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I've seen this movie before...but it had subtitles!?!

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So I just got done watching the J-horror flick, Dark Water. As some of you might know, the movie was remade a couple years back with Jennifer Conolly for "American Audiences" I must say that it is a shame that foreign films, especially horror films aren't just given wide releases here instead of being re-made. A lot of the atmosphere is ruined and traded in for cheap parlor tricks in the america remakes. I have heard the argument that american audiences would not appreciate the japanese flicks because of the cultural themes in them, however I would hope that americans seeking out these films would be smart enough to understand different cultures. I, personally have no problem understanding the outlying themes, and actually appreciate it even more because it is something different then hollywood has to offer. It's not even like most of the japanese horror films are groundbreaking or anything, but it is a shame that good and decent j-horror flicks are remade into crap-tacular american films, and on top of that 90% of the people seeing them don't even know they are remakes. The worst part is that usually the american remakes are reviewed by critics so harshly(with the exception of The Ring) that it detours people from even wanting to see the original. So do yourself a favor, the next time you see an ad for a horror flick, that has to do with a kid, a ghost(usually with LONG SPOOKY BLACK HAIR) and a lonely mother....check to see if it was originall a J-horror flick!!!

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