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6/6: Wilboner For Shef

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6:15 p.m.


• We got some more worst things you can do to a Muslim male/female/child. Across the pond, the Muslim Council of Britain announced its demands for banning "un-Islamic" activities in England's government schools.


The report, Towards Greater Understanding – Meeting The Needs of Muslim Pupils In State Schools, says all schools should bring in effective bans for all pupils on “un-Islamic activities” like dance classes.


It also wants to limit certain activities during Ramadan. They include science lessons dealing with sex, parents’ evenings, exams and immunisation programmes.


The holy month – when eating and drinking is not allowed in daylight hours – should also see a ban on swimming lessons in case pupils swallow water in the pool.


When swimming is allowed, boys should wear clothing covering their bodies “from the navel to the neck”, even during single-sex pool sessions, while girls must be covered up completely at all times, apart from the face and hands.


The MCB adds that schools should ensure contact sports, including football and basketball, “are always in single-gender groups”.


Even school trips are targeted in the report, which wants them all to be made single-sex “to encourage greater participation from Muslim pupils”.


It wants Arabic language classes for Muslim pupils, and says the Koran should be recited in music classes. And all schools should ensure they have prayer rooms with washing facilities attached, it says.


In art classes, Muslim children should not be allowed to draw people, as this is forbidden under some interpretations of Islamic law.


And while the MCB insists that all British children should learn about Islam, it wants Muslims to have the right to withdraw their children from RE lessons dealing with Christianity and other faiths.


The MCB says special treatment and opt-outs are necessary because otherwise Muslim pupils will feel excluded from school activities and lessons.


The funniest thing about all this is that I wanted to single out each offense, but that would have overloaded my quote tag quota for this entry.


• You know, we got predatory lenders after old people, families taking out adjustable-rate mortgages for houses they can’t afford and act all shocked when their rates go up, and now college students unable to get decent loans for their higher learning expenses.


Rampant abuses by lenders have followed a boom in higher-priced college loans not guaranteed by the government, and lax federal oversight has made the situation worse, New York's attorney general said Wednesday.


Andrew Cuomo told Congress his office has begun investigating lenders for possible discriminatory practices involving the criteria used for pricing student loans. Such criteria may include where a student lives and what type of college he attends, Cuomo suggested.


Already, his office has taken on student lenders and college financial aid officials over conflicts of interest. That includes kickbacks to college officials for steering students toward particular lenders.


Private student loans do not have their interest rates capped, unlike government-backed college loans generally.


The $17 billion market for private loans is "the fastest-growing segment of the student loan industry and (has) become the most fertile ground for unscrupulous practices," Cuomo said at a hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. "Private loans are the Wild West of the student loan industry."


At the same time, he said, "The Department of Education was asleep at the switch, but so were the banking regulators—who must now wake up and act."


Cuomo struck a receptive chord from lawmakers.


The committee chairman, Sen. Christopher Dodd, said he would consider writing legislation that would extend to student loans the sort of fair-lending laws that cover home mortgages.


Maybe we are country made up of people too stupid to take care of ourselves. Lord knows we have enough registered Democrats.


• Regarding Danica Patrick’s push of that male driver.


Patrick, who started 17th in the 18-car field in the ABC Supply/A.J. Foyt 225, went low on the track in an attempt to pass Wheldon on the 88th lap. The cars touched, sending Patrick’s car spinning into the infield grass. She straightened the car out, but the collision bent the suspension and forced a long pit stop for repairs. She finished eighth.


Wheldon’s car was not damaged and he went on to finish third, behind winner Tony Kanaan and Dario Franchitti.


Afterward, an angry Patrick approached Wheldon in the pits, grabbed his arm, voiced her complaint and gave him a light push as she walked away.


Neither incident was serious enough to warrant a penalty, IRL vice-president John Griffin said Tuesday.


I’ve never had a reason to say anything bad about you, but bitch you better be glad that you pushed him and not me. Great, now the PTI guys are like “Wow, this Danica/Whoever rumble is GREAT!” Yeah, too bad if the pusher and pushee roles were reversed, there would be OUTRAGE~! Hypocrites. Back in my college days, this annoying bitch gave me a push. Guess what? I pushed her back. She was SHOCKED and OFFENDED. Equal treatment my ass. I don't advocate beating the other sex but I do advocate equality.


6 p.m.


• The Michael Wilbon rimjobbing of Gary Sheffield continues today. “OMG a Latino player defended Gary in the Detroit Free Press Today/Gary Sheffield is my hero for speaking out against the Man.” You forgot to wipe some spooge from your chin there, Michael. I know he's your boy and all.

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To quote George Costanza-"It's just like the feminists. They want everything to be equal. Everything. But when the check comes, where are they?"

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