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12/26: Black Friday > Day After Xmas

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10 p.m.


• So the better half and I went out to the malls and shit today for some DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS sales. Meh. I don’t really care for the “Day After” sales because they’re not really that good. Plus everybody and their mother are out either returning gifts or spending money/gift cards they go the day before. As an added bonus, due to all the shit I’ve eaten for the last few days I think it finally caught up with me. Blech. To make matters worse, it wasn’t that cold out today (damn you global warming), and the jacket I had on was making me hella hot. Add up all these factors and I had the mother of all headaches today. Bummer. When we got home today I went straight for the Tylenol and the bed. I woke up about 10 minutes ago and figure that I better get my ass to sleep rather soon if I’m to properly deal with going in to work tomorrow. Then again, work probably won’t be all that bad, especially since I’ll have off Friday and Tuesday. Mother fucker, JJ is rolling around on the computer desk and he just fell onto the keyboard. It’s rather odd: the upstairs rooms seem to be his “lair,” although Max generally hangs up here, especially during the summer months. However, JJ will just sit up here for days at a time, only coming down for meals and whenever he gets a spurt of energy. Well, at least my headache’s gone.


Oh, I almost forgot (or wanted to forget): We paid a stop to Babies R Us. When she was pricing cribs and all that other baby stuff she was aghast at the prices and said, "where are the baby items for those on a budget?" My reply: "Target." That actually got a laugh out of her. Oh, and there are these things called "Pregger Pops" that are supposed to help with morning sickness and all that other shit knocked up women go through. That's all I got.

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We were extremely lucky to have Lisa's sister, who has a 3 year old and still has all her baby stuff, which she gave to us. I'm talking expensive stuff like top quality car seat, stroller, pack n play (a portable crib-like thing) and diaper hampers. This allowed us to buy a full 3 piece crib set. Well, we would have gotten the crib anyway I'm sure, so never mind.


I always hated to go out for several days after Christmas due to the "returners". Even if I have something to return I wait for a week or more. Having said that, I'm going out after work today to check out the sale at Dick's (no, the Sporting Goods store). They've got some nice Columbia brand shirts and sweaters/sweatshirts on sale.

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You might have to buy extra shit for it when it's time to turn it into a toddler bed. I didn't know those existed when we were looking at cribs. I wanted to go with a more "macho" theme--a dark wood with perhaps nautical/ship stuff. Instead I got white everything and cute undersea creatures.

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