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75. Negatives of TSM. Part II.

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This will be more of a sad entry. And although it doesn't entirely have to do with TSM, it's a fine example of the mentality we have here.


I'm saddened I had to end a friendship with the poster Ortonsault today. A victim of the high school mentality that many grown-ups have... which also happens here. The high school mentality of going with whatever your friends say. And since this mentality is so childish, usually the dumbest people get the ball rolling within it.


It's sad to think that I'd probably have more good acquaintances on this board if it wasn't for this mentality. Which is truly a shame.


And does it make me better than most of you because I don't think this way? Yes. It does.

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No. He's just a mindless droll like most people, and I overestimated his maturity and worth. Such is life.

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