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Michael Savage gets it wrong, Palin protests

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Swift Terror




Savage is trying to set differentiate himself from other Conservative radio hosts by taking the side of the U of Florida student who was tazed by the campus police at a John Kerry speech. He wants to be the "renegade independent Conservative" don't you know. In explaining his position he told a few untruths. Maybe he thought what he was saying was true, but I doubt it. That would make him a liar. Oh well, if the shoe fits. Here's what he said.


1. The kid was hand-cuffed when he was tased.


Wrong. They could not handcuff him due to his squirming and resisting.



2. The female officer tased him without warning.


Wrong. They warned him, telling him to stop resisting.



3. "They" cut off the mike during his allotted time because tase-boy was asking Kerry unsettling questions about Skull and Bones.


Wrong. The Q&A had been declared over and tase-boy interrupted and strated giving a speech and not obeying the rules of the Q&A. He would not stop yelling.



By the way, tase-boy's yelling "help! help me! they're arresting me!" during the event is eerily, hilariously, similar to a scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. When King Arthur is riding along among a bunch of serfs and he drags Michael Palin off, who is protesting the fact that Arthur has declared himself King of the Britains because some "aquatic tart" handed him a sword. Palin yells out "Help! Help! I'm being oppressed! See the repression!"

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Oh Michael.


I remember a year or so ago when some crazy guy off his meds yelled "I got a bomb" on a plane and got shot there was a local RIGHT-WING RADIO promo around here featuring Savage bitching about the guy having to get shot. That's all I got.

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