D. Patrick, Chris Henry saga
Although I'd rather be talking about Danica Patrick and the idea of her slurping milk in this weekend's Indy 500 winner's circle, ESPN's Dan Patrick is a tool of the week candidate. He pulled the classic "leading the witness" deal with Bengals head coach Marvin Lewis on his radio show. He brought up profiling and asked Lewis if his players were being profiled. Then all Lewis had to do was say "Yes, Dan they are". The obvious implication being race, although Danny boy never specified that. But now Lewis says he didn't really mean that, he was talking about profiling them as Bengal players, not as black men. Ok, I'll take Lewis at his word, although usually I would scoff at a next day apology/clarification like this. Patrick, you're a tool.
This was all brought up because Bengals wide receiver Chris Henry was pulled over for not signaling on a right hand turn. And this was on the heals of his being falsely accused of failing a drug test--his test was negative but some numbnut lawyer jumped the gun and said he failed the test. Well, include this lawyer as a tool of the week.
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