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5/22: #25, The King James Version Of Game Closeouts

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kkk's Top 103 Posters




Number 25: Flyboy


I liked the little bugger, in a master-likes-his-slave sort of way. It’s been a while since I chatted with the tyke, but the one thing I will always remember was the time he asked me for help on an assignment. He had to do some weekly hippie “current events” assignment, where, if memory serves, he had to take a current event and compare it to something that happened a while before that. Asking me for schoolwork help – you know a person doesn’t give a shit about his grade when this transpires. After a quick search of the news wires, I told him why not compare the Berlin Wall to the wall that the Jews were building at the time to keep out those pesky Muslims. He liked the idea and went with it – too bad he wasn’t doing an assignment about the U.S. building a wall to keep out Mexicans. Oh, and he likes them white, err, non-black girls, too. Well, except for one, anyway.


3 p.m.


• Swift Terror stole a bit of my thunder regarding some of the media’s comments about LeBron James and his late-game decisions on whether to take the final shot or pass it off to an open teammate. I didn’t watch last night’s Cavs/Pistons game. Well, actually, I turned on the game at halftime, saw the stats, noticed the Cavs were ahead in some key categories like offensive rebounds and points off turnovers and thought “are they in the lead?” I then saw that Cleveland was up by six points. I then watched Detroit score the next seven points at the start of the third quarter and turned off the television.


This morning I had on ESPN’s Mike and Mike on, and the show's skinny Jew was ragging on James for passing it off to other teammates in the game’s final seconds. The first thought that came into my head was Game 6 of the ’93 NBA finals when Jordan dished it off to a wide-open John Paxon for the series-clinching three-pointer (I forgot about Kerr's shot). I haven’t seen the game footage yet from James’ “moment of truth,” but at this time I’m siding with LeBron. If he had taken the shot and missed, or got to the free-throw line and didn’t make both shots, he’d be criticized for A) choking, or B) not passing it to an open teammate. You can make an argument about James not playing better when the game is on the line, but I’m not going to fault him for passing off to teammates who are set and ready to make an open shot.


Even though I listen to Jim Rome’s show and watch his television show (though not on an everyday basis), I had to tune into his third hour and laugh when I heard him defend his take on this subject and include that “well Michael wouldn’t have passed it to Paxon from 23 feet away” and that “Steve Kerr isn’t Donell Marshall.”


• Time for more PETA fun.


A group of animal advocates is urging LSU not to replace its recently departed mascot with another live tiger, but school officials appear unlikely to accept that idea.


"Big cats in captivity are denied everything that is natural and important to them, such as the opportunity to run, climb, hunt, establish their territory and choose their mates," Lisa Wathne, of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said in a letter to school officials.


You know, I actually agree with PETA on this one. Forget that fact that the article said “Mike (the now deceased tiger) was moved last year into a $3 million home, complete with a bathing pool and waterfall, that offered 15,000 square feet of living space.” I say let the next Mike roam free. Let’s drop him off, at, say, 501 Front Street in Norfolk, Va. Also, let's not feed him before being released, thus allowing Mikey II to experience the thrill of hunting for his food. Then again, exactly how much sustenance can a big kitty get by munching on hippie vegans? Guess that means he’ll have to kill a few more. That’s a shame.


9 a.m.


• Boortz just had a great line regarding Michael Vick and his dog-fighting troubles.


Last month, police raided a Virginia home owned by Vick and allegedly found evidence of a major dog-fighting operation, including dozens off malnourished and injured dogs. The quarterback has denied any wrongdoing, and no criminal charges have been filed against him.


Vick has since sold the home.


I wonder if the Georgia Dome will be playing "Who Let The Dogs Out" at Falcon home games this year. I'm sure this will be a popular tune on the road. Here's the story if you're not up-to-date on this, or if you don't read Teke's "Vick Updates" at the other place.

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Funny you mention "Who Let The Dogs Out"...


When Vick was at a QB competition in the Bahamas recently, the crowd was barking at him and chanting "Who Let The Dogs Out."


I'm sure he appreciates it better than "Mexico 7: I Just Gave You Herpes"...




Unfortunately, the PA announcers at the stadiums won't be allowed to play "Who Let The Dogs Out", "How Much Is That Doggy In The Window", or anything else along that lines.


Detroit blew that one for us all last year when they played Billy Joel's "The Piano Man" for their former QB, Joey Harrington, while he was starting for the Miami Dolphins.


The League office put the kibosh on that kind of thing after the Harrington incident.

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No Fun League indeed.


However, I think a case could be made that "Who let the dogs out" is a commonly used track and has no bearing on certain players on the field.

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I guess that only applies to picking on a particular player via the PA system because the Cowboys played "Rockin' Robin" when the Eagles were introduced last year and that annoying "meow meow meow meow" song from the Meow Mix commericals when the Lions came onto the field.

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Let LSU have their tiger. It's not like a group of LSU trustees are going to go to the Serengetti plain and bag a tiger for themselves. It'll be a tiger that was destined for a cage anyway and now it will get the celebrity treatment.

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Let LSU have their tiger. It's not like a group of LSU trustees are going to go to the Serengetti plain and bag a tiger for themselves. It'll be a tiger that was destined for a cage anyway and now it will get the celebrity treatment.

Given the past of the LSU program, the tiger will likely be purchased from a zoo somewhere within the south.



Mike I was purchased from the zoo in Little Rock, AR.


Mike V (the most recent one) was purchased from a zoo in Alabama.




It's not like this is the first time PETA's done this in our area either...


They pulled this shit with Southern University, the historically-black university in North Baton Rouge, when their Jaguar mascot, Lacumba, died in the past few years.

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