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7/18: Vick's Hot Ghetto Mess

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9 p.m.


• So I had O'Reilly on and he was talking about some hot ghetto mess Web site, and he said that this voyeuristic Web site is exploiting the inner city. He then made a side comment about how the ghetto really isn’t a mess and this is making the people of the inner city look bad. Uh, Bill.


8 p.m.


• Let's complete the humans-are-scum trifectia with this gem.


Harrel Braddy is a cold-hearted murderer who left a five-year-old in the Everglades to be killed by alligators so she wouldn't be able to tell police what he had done to her mother, a prosecutor told the jury today.


Assistant State Attorney Abbe Rifkin asked the jury to consider Quatisha Maycock's final moments.


''You're five.... You're hurt. You're alone. It's dark,'' she said.


Braddy had already left Quatisha Maycock's mother, Shandelle, for dead in a sugarcane field after choking her repeatedly, Rifkin said during her closing argument in Braddy's murder trial. She reminded jurors that Shandelle Maycock said she tried to escape and save the child by jumping out of Braddy's moving car and asked them: ``how desperate would you have to be to jump out of a moving car with your child?''


Given that, and the evidence that Quatisha Maycock was still alive when alligators bit her on the head and stomach, Rifkin urged the jury to convict Braddy of kidnapping mother and child, trying to murder Shandelle and murdering Quatisha.


But Braddy's attorney, G.P. Della Fera, offered an alternative theory to explain the child's death.


And what is this "alternative theory"?


He blamed her mother. The fatal blow came when Shandelle Maycock jumped out of Braddy's moving car.


''Quatisha Maycock suffered an injury and died as a result of flying out of a car and hitting her head on Ives Dairy Road,'' he said. ``It's up to you to decide whether Mr. Braddy is responsible for that.''


Riiiiight. Here's the rest of the story. And LOL at the attorney firings. Just think, the one he kept offers the "alternative theory." Perhaps the other fired legal eagles had souls. Then again, probably not.


Jurors have spent more than a week listening to testimony in the case and were expected to begin deliberations this afternoon.


Maycock testified last week that Braddy, a friend from church, flew into a rage in her apartment one night back in 1998 when she asked him to leave. She said he told her that she had used him and twice choked her until she passed out.


The second time, she awoke in the back seat of Braddy's car with her daughter in the front seat.


She said she grabbed her daughter and jumped out of Braddy's car in a desperate attempt the save the child.


When Braddy pulled over to get the two of them, Maycock said her daughter was hurt from the fall from the car, but was able to walk. Braddy put the little girl in the front seat and shoved Maycock into the trunk. She never saw her daughter alive again.


If jurors convict Braddy of first degree murder, the trial will move to the penalty phase. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for Braddy, a felon with a lengthy record that includes convictions for escape and attempted murder.


The trial has been delayed for nearly nine years because Braddy has fired a series of court-appointed attorneys and even briefly represented himself.


7:45 p.m.


• What the fuck is wrong with this world?


A 3-month-old cat is clinging to life at a Sonoma County animal hospital after having been set on fire by two teenage girls who now face charges of animal cruelty.


The kitten, named Adam by hospital staff, has undergone two surgeries and had its tail and the tips of its ears amputated. The skin on its back was burned off in the attack, leaving nothing but raw tissue.


"The degree of injury is greater than our normal level of trauma that we care for," said Katheryn Hinkle, the head veterinarian and owner of the Animal Hospital of Cotati. "He's our most critical patient, and we're watching him constantly."


The cat, one of several feral felines trapped for spaying and neutering, was in a cage outside an apartment in Santa Rosa when two 15-year-old girls allegedly poured flammable liquid on the animal and set it on fire last month.


An 11-year-old boy and his friend saw the smoke and heard the cat, then eight weeks old, shrieking while the girls laughed. The girls, whose names have not been released, were charged with cruelty to animals in Sonoma County Juvenile Court last week.


With so much exposed skin, the cat is vulnerable to infection, Hinkle said. It cannot leave its cage and must be handled only with gloves. It will need several more surgeries to cover the wound on its back with skin.


The kitten was among six wild litter mates and a male cat captured by a trapper on a farm. The plan was to have the cats spayed and neutered and then released back to the farm. The cages with the kittens were stolen and only Adam has been found.


According to Hinkle, the bill to keep the kitten alive could run between $20,000 and $30,000 even though the vet performing its surgeries has donated her services. The community's concern for the cat has prompted anger in some Sonoma County residents, who complain that the slaying of a 16-year-old boy in the same neighborhood last year did not receive as much attention.


Christ only knows what happened to the other kittens. And perhaps those who compain about the teenage death not getting as much "attention" should have shown their outrage when it happened. Sad thing is the cat's probably going to die anyway and those little monsters will get counseling when they should be getting a special delivery from the Cancer Fairy.


4:30 p.m.


• As I'm typing JJ is taking a pee in the computer room litterbox. Sometimes I wonder if cats get annoyed if they're trying to do their business when someone else is in the room. I know I like to use stalls when in a public facility. God is that ever a gamble, hoping to find a toilet that's not clogged up with shit.


You know, as much as I think cigarettes are nothing more than a tax on the stupid, when will it end?


As a Senate committee prepares to approve an additional $35 billion for children's health insurance, the Bush administration spelled out its objections to how the increase would be paid for—a 61-cent increase on the excise tax for a pack of cigarettes.


"Ironically, the proposed legislation would increase taxes on low- income taxpayers as a way to fund health coverage for low-income individuals," Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt said Tuesday.


The reason I say this is because once there's not enough smokers to pay out these taxes, Big Government will come after some of the stuff I like, such as burgers, fries and soft drinks. Then again, they're already doing this, but the process will be sped up more.


1:30 p.m.


• So the better half and I had ESPN’s Mike and Mike on this morning, and they were talking about the Michael Vick case and how he’s been indicted for dog fighting. Now Mrs. kkk has a real soft spot for animals (you’d figure that out with the three cats we have), and when she heard that dogs in the Vick Manor were (allegedly) electrocuted, hung and shot, among other things, she turned the radio off. I turned it back on the local RIGHT-WING RADIO guy whose co-hosts she HATES, I then said something to her and turned my head and saw her in pre-cry mode, where her lower lip covers up her upper lip and the chin dimples start to show. Believe me, I know this look, seeing how she’s married to me. Anyway, just to be my usual asshole self, I said to her, “Now dear, this is part of their culture.” She shot back with the following remark, “Well it was part of our society’s culture to hang these niggers from a tree like they did those dogs and beat them to death. Maybe we should do that with these fucking assholes!”




I couldn’t think of anything else to say but, “Baby, I love you.”


By the way, couldn’t Vick just own a meat processing plant and get his jollies from livestock getting killed? He could still bet money on how long it would take a cow to bleed to death or something.

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Wow indeed. Man, Mrs. kkk obviously had a button pushed. I don't blame her, even though I'm not big on having a pet right now. Watching an animal pee or take a dump in my house is not on my want list. I know, that's an overreaction and I'll probably get a pet one day when we have a family, but not now man.


I happened to turn on Rome when a caller was pissed at him for ragging on Vick, claiming bigotry is behind all the condemnation of Vick. I don't know, seems to me like hanging and electrocuting dogs might be on more than a few people's pet peeve list and they're likely to get real mad at anyone who does this, whatever their color.

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