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8/15: Crashing Busses, Allah Loves To Pre-Pay

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• Well apparently Jerome Bettis caused a stir in Shittsburgh by saying he thinks head coach Bill Cowher will leave the team come season’s end. Of course Mark Madden, who doesn’t like Bettis to begin with, had a field day with this subject on his local radio show. I’ve been afraid to listen to any other local sports talk radio today; when it comes to the Steelers, Shittsburgh fans can rank right up there with Red Sox fans in terms of annoyance. Now I didn’t see the Sunday night football game (I forgot that it was even on), so I didn’t see the segment in question. However, I read what Jerome said, and frankly I don’t get the big deal. In a way, I think it would be good timing if Cowher called it a career and left at the end of the season. Steelers offensive coordinator Ken Wiz-something-or-other is going to be a leading candidate for a head coaching job in the NFL, and what better time to pass the torch?


• Well we can all rest safely; those Muslims that bought 600 pre-paid cell phones have had terrorism charges dropped against them. I heard that the reason given was that they were going to sell the phones for a profit in California or something. Okie dokie. Seeing how I remember reading years ago about some terrorist ring where bad guys would buy cartons of cigarettes in the Carolinas then sell them in places like Michigan, with the profit going to naughty things, I don’t blame any law enforcement agency for suspecting shenanigans whenever Abdul enters a store and says “give me, literally, all your phones.” I guess Allah doesn’t like flexible family plans.


• So this morning there was a pretty bad accident on this one interstate I drive to and from my way to work. I heard on the news that a tour bus went out of control and crashed into a concrete road median. Fortunately for me the exit I use to get on I-376 was right next to the accident, so my gridlock experience was minimal; no more than 5 minutes or so. The one good thing about an accident like this, besides not being involved in it, is that once you pass the scene there is absolutely no traffic to deal with. It feels like being shot out of cannon. One thing about this kinda bugged me though. Right by the accident there is a bridge, and in the early morning hours when the accident occurred the local media were all over that structure with their news vans and shit. On my way home that afternoon I noticed that one news vehicle was still there recording footage. Enough already, KDKA.


• I think what pisses me off most about hearing that billions upon billions of dollars are being wasted on Homeland Security aren't the iPods and beer-making equipment being purchased in the name of protecting the homeland. It’s that at my job I have to budget $70,000 for my department, and even though I am more than 15 percent under my expenses so far for the year (and come December, if I’m still around, I expect to be more than 20 percent under) and I’m not allowed to purchase a $150 scanner for my office because I haven't "adequately justified" the purchase to my asshole boss.


• After more than seven months of going through an 82-game season and four rounds of postseason play, I finally won the Stanley Cup in my NHL ’06 game after a 3-2 OT win against the Red Wings. One graphic I got a kick out of was after winning the Conference Finals seeing the players not want to touch that trophy (whatever the hell it's called), which in real life they also don’t touch out of superstition. Uh, hooray and stuff.

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That and you know, we have a massive budget.


Yeah, I know ... Every month when my household bills have to get paid. :angry:


Actually, I'm digging the Phone/Internet/Cable deal you guys are doing.

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Well there's taxes, franchise fees, etc, that jack the $99 bill up a bit, but I'm still saving money and I get all three services on one bill, which is nice.


And now we can call each other for free~!

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Actually, I've been meaning to ask Comcast a question regarding this subject -- is it really all calls (local and long distance) for one flat rate, or is there some bullshit "local long distance" catch that once fucked me over with Ameritech?

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Nope. No charge for the US and soon to be Canada.


Of course if you are spending like 5000 minutes on the phone a month there will be an issue.

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Yep. You get the discount for the year and then it increases. However, I'd still be saving money after the increase so it's all good. When the sales guy was pimping this discounted rate I just looked at him and asked, "So how much is this going to be after the promotion?" I think he was happy because he didn't have to continue his prepared speech about how great Comcast was.

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