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5/16: See You In Hell Eddie, Err, Jerry

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7:30 p.m.


• Well, that hippie library is still going to be around…


North Huntingdon, Irwin and North Irwin voters rejected the repeal of 1 mill of the current 1.2-mill Norwin library tax.


An extensive campaign by the library's board of trustees led to resounding defeat of the taxpayer group-initiated referendum.


But fuck you Fast Eddie.


Pennsylvania voters said "no deal" to lower property taxes in return for higher local income taxes.


With about two-thirds of school districts reporting results of their tax-shift referendums Wednesday morning, voters in only four appeared to accept the trade-off, according to returns posted on a Department of State Web site.


The proposed tax shift was touted by the Rendell administration as a chance for homeowners to increase the size of the property-tax cuts they will receive once the state distributes slot-machine gambling revenue to school districts.


You think we’re that fucking dumb? This state may vote Democrat more times than not, but my fellow Keystone Staters aren’t retarded … or at least as much as other blue states. Tax shift? Yeah, right. More like “added tax.” You’ve been talking about slot-machine revenue gambling longer than W. has had troops in Iraq. This slots-for-property-tax idea has been an abortion since the start, and if you’re going to want to screw us over, then you’re going to have to force the sodomy. What, you expect me to fuck my own browneye?


Oh, but the real reason we didn’t vote for it was because we’re too stupid.


Chuck Ardo, spokesman for Gov. Ed Rendell, said opposition likely reflected voter confusion.


"The governor believes that voters ought to have local control over the mix of taxes that support their schools," Ardo said. "The dollar-for-dollar exchange (under the tax shifts) was straightforward. Unfortunately, the interpretation, by the time it got to the voters, seemed to be much more complicated."


Some variation of the question was asked in all but three of the state's 501 school districts under a 2006 law that promises to deliver as much as $1 billion a year in slots revenue for tax cuts financed by slot-machine gambling. The questions were not asked in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Scranton, where wage taxes are already comparatively high.


The ballot questions called for shifting at least 25 percent of the local school-tax burden — but not more than 50 percent — to a higher earned income tax, which most school districts already levy on wages and other compensation, or to a new local personal income tax. The personal income tax would apply to both wages and unearned income such as interest and dividends. Pensions and Social Security benefits are not taxed.


If approved, the tax shifts take effect July 1.


Although the line "The questions were not asked in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Scranton, where wage taxes are already comparatively high," made me LOL. (Scranton?) This part of the article cracked me up the most.


Senior citizens on fixed incomes and low-income homeowners would likely receive the greatest benefit from the tax shift because their property-tax reductions would far exceed the local income tax increase. By contrast, renters have the most to lose because they would pay higher income taxes and would not be eligible for any tax relief.


So even senior citizens voted against this? And in Pennsylvania, the old people control EVERYTHING, what with their en masse journey to the polls. And even though they keep dying off, there are plenty of near-blue hairs in this commonwealth to keep the Access vans busy to and from the local fire halls on Election Day.


• Back to local elections. God I love my town.


Former commissioner David Herold defeated incumbent George Fohner for the Democratic nomination in the 1st Ward, a contest that was marred by allegations of sign-stealing.


The sad thing is, when it comes to these local races, those stupid signs probably do make a difference in an election or two.


• Oh, yeah. Jerry Falwell died. I waited a few days to see what my other bloggers had to say. Wasn’t surprised. The commie goes "good riddence," and the right-winger says the extreme Left will go “see you in hell, Jerry” and all the usual stuff from the ideology of diversity and tolerance. I waited to post this because anything I say will be, as usual, so brilliant that nothing else will need to be said I’m lazy. I’m undecided as to which take I should use. Do I go with…


A) Falwell died? Wow, he must have taken Rudy Giuliani’s early presidential campaigning success hard.




B) Falwell died? Well, for his sake I hope all Jesus did with his disciples was preach the word of God and didn’t play a game of pitch or catch when the sun went down.


I'm hardcore. I'll take 'em both.

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Damn library.



I think he was someone whose bark was worse than their bite.


The thing is, he never said he wished death or AIDS or anything else on anyone. He was merely describing his view of Christianity, which may be different from other Christians. But he never said he was glad or happy that certain sinners were going to hell. This sets him apart from the people who indeed wished death upon him and are happy that he is dead. They are in point of fact demonstrating the very attitude that they think Falwall demonstrated.

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