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12/9: One Car Wreck Of A Wedding

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10:45 p.m.


• My county makes me so proud sometimes.


Kelli Johnston married Ron Sarsfield on Saturday at a place known as Smithton Hole, a mud-encrusted demolition derby venue in South Huntingdon, for a national television show, "My Big Redneck Wedding," broadcast by Country Music Television (CMT).


The Hunker couple exchanged vows while standing atop their respective derby cars. Hunker Mayor Pat Brigado presided.


Minutes earlier, while she sat stuffed inside her jalopy in a white wedding dress, Johnston, 32, was asked if she was happy. She replied, "Yes, I'll be happy when this is all over with. I'm ready to smash into a whole bunch of stuff."




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• So I mentioned a while back about my recent job interviews. Let me recap.


Had two job interviews on November 27. Both went well. Had the second interview to Job A on December 6. Now what was funny about this one is that the first interview with this place dealt with the Human Resource person, who was doing everything in her power to convince me that her place was a great place to work at. She also said that she wanted me back for a second meeting. After thinking about this for a day (this job wouldn't be the same thing as I'm doing now), I agreed and met up with my would-be boss on 12/6. Everything that this poor HR person did to build this job up was torn down by my new interviewer. First off, he was 20 minutes late. OK. That’s understandable. Secondly, he hadn’t even bothered to look over my resume until the actual interview. Look, if this was a big corporation I could understand. However, there aren’t that many people in his department to oversee. Sorry, but I found that very unprofessional. However, what made it even worse was that he was trying to go down the “overqualified” route, which made me laugh because when he brought up workplace scenarios that he was hoping the ideal candidate would be able to excel in I gave real-life ordeals I’ve gone through that dealt with the exact same topic. As I left this place I thought, “I’d probably choose this place over the shit hole I work at now, but Job B just got the inside track.” I had the second interview to Job B on Friday, and I completely brought down the house. Later that afternoon I got the offer. There’s a few things that need to be ironed out, but nothing that would make me stay where I am now. (“Ironed out” isn’t the right term. Wanting some specifics answered due to the sodomy I’ve experienced at my current place of employment would be more accurate.)


Due to some paperwork that needs to be filed and approved, I’ll be starting January 2 or 3. Of course, there’s always the chance everything will fall through. However, this is unlikely, and this is coming from one paranoid mo’ fo’. All I have to say is that this will probably be the best three weeks of work I’ve had in quite some time.

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