better value, then more power to you. Why get pissed over it?

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