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Review: WWF Prime Time Wrestling, 12/21/92.

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Problem with the shorties section, I'm not doing them. There's nothing obscure, and almost everything they're posting defeats the point of reviewing the entire shows that they're on when they get around to putting them up. Unless there's something like Flair/Perfect from the 3rd RAW, I'm not going to review it. That DOES mean I'll be adding Regal/Finlay to whatever else obscure gets put up. Sorry for that, what they're putting up is bugging the shit out of me, and I can barely even get around to watching it.



First match of 15, is Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji vs. Kevin Kruger. As I've said, I don't do squashes on the NWA or PTW shows. It ends at 2:something with a Banzai Drop. Sorry for the lack of time, I was caught in la-la-land about something that happened yesterday, and forgot to time it. *.



Reverend Slick(!) follows this up with a promo. WOW. Haven't seen the Rev. Slick gimmick in a LONG time. Great stuff.



The 2nd match is Big Bossman vs. Barry Hardy. DOINK THE CLOWN comes to the aisleway, and ties something to the guardrails. Well, Bossman wins after a Bossman Slam at 2:something (again, sorry). He goes to the back after handcuffing Hardy to the bottom rope, and we see what was tied onto the guardrails. It's a TRIPWIRE. I really laughed. Bossman trips over it, and Doink laughs at him. *.



Bill Koby faces Kamala w/Kimchee and Harvey Wippleman next. The big splash gets the pin at 1:56. Kamala couldn't quite figure out how to pin Koby, so they rolled around on the mat for a good sized portion of the match. RETARDED. DUD. The announcers said that Kamala's been different since losing to the Undertaker at Survivor Series.



Next up, is Rick "the Model" Martel vs. Brian Costello. Martel has the pink thing goin' here, of course. So, he finishes the match at 3:23, with a Boston Crab. At least he let Costello get some offense in. *1/2.



Gene Okerlund's at the promo area, and he's talking with the WWF Champion, Bret Hart. Bobby Heenan comes out, and introduces us to two wrestlers. One's Ric Flair. The other is Razor Ramon. And they both attack Bret, until Mr. Perfect comes out, to fend both off. It turns into a wild brawl, which the officials come out to break up. Afterward, we see a promo spot with Flair and Razor. Razor's Cuban accent is overly ridiculous at this point, I'm glad they let him tone it down.



Jameson comes out to the roundtable with Heenan, Jerry Lawler, Sgt. Slaughter and Hillbilly Jim...we'll skip past that.



The Nasty Boys take on Chris Allen and Gus Kantarakis next, and of course, Doink comes toward the ring again. The Nasties are babyfaces. I don't quite get that. Anyway, Knobs powerslams Allen, and Sags comes off the top giving Allen an elbowdrop, getting the Nasties the pinfall at 2:19. *1/4. Doink gives both Knobs and Sags a gift, one of the gifts being replica tag team titles, and the other being a picture of Money Inc. and Jimmy Hart. Ok.


After the bout and postmatch, there's an ad for WM IX, from the family entertainment capital of the world, Las Vegas. Now, if you think Vegas is somewhere you should take your family, raise your hand...


I don't think I would either.



Damien Demento squashes Kerry Davis at 2:13, with a neckbreaker and a kneedrop. During the match, the screen split, and one half showed a promo from Demento. TERRIBLE. DUD. Honestly, that's one of the worst gimmicks, if not the worst that I've ever seen.



Bam Bam Bigelow defeats Mike Collins, in the next match, after a headbutt from the top rope, at 2:24. You rate squashes like this. If you like the spots used, you rate it well. You don't, it sucks. Simple. *1/2.



The Undertaker and Paul Bearer are now talking about Nailz. They will make him rest in peace, and all that jazz. Good thing this never went anywhere.



A YOUNG Louie Spicolli takes on El Matador next. Wow, that was a surprise, Spicolli, that is. Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes put Yokozuna over HUGE as a threat to win the Royal Rumble. Not too surprising. Santana finishes the match with the Flying Jalapeno, at 2:49. *1/2. I have to say, everyone's entrance music is great.



