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10/29: Holding A Grudge Against The Sox And Patriots, Too

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8:30 p.m.


• Well I just had last Friday and today off, and the weird things is I don’t actually like the actual “day off.” I like the fact when I go into work tomorrow I’m facing a four-day workweek. Of course when I get to stay up late on Sunday night there isn’t a Sunday night game on. Bastards.


• Finally got around to seeing the Grudge sequel last night. I know these two movies get blasted, but I like them. It’s a shame none of the victims tried punching the ghost chick in the face or something.


• This is the third consecutive time I’ve been typing something in the computer room and JJ has taken a crap in the room’s litterbox. Goddamnit. It’s funny because this room is his “domain,” although I don’t know what he’d do if someone else tried to take it over. Each of our three have certain territories around the house. JJ’s is the computer room. Max tends to rule the spare bedroom that is also on our second floor, although the other two also hang out there every now and then – although he has claimed the bed. Dessa really doesn’t “claim” a room, but the one heating vent in the kitchen is hers.


• So the Red Sox won it all. Don’t care. I actually think it’s funny A-Rod took his share of the spotlight by saying he’s opting to become a free agent during the Sox’s time in the spotlight. I’m an A-Rod defender, even though he does some bush-league things every now and then. However, I don’t blame him for wanting to leave. You’re set for life. Go to a place that you will be happy playing for during the summer. Then again, he’ll probably go for the biggest payday. Whatever. It’s not my life. Speaking of “bush-league,” I laughed when I heard some Redskins players got pissed when the Patriots “ran up the score” by going for it on 4th down while up by 30+ points. You know the best way to counter this “disrespect”? Go after Tom Brady’s knees.


• Oh for fuck’s sake.


It's a nickname no principal could be proud of: "Dropout Factory," a high school where no more than 60 percent of the students who start as freshmen make it to their senior year. That dubious distinction applies to more than one in 10 high schools across America.


"If you're born in a neighborhood or town where the only high school is one where graduation is not the norm, how is this living in the land of equal opportunity?" asks Bob Balfanz, the researcher at Johns Hopkins University who defines such a school as a "dropout factory."


There are about 1,700 regular or vocational high schools nationwide that fit that description, according to an analysis of Education Department data conducted by Johns Hopkins for The Associated Press. That's 12 percent of all such schools, no more than a decade ago but no less, either.


You know, if you can’t graduate from frickin’ HIGH SCHOOL, you’re a loser. The only exception to this is if you have 10 siblings, your parents died and you’re working five jobs to keep food on the table and the lights on. And even then you should be working toward a GED in your spare time.

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That's goofy quote by that guy Bob from Johns Hopkins. You're not in the land of opportunity if you're a dumbass who can't get through high school while a bunch of other dumbasses around you are screwing off? The opportunity is there, you're just choosing to be a lemming.


Days off are fine by me. The only thing about a weekday off is the awful wasteland that is daytime TV. Going anywhere near a TV is a bad idea. You once said you don't take vacation. What do you do with all that time, do you get paid out for the time?

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Regarding the Red Sox, Boston fans now face a dilemma. Now they are in the position of Yankees fans, USC fans, etc. Now only a World Series win will be acceptable. Before, Red Sox fans could get excited about reaching the post-season and dream about the World Series. They could almost revel in their situation as a community that had not seen a baseball championship since 1918. It was something to be apart of, a collective. Now that whole 1918 thing is gone and now they have to win a World Series or it's a complete failure.


And yes, Beckett is God.

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Regarding the Red Sox, Boston fans now face a dilemma. Now they are in the position of Yankees fans, USC fans, etc. Now only a World Series win will be acceptable. Before, Red Sox fans could get excited about reaching the post-season and dream about the World Series. They could almost revel in their situation as a community that had not seen a baseball championship since 1918. It was something to be apart of, a collective. Now that whole 1918 thing is gone and now they have to win a World Series or it's a complete failure.


And yes, Beckett is God.


I see what you are saying, but I still think we as fans are in a better place now than we were prior to 2004. Even if we don't win next year at least we can look back at 04 and 07 and know that we are not complete failures like we were during the drought. That sense of dread and impending doom that we all carried with us into every game is gone now. Being a Sox fan used to involve the willingness to accept a lot of pain and misery along with the occasional celebrations. There will still be pain and misery in the future but it isn't going to be the defining characteristic of Sox fans anymore.... at least until the next drought.


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RE: Vacation time. I take a day off here and a day off there. I started the year with nine days vacation time and four days sick time. The sick time can be "banked" over the years, the vacation time has to be used or it's gone. I've got four vacation days left and a day-and-a-half of this year's sick time remaining. What helps me also is that I work weekends once a month, so when my monthly project is done I take a day off then, too. Best of both worlds. I spend a day in the office by myself, then spend a day out of the office when everyone else is there.


Funny enough, early this year my one idiot boss, when trying to dress me down for something stupid, made a snide remark that I was gone for almost two weeks at the end of 2006. Of course, I told him that out of the 10 days I was gone, seven of those days were due to weekends or vacation and that the three vacation days I used were the first time in three years I used more than three vacation days up at once, unlike everyone else at this place. I also added that I'd pass this conversation along to our board of directors if he so desired so they can have the "final say" on this matter (even though these people are a bunch of do-nothings, too). That shut him up quick.


Oh, and our sick time policy is hilarious. If you leave and have remaining sick time, you get $20 for each day you have in stock. Example: You have five sick days when you leave, collect $100. This is why I do my best to use up my sick time each year. There are some people here who have MONTHS of sick time piled up.

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