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3/27: Cancer And "Pensises"

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3 p.m.


• That Karl Rove is a genius. What’s the best way to get your administration’s accusations of firing judges, or whatever that stupid “scandal” is about? Give your press spokesman cancer.


The colon cancer that Tony Snow successfully battled two years ago has returned and spread to the presidential spokesman's liver, the White House said Tuesday.


I didn't care too much for Tony when he sub-hosted for Rush all those years ago, but I didn't want him to get cancer for it.


8:15 a.m.


• OK, so I get oodles of male (and female) enhancement ads through my personal and work e-mail, along with letters from exiled African princes who offer me millions of dollars worth of inheritance loot for just a $5,000 loan. Anyway, I got this in my e-mail this morning, and, well …


























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That's the coolest picture I've ever seen. Does "don't let her get it somewhere else" just mean the whale, or that the whale is banging her in the ass? I also like how they spell "pensis" because it's not spam without at least one word spelled wrong.

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My take is that this ad is a warning of what can happen to YOU. The chick's husband has a small "pensis," (lol) therefore she has to look to satisfy her sexual needs elsewhere -- enter the killer whale.

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