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Where is my ice dammit.....

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You know what bugs me? Going into the freezer to get ice for my drink, only to find an empty ice bowl. I am the type of person that likes ice with my drink. I like drinking my drinks at maxium coldness. Whether it is the hottest day of summer, or coldest day of winter, that is just the way I am. During the Winter time it is ok because no one else uses ice for their drinks much, but in the summer it can get frustrating. Everyone uses it at their convenience, but they don't NEED it like I do, so they just use it when it's there and don't ever bother to make new ice in the ice trays. ( We don't have a water line hooked up to the freezer so we have to make ice manually. )



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We have an auto ice maker, and when it decides to create frozen water it freaks the cats out. I'm not a big ice-in-my-drink person, although I'll do it once in a while. I am not one of those people who go into a theater/store and order a drink with no ice in order to get more beverage.

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