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Halloween movie reviews

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Swift Terror


Well, I've been watching my Halloween horror movie line-up and here goes.


Land of the Dead: Not very good, I didn't enjoy it. Well, it didn't suck completely but it just wasn't entertaining. I still like "Dawn" better as well as "Night". I never liked "Day" much and guess what? Romero is remaking "Day". Why I have no idea. The one good thing about "Land" is the cameo by "Dawn" make-up artist Tom Savini as a zombie. He also had a cameo in "dawn" as a crazed biker chopping up zombies with a machete. Good stuff.


Hatchet: Pretty disappointing. I was looking forward to this, but it was a mess. It was too much of a homage/parody of Jason movies and seemed like it couldn't decide which it was. The "bad guy", a deformed backwoods type with overalls, was just silly. I guess they meant him to be silly, I don't know. There was no attempt to give him quality make-up, he looked like he was wearing a rubber suit. It clearly wasn't supposed to be legitimately scary, but it went a bit too far in the other direction. There were plenty of bare breasts and plenty of gore.


Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Meyers: Not bad, I enjoyed it. It cleared up for me the mysterious guy at the end of H5, although that whole Satanist storyline got put on the back burner/ended up on the cutting room floor. They did not flesh out the backstory on that at all. In the movie, they are trying to "capture/control" Michael's evil. But that takes a backseat to Michael doing his usual mayhem. All in all, a good flick with a good nude scene to boot.


The Burning: Have yet to see this. Now this I'm looking forward to seeing. It's the real deal, made in the early 1980s horror. Before horror movies became comedies later in the decade with the Freddy sequels. I'm sure it will be chessy, but I'm also sure it will be over-the-top and feature plenty of nude chicks. I'll report on this later in the week.

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I don't think the filmmakers get the ending either. Donald Pleasance died shortly after filming, or somewhere around then, and they hastily through in a different ending where you hear Dr. Loomis screaming, I guess killed by Michael.


Oh God, I hate AMC. Heavily edited movies and commercials. But I'll probably check out parts of H5 when I get home from work, just to refresh my memory on the events in the movie.


I'm pissed off at the HD movie channel, which is showing crap tonight. Last year they had "Madman", an early 80s classic. This year, crap. What are they showing in primetime? A movie called "Bubble", about the investigation of a single mother who was killed at an Ohio toy factory, directed by the somnambulant Steven Soderbergh. Way to go, yeah that's great for Halloween. Thanks a lot you dicks.

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