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9/1: Whether You're At The Vet, Wendy's Or Kmart, It's A Zoo Out There

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10:30 p.m.


Zoo for you.


This pensive documentary explores equine-human frolicking among a close-knit, closed-door community of fellow zoophiles in rural Washington State. Despite the potentially offensive subject matter, this unique film is anything but exploitative, and it’s actually one of the most gorgeously composed, visual tone poems you’re likely to see on screen this year. Pondering complicated notions of privacy, community and taboo-shattering in the Internet age, Zoo examines the events leading up to one zoophile’s grisly death from a perforated colon after indulging in a barnyard sexual act that few can comprehend, much less condone. Director Devor (Police Beat), something of a cinematic bard of the Pacific Northwest, broadens his already fascinating repertoire with this ambiguous and unconventional experimental documentary that pushes the boundaries of the medium with its unexpected beauty and uncompromising grace.


Translation: Some horse fucked an idiot to death. And when it was discovered that it’s legal to frolic with a barnyard animals in Washington, Larry Craig said, “Damn, I should have been a senator one state over.”


Oh, and did you know there is a Roadhouse 2 out there? From IMDB's trivia section:


The part of Nate Tanner (Patton) was originally supposed to be Jack Dolton, Patrick Swayze's character from the first Road House (1989), but Swayze backed out due to creative differences, and the character was changed.


My guess is that the script had Dalton V2.0 not cerebral enough.


10 p.m.


• So today we took JJ to the vet, which he wasn’t very happy about. Now whenever one of the kids has a vet appointment, we try to sit in a secluded area of the waiting room. Today we weren’t able to get “our spot” and had to sit with other people and pets. Now one trick I do which seems to work is when we’re situated, I open the door to their carrier. This way they aren’t “confined” but rather able to roam but choose not to due to the fact they are scared shitless because they are away from home. Actually, I do this more for my sanity because when that door is closed Dessa, JJ and Max won’t stop crying. Well, I noticed something rather stupid on this trip. We were sitting across from this lady with a golden retriever. Nothing major. Then this woman comes in with her cat and sits, in a near-empty waiting room, RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOG. The dog goes over to check out the carrier and the cat flips out, causing must bewilderment to the cat’s owner.


After we got JJ’s meds and took him back home, Mrs. kkk and I went shopping for some stuff. We stopped at Wendy’s for lunch, but the better half didn’t want to wait in line seeing how there were 10-12 people already in front of us. No big deal, I thought, for this reason: there weren’t any children. This is key. Why?


1) Some parents want their kids to order for themselves, much to the chagrin of the poor cashier who can’t understand what the brat is trying to say. The mom and dad think it’s cute. Fuck them. There’s other people waiting in line.


2) Kids get kid’s meals. When I worked fast-food I HATED these fucking things. Not only were many of the smaller portions more difficult to fill (Oh those small McDonald’s fry bags. Grrr.) but if you had to put together a box, those bastards would never fold right.


3) Most times when getting a family’s order together, the kids would be out of control, and the money transaction and getting these people out of line would be a pain in the ass because the parents could never effectively handle their end of the situation.


Turns out my theory was correct, for the most part. The line went rather smoothly, except for the old people that were complaining about something or other. Old people are a toss up. If there’s a gray-hair in line by himself, you might be in trouble because his conversation with the cashier might be his only human interaction for the entire day. Hey, grandpa, I don’t care if your family hates you. Shut the fuck up and go sit in your corner table where you look at everyone and wonder what happened to your measly existence. Now if the old person is with family, you might get away with minimal waiting. The only danger in this scenario would be if the old person has finished bothering the kids/grandkids and turns onto an employee with inane chitchat. Fortunately, this day wasn’t any of these cases.


On the way home we stopped at Kmart to get some cleaning supplies and charcoal. The cleaning supplies weren’t difficult to find, but I was having some difficulty getting charcoal. I asked this one employee who told me to go to customer service. I went to customer service and they told me to go to layaway (?). I went to layaway and they had this look of confusion as to why I would be directed to this part of the store. I shrugged and let her know the name of the CSR who passed the buck. After I got back with Mrs. kkk at the rendezvous point, she noted that she saw an empty shelf where the charcoal would have been all along. I figured as such. From my experiences, Kmart isn’t known for its ample supply of sale items. Ha, I remember back during my Middletown days this only lady flipping out because some advertised item was out of stock. This was around the time the big K announced bankruptcy, and this chick was screaming, “I hope you people go out of business!” No offense, but if you’re that devastated about not being able to get something from Kmart, then you got some issues. Then again, this is coming from the same person who once wished cancer on a bagboy so I’ll put down my briquette before I toss it through my glass front door.


10 a.m.


• I love it when libs in the States whine about how we should be more like those little socialist utopias in Europe. The government tax system. The government health care. The government transportation. The government immigration policy.


The campaign poster was blatant in its xenophobic symbolism: Three white sheep kicking out a black sheep over a caption that read "for more security." The message was not from a fringe force in Switzerland's political scene but from its largest party.


The nationalist Swiss People's Party is proposing a deportation policy that anti-racism campaigners say evokes Nazi-era practices. Under the plan, entire families would be expelled if their children are convicted of a violent crime, drug offenses or benefits fraud.



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God that horse fucking thing in Washington still makes me laugh and cry at the same time. Amazing it took that long to make it a crime. I also recall shortly after the law went into effect some lady hearing her dog yelping, opening the door to the porch and seeing her husband fucking their dog. Woof Woof.




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