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The Return of the Ravenwood, Chillin with Miller, Cro-Magnons Not Blacks

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Swift Terror


I was watching G4 channel's coverage of the 2007 Comic-Con and they showed a

special announcement by the principal cast and director of the new Indiana Jones

movie. This was broadcast to the Comic-Con audience and featured Spielberg, Ford

and others. I liked it when Spielberg was muted when he said the title of the

new film (I'm sure a lip reader catched it and it will soon be spoiled all over

the internet).


But then Spielberg did something that could only appeal to the hardcore Raiders

fans: he brought out a chair with the name "Marion Ravenwood", followed shortly

thereafter by Karen Allen. Pretty cool if you ask me. Marion was one of my all

time favorite female characters of any movie. The fans always wondered why she

disappeared from the two sequels and now Spielberg has made things right. I just

hope he makes the movie right. There are those who will go nameless who are

opposed to this new sequel (kkktookmybabyaway) and they have a point. Last

Crusade was a fitting ending and Ford is a senior citizen at this point, etc. I

don't know, it's to big of an event for me to ignore it. I'll be seeing it in

the theatres for sure.



I tried the new Miller beer product called "Chill". You've probably seen the

commericals. It has lime and salt and is a Mexican recipe going way back. Last

week I was walking through Biggs and there was a lady handing out little plastic

cups of Chill along with chips and salsa. They were 25 cents to try so I gave it

a shot. It was good and the typical beer after-taste is non-existent. Works for

me, way to go Miller. PLus I love those Miller High Life commericals with the

guy removing Miller beer from places that have expensive prices, so Miller good

with me. Besides, Budweiser has George Clooney as a spokesperson, so I'll not be

drinking a Budweiser anytime soon.



The new sitcom based on the Geico Caveman commericals is making news. It seems

the producers/network suits/whomever have seen fit to announce that the show "IS

NOT A RACIAL ALLEGORY". Liberals everywhere must be saddened, I'm sure they were

looking forward to seeing race themes on the show as whites abused the poor

cavemen. Now I'm very skeptical of this show's success because only one of the

three actors from the commercial are going to be in series. Big Mistake.

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Now I'm very skeptical of this show's success because only one of the three actors from the commercial are going to be in series. Big Mistake.


I hope it's not the one at the airport. He pisses me off.

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I don't know which two have decided NOT to cash in on a network primetime series.


The guy at the airport is the pivotal guy. He's also the one at the psychiatrists office. I love the wooden tennis racket he's carrying at the airport (don't know why, it makes no sense, I just like it) and the background music is perfect. I detect a gay undertone to his character but I don't think that's where the commercials/show is going. He's more of a "non-Alpha male, gets along great with his mother" type.

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