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10/24: Not Calling Off For Pick'em Games

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8 p.m.


• For those that don’t know, I’m taking part in Bored’s college football contest over in the sports thread. Seeing how I know jack shit about college football, I just read over his weekly list of games to pick from and just shoot off the first school that comes to my head from each match-up. This week in my batch of PM’d picks, I had the following:


South Florida at Connecticut <-- Is this the good FL team that was just ranked #2? If so, give me them. If this isn't that team, give me Conn.


Commissioning an Internet pick ‘em contest ain’t easy, folks.


• Gee, and here I thought that’s what sick days are for.


Feeling like playing hooky, but nervous about getting caught? The Excused Absence Network has got your back.


For about $25, students and employees can buy excuse notes that appear to come from doctors or hospitals. Other options include a fake jury summons or an authentic-looking funeral service program complete with comforting poems and a list of pallbearers.

Some question whether the products are legal or ethical—or even work—but the company's owners say they're just helping people do something they would have done anyway.


"Millions of Americans work dead-end jobs, and sometimes they just need a day off," said John Liddell, co-founder of the Internet-based company Vision Matters, which sells the notes as part of its Excused Absence Network. "People are going to lie anyway. How many people go visit their doctors every day when they're not sick because they just need a note?"


Actually, the EAN spokesperson has a point. It’s funny how white-collar jobs oftentimes have sick days, vacation days and holidays-with-pay, but some poor big-box retail clerk or fast-food worker will get shit on for calling off sick. I remember during my Burger King days I was getting ready to relax and watch an afternoon of NBA games when my one manager called and asked me to come into work. Now seeing how I closed Friday and Saturday nights, leaving at around 2 a.m. each time, I didn’t feel like coming in. Besides, that’s what happens when you people hire undependable people and they (gasp!) don’t bother to show up. Well, after I said “no thank you” I heard through the grapevine that the manager bitched about my refusal to come in afterward. Fun times.


While I’m sorta on this subject, the better half’s ex-boss bitched at her for calling off work the day after the Steelers won Super Bowl XL. She stayed up to watch the game with me and decided to use one of her numerous sick/vacation days, especially since there was no work for her planned that particular Monday anyway. Of course, this is the same boss who only worked an hour or two the day of the Steelers victory parade and left to attend that event. Then again, this bitch made Mrs. kkk’s life a living hell, but I guess in the end it all worked out because although the better half now has another crazy boss her situation is not nearly as bad as the previous workplace. (Oh but there are stories.)

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And the funny thing is I bet you end up being the one who finally hands Cuban Linx his first defeat. Hell you made it to a bowl game last year.

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Smuesette was scheduled to have today off from her work, because she'll be working Saturday (she's normally M-F) and some on Sunday too, and they're on a no overtime kick. She's been scheduled to have today off for awhile now and everyone knew it. This is the part where you expect me to say they called this morning and asked her to work. Your expectations would not be fulfilled. One of her co-workers called her this morning and said her boss was pissed she wasn't there and was throwing a fit. She had to go in today to drop off some supplies anyway (so she was doing some work on her off day anyway) and when she got there the boss was screaming about WHY WERENT YOU HERE YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WORK TODAY THE BOARD WAS HERE BLAH BLAH BLAH! She pointed to the schedule where it showed her having the day off, and then pointed out that everyone else knew that it was scheduled for her to have the day off. Of course bosses aren't allowed to admit when they fucked up so she just blew some more smoke out her ass before letting Smuesette go home. She would have worked if they had asked her to, she was just pissed off that she wasn't scheduled to work today, everyone knew that, and she still somehow got yelled out. Glad it wasn't me.

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And the funny thing is I bet you end up being the one who finally hands Cuban Linx his first defeat. Hell you made it to a bowl game last year.


To Bored: What do you think it will take in my division (Pac-8) to make a bowl game? I had written myself off after last weeks loss dropped me to 3-5, but then I noticed I actually won somehow and am 4-4 so I guess I'm still alive for the post season.

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And the funny thing is I bet you end up being the one who finally hands Cuban Linx his first defeat. Hell you made it to a bowl game last year.


To Bored: What do you think it will take in my division (Pac-8) to make a bowl game? I had written myself off after last weeks loss dropped me to 3-5, but then I noticed I actually won somehow and am 4-4 so I guess I'm still alive for the post season.

6-6 will make you bowl eligible but not guarentee you a bid, 7-5 guarentees you a bowl game. Every conference is guarenteed at least three bids.

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And the funny thing is I bet you end up being the one who finally hands Cuban Linx his first defeat. Hell you made it to a bowl game last year.


To Bored: What do you think it will take in my division (Pac-8) to make a bowl game? I had written myself off after last weeks loss dropped me to 3-5, but then I noticed I actually won somehow and am 4-4 so I guess I'm still alive for the post season.

6-6 will make you bowl eligible but not guarentee you a bid, 7-5 guarentees you a bowl game. Every conference is guarenteed at least three bids.


Only 3 bids? damn I was hoping it was like the pac-10 that gets 5 or 6 bids

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