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BCW and the Blog

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Well as with everything I've ever done in terms of online writing, I foudn an outlet, wrote some things for it, then got bored and stopped. I imagine this blog will be updated fairly infrequently from here on out.


However, I must say I really enjoyed last night's Border City Wrestling show. It was cool to have Bret Hart sign my SummerSlam 1997 box. The opening Six Man Scramble match (Johnny Devine vs Ryan someone (he was good but I don't recall the name) vs. El Reverso vs. Some guy from Chatam that I found out was there because he paid $500 vs. Kris Chambers vs. Derek Wylde) was a great spot fest. Kris Chambers messed up a spot with Devine so Devine stiffed him. I laughed. I heard that Johnny was mad he didn't get the Ryan character's Reverse Rana spot sold 100% correctly but it was still insane to see attempted and it still looked cool. They also did the Pyramid spot with the man on top taking a rana... nice.


The main event was Petey Williams vs Alex Shelley vs AJ Styles vs. Chris Sabin in an elimination match. Really enjoyed this one. It came down to AJ and Petey and that started dueling "Let's Go AJ / Petey" chants. Williams won with the variatio nof the Canadian Destroyer he used on one of the TNA PPVs where he starts the motion on the 2nd turnbuckle (after the first normal one didn't finish the match).


Good show all around.

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