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77. BCS bitching.

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So, the general opinion is that we're glad Florida is in the title game. Unless you truly believe Florida is the 2nd best team in the nation, or that Florida's overall resume is stronger than Michigan's, then you are wrong. And by judging by the voters' history in the past weeks, they believed Michigan was the best team. That opinion can not change when Michigan didn't play for 2 weeks.


So, if the voting was decided on who the best team was... it was Michigan.


If the voting is decided on who deserves the chance, what would be fair... then, it's Boise State. They did not lose a game.


The argument that Michigan already lost to Ohio State, so they don't deserve another chance... but, Florida is more deserving because they lost to a 2-loss team, is ludicrous.


Florida got their spot because less people would bitch about it. See, kids, no matter how far you go in life, you all end up being mindless followers. "The Computers" are more knowledgeable than human voting.


As for the solution, it's obviously a playoff. More money would be made. It would be very easy to keep the "integrity" of the bowls. There'd be a point to watching more than 1 bowl game other than gambling, or being linked with one of the schools. Plus, it would make the regular season much more fun to watch.



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No, a playoff or some sort of elimination decided on the field is obviously best.


The realistic thing is that a 16-team playoff will never work for TV reasons. 8-teams, would be possible

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they could do like one half of the NFL playoffs...6 teams, 2 wildcards and put the Championship game in a random location every year, not necessarily an established BCS bowl...keep the 4 BCS bowls to host the 4 playoff games, switching them around every season. The only thing that needs to be eliminated is the bias against teams like Boise St., Rutgers, etc.

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they could do like one half of the NFL playoffs...6 teams, 2 wildcards and put the Championship game in a random location every year, not necessarily an established BCS bowl...keep the 4 BCS bowls to host the 4 playoff games, switching them around every season. The only thing that needs to be eliminated is the bias against teams like Boise St., Rutgers, etc.


And that would be the major problem... I believe if there were a playoff this year... Boise St. would somehow not get into it... even though they're undefeated. It would be the two top teams, and the rest would be the safe established picks.

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