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Rush defaced, TV, 8, Al

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Swift Terror


Another example of the Left's tolerance and willingness to support the right of someone expressing their views, even if those views differ from theirs.


Watched "Heroes" and the season finale of "The Unit" last night, which I recorded on the High Def DVR. Heroes is just getting on my nerves. It's not as good as the hype surrounding it. The storyline with the blonde chick with the violent alter-ego and her husband and their child is painfully boring. The cheerleader is very annoying. The Unit, however is first class. David Mamet, you can't go wrong. The show almost never attempts to dumb-down to the audience--often I have to rewind to pick up on something that is happening.



D.E. Jr is bolting from DEI, though he still owns 51% of the company. When he switches car numbers, it's going to be a problem for the diehard fans who have 8 all over their house, yard, vehicles, some even with tattoes. Their was a commercial a while back where Dale Jr made an announcement that he was changing car numbers and all these people were going nuts tearing down all the 8s they had, only for Jr to say "just kidding." Well, not anymore.



Al Sharpton cracked on Mormons. Then he was on Paula Zahn's show demonstrating ingorance of the Mormon faith. Then he was on Glenn Beck still demonstrating ignorance of the Mormon fatih. He apologized to all Mormons....except Mitt Romney. Hilarious. He's expecting Mormons to accept his apology, although he certainly did not accept Imus' apology. Now, I think the stuff Mormons believe is damn near right up there with Scientologists on the weirdness scale, but so what. They aren't hurting anybody and I couldn't care less what they believe.


And apparently 60 Minutes is grilling Romney on whether or not he had premarital sex. What a bunch a little babies. They're trying to play gotcha with the Mittster. Now, Bapists believe premarital sex is a sin, Bill Clinton said he was a Bapist, did this come up then? Oh.

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I lol'd at the Rush story because the guy who said "I'm glad it happened" was some Public Works government employee. I'm SHOCKED!


I dont' get the Romney question, and fuck Poo-Face.

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