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9/5: Big Mac Enviro Attack

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8:15 p.m.


• And just how many farting cows had to be raised in order to provide beef for this global warming Big Mac deal?


A Japanese government website crashed Wednesday as people raced to take up an offer of a half-price McDonald's hamburger in exchange for pledging to fight global warming.


The Japanese unit of the US burger giant Tuesday offered a Big Mac for 150 yen (1.3 dollars), about half the normal price, to anyone demonstrating a commitment to preventing climate change.


Next thing you know, we'll be producing gas that takes more energy to produce than it provides in better mileage over other Big Oil products. Uh, nevermind. For those of you that didn't get the last sentence, don't worry. It was corny anyway.


8 p.m.


• So someone I know in Ohio sent me the following e-mail:


yuck--ann coulter to speak at xavier tomorrow. i gave my $5 to the counter-cause and might go to the "thank ann coulter" rally, if anyone else is interested.


Knowing that clicking on any the links he gave me in his e-mail would make for some interesting reading, I did so. I wasn't disappointed.


The extremist ideologue is famous for her attacks on Muslims, the environment, women’s rights, and LGBT Americans. Recently she used the word “faggot” in a backhanded insult of presidential candidate John Edwards. And she’s coming to Xavier University in Cincinnati on September 6.


She has every right to speak her mind (and she's paid well to do it, her $20,000+ speaking fee equals about $5 for every Xavier student). But we speak our minds, too; for values like compassion, equality, and diversity. The same values Xavier students work to uphold with groups like Xavier's Gay-Straight Alliance, Amnesty International, Habitat for Humanity, and Earthcare.


Here’s where you come in: While Coulter pollutes the air with her divisive message on one side of Xavier’s campus on September 6, on the other side we’ll be presenting a check to Xavier student organizations working to make their campus – and Ohio – a place where everyone feels at home.


Can you spare just $5 – an Abe Lincoln – to support the same communities Coulter regularly bashes for pay?

We’ll also send her a ‘thank you’ card signed with your name, and let her know how much money we raised.


If just 200 people send $5, that's $1000 raised for Xavier's fair-minded community groups.


My response to the e-mail first sent to me:


In the words of Eric Cartman: HA! FAGS!


7:30 p.m.


• So I was flipping through some channels today and came across a preview for some program that was done shortly after 9/11. The preview said something like, "provocative movie directors from around the world talk about the effects of the terror attacks on America.” Who was the director featured in this preview? Sean Penn. Wow, what a shock. This special is being aired on the Sundance channel.


• "Around the Horn" talked about this today. And all the panelists were OUTRAGED at these comments made by Cincinnati radio talk guy Bill Cunningham.


"Adam Dunn looks like a monkey with a football in left field," Cunningham said. "He has to have consequences for what he does. That is again a loafing ballplayer who ... would have blew a .15 if someone gave (him) the intoxilizer last night. I say .15. The son of a gun is drunk. And he's playing baseball in left field for the Redlegs."


Sadly, J.A. Adande echoed the first thoughts in my head as I heard this story: Thank God he didn't say this about Ken Griffey Jr. If so, he'd be a RACIST~! Whatever. It was probably an off-the-cuff comment. I've heard much worse.


3 p.m.


• So the brother of one of my co-workers died and she’s taking the week off to do funeral stuff. This brought about a discussion between me and my co-worker in the next office about company policy during a death in the family. I contended that a person could get the day off without pay in these matters while my counterpart thought that these days off are with pay. I asked another co-worker about this topic and figured that she would give use the correct answer since her father passed away a few years ago. Her answer was this: Because she “didn’t abuse” this benefit prior, my idiot boss said she got to take her father’s funeral day off WITH pay. This of course brings up the question of “abuse.” How does one abuse a benefit such as this?


“Boss, I need Monday off because my dad died.”


“You used that excuse six months ago when your mom died. No day off for you.”


Of course, when my grandma died earlier this year, I had to stay later than my scheduled half-day off (which I used sick time to fill in the remaining four hours of that shift) because my idiot boss has no management skills and asked me to drive to a nearby Kinko’s to price-check on something that has nothing to do with my job. Here’s how this gem of a chat went down.


“kkk, I need you to go to Kinko’s and find out how much this proposal will cost with and without binding.”


“But I’m going to my grandmother’s viewing service now. It’s at 1 p.m. and it’s going to take me at least 30 minutes to get there (note: the time was 12:30).”


“Can you do it real quick?”


Now normally I jump at the chance to stay away from my family, but not at the expense of mingling with this fuckwad. But in the end it all worked out. I saved a half-hour of sick time that I used elsewhere, I got a nice story that will be going into my eventual resignation letter that will be sent out companywide and I stayed away from my family for an additional 30 minutes. T’was a good day, tater.


Oh, and just to show I’m not being a paranoid asshole about my workplace situation (well, not as big a paranoid asshole as I already am), my co-worker recently attended this multi-day event as his job title dictates. Now all this guy put down on his expense report was mileage and hotel expenses. No food, drink or other miscellaneous costs. The day after he submitted his form, our one boss asked him, “In what capacity were you in attendance at this event?” What really makes this hilarious is that my co-worker deals in sales, and he’s never allowed to go anywhere. Well, he’s “allowed,” but he has to foot the bill for everything. This despite having a budget for this sort of thing that he’s not allowed to use. But to be fair, I have a similar budge for my department that I wouldn’t be able to tap into even with a sledgehammer.

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At my awesome place of employment, we have to fill out a forum when we are going to be taking time off for a family member's funeral, which is up to 4 days paid. I guess this forum help's them weed out people who have "abused" their berevement leave.

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Cunningham is a creepy old fuck. He once leered at one of my ex's at a resturant about a couple of years ago and when she gave him a pissed look, he didn't budge.

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