Gene Okerlund has the rundown of the Royal Rumble, in which he announces 6 of the participants, in the Royal Rumble, of course. They are Tatanka, Ted DiBiase, the Undertaker, Bob Backlund, Yokozuna, and the Berzerker. The signing of Rick and Scott Steiner gets announced when the roundtable is shown again, and the two new wrestlers hype their match against the Beverly Brothers at the Royal Rumble. I kinda got lost here, but Mrs. Claus is supposed to be coming up to the roundtable soon.



The first non-squash match is Papa Shango vs. Marty Jannetty. Yay, Papa Shango!


Marty gives Shango an armwringer, and Shango responds with a chokehold. He misses a charge to the corner, but gets a backdrop anyway. Shango then gives Marty THREE elbowdrops, and applies a neckvice. Shango then misses another charge, and Marty beats him up a bit, until Shawn Michaels makes an appearance. Marty gives Shango a backdrop, but as Marty's distracted by Shawn, Shango gives him an axhandle to the back. Marty gives him two dropkicks, which put Shango on the floor, and then, Marty goes up top, and gives Shango a missile dropkick. Yes, from the top to the floor. Marty begins to chase after Shawn, and gives Shawn a hurricanrana in the aisleway. Unfortunately, he also loses the bout by countout, at 4:43. *, and only for Marty's missile dropkick.



Razor Ramon faces __________ next. No, the name of the other wrestler was not given, and it'll be impossible to find it. Anyway, he finishes the guy with a Razor's Edge at 2:47. The squashes here are of the short variety, making them good. *1/2. Razor abuses jobbers.



Mrs. Claus shows up on set, and gives Bobby Heenan a Jameson mug, because Heenan's been naughty. Heenan tells her that he can show her where they keep her misteltoe, and as they go off set, standing under the misteltoe, she slaps Heenan. Heh.



The Bushwhackers then come out, and pass out gifts, dressed up as Santa Claus. How sweet.



Skinner's next, facing Bob Backlund. Have I ever mentioned how much I like Skinner?


Both men go on the mat and wrestle, until Bob Backlund gets the best. He takes down Skinner, so Skinner ducks under the top rope, to stall. Skinner gives Backlund a headlock, and Backlund responds with a droptoehold. Backlund wins the TEST OF STRENGTH, and takes Skinner to the canvas. Backlund gives Skinner an atomic drop, but Skinner rolls him up, only getting 1. Skinner slams Backlund, but Backlund rolls Skinner up for the win at 3:42. I really would like to see a match between these two, with more time, of course. *1/4.



Lavern McGill and Chris Hawn take on Money Inc. w/Jimmy Hart (WWF Tag Team Champions) in a non-title match, and the Million Dollar Dream finishes things up at 2:36. *1/4. The Nasties came on the split-screen during the bout, and said they want Jimmy Hart's head, along with the Tag Titles.



Crush faces Dark Destiny next. WHO? The HEAD CRUSH finishes the bout at 2:56. *.



Next up, is GILLBERG vs. The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer. It's just Dwayne Gill, but who cares. It'll always be Gillberg to me. The TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER finishes at 1:53, and Taker puts Gill in a bodybag. *.



The Headshrinkers w/Afa take on Matthew Williams and David Morgan next. Doink comes out, and hits a child on the head with a rubber mallet. Kinda funny. Samu finishes the bout after a diving headbutt from the top, at 2:16. At least all the squashes have been short. *.



Lastly, Vince McMahon talks about the debut of MONDAY NIGHT RAW on January 11th. We'll be seeing that next month on WWE 24/7. Afterward, we go to a Bret Hart promo, talking to, well, who else but.......SANTA CLAUS. All Bret wants for Christmas is to be able to face the best in the World Wrestling Federation.



Show's over.


Rating: Poor. The non-squashes weren't too great, so the show wasn't either. I'm glad I got to see so many matches, though. That's a positive.


Best Segment: Razor and Flair attacking Bret, until Perfect made the save.


Worst Segment: Damien Demento. Simple as that.



Ok, I'll do Tribute to the Troops '06 next. I'm interested to see that one.

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Actually LV is very family friendly these days. You could spend a week there and not even hit the casinos.


There was something odd and creepy about Bret Hart sitting on Santa's lap with his arm around him.

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