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No doubt this will be very fair and objective--HBO movie

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Swift Terror


HBO is making a movie about the 2000 presidential election in Florida. So what's the over/under on how many days this will be premiered before the presidential election between Hillary and Guliani/Romney/Thompson?



Recounting Florida politics 2000 Election mess gets HBO treatment

Source: Orlando Sentinel





She has battled velociraptors, pterodactyls and T-Rexes. Laura Dern's next challenge: Taking on Katherine Harris -- or rather her persona.


So says Variety, which reported Monday that Dern has been cast as Harris in HBO Films' upcoming production of Recount, a re-telling of 2000's election mess.


The cast appears to be relatively star-studded. Aside from Dern, who starred in the political satire Citizen Ruth in between Jurassic Parks, Variety says Kevin Spacey is set to play Democratic attorney Ron Klain; Denis Leary will portray Democratic consultant Michael Whouley. And playing the battling ex-secretaries of state are Tom Wilkinson as James Baker and John Hurt as Warren Christopher.


The movie was originally slated to be directed by Sydney Pollack, who was spotted dining at Kres in downtown Orlando a few months ago when scouting locales.


But shooting is slated to start soon in Jacksonville, with Pollack having handed over the directorial reins to Jay Roach, who has two Austin Powers flicks and the Meet the Parents/Fockers duo to his name.


There seems to be some merit in having someone well-versed in comedy doing a piece on Florida politics.

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Uh, isn't it a little after the fact?


One of my favorite scenes was some fat Jew broad in talking to Congress and said something like, "I'm taking full responsibility for my voting actions BUT something was just not right."


It's a good thing we got this rigged-voting cleaned up in '06. I didn't hear a peep about this issue last election. I wonder why.

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