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1/19: Wishing More Death

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11:15 p.m.


• So a few days ago I was talking about the “Death Wish” movies, and I discovered there was a Part V. And like a sap I just had to watch it. Good God. An exploding remote controlled soccer ball? At least in “The Dead Pool” the RC Car of Doom was funny to watch. This … gah. However, it’s not like I was going into this one expecting much. But still. Jesus, Charles, did you really have to make one more? I guess maybe because “Death Wish IV” ended on such a downer – you know, your woman getting killed and all. Well, anyway, I had parts “II” and “III” on today as background noise, and I must say that my two favorite scenes from “II” are as follows:


“You believe in Jesus.”




“Well you’re going to meet him.”




And then there’s the black guy with the funky sunglasses trying to get away in that park shoot-out by holding up a ghetto blaster to his head while trying to back away. L to the O to the L.


Speaking of funny, here is a post on the IMDB message board about “DWII”:


Watch the Brazilian cut of this movie. The print is great, and the rape scene is much longer than the R rated American one. It also has the daughter spitting up blood when she gets impaled on the fence.




11:45 p.m.


• Yeah, Roger, because we can't have people walking around with guns.


That's what's scary about the film (Death Wish). It's propaganda for private gun ownership and a call to vigilante justice.


What gives someone the right to do that? Pesky Constitution.

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I've seen every Death Wish except for the last. Didn't Bronson take on The Mafia instead of the usual street thugs in that one? And yeah, that street punk who used his boom blaster as a shield in the 2nd one is fucking hilarious. :lol:

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When I saw this entry's title on the blog main page, my first thought was that you had another encounter at the grocery store to tell us about...

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Guess what?


Sylvester Stallone is going to remake Death Wish. Don't laugh, it may be good. "Rocky Balboa" was very good. Stallone (correctly) feels that the villians, muggers, scum, etc in the DW movies were lame and dated and just don't work today. He envisions really sicko, serial killer type bad guys that piss off a former violent person who spent time in prison. Said person goes Roman on the baddies.


Stallone interview:


The idea in the original of Jeff Goldblum as a mugger who breaks into an apartment seems very simplistic. It gives you an idea of how bad the elevation of violence has become. I want to focus on defense attorneys, on the people who are really allowing this crap to happen. Not so much the guy out in the street, but who permits it? What if it happened to you? What if your daughter down the hall was grabbed and her eyes were put out, would you want to defend that guy? There's moral questions here that are being presented that have not been asked in 30 years. So it's not the pacifist. This fella I see, and I'm giving you a little hint here, he was a very violent human being. An ex-convict who walked the walk, was accepted back into society, did everything he could to be clean. When the incident happens, he reverts back, and it's like "My God." Now you've unleashed a man who really understands the world of violence. He isn't burdened with this passive-aggressive conscientious objector thing that's been done. It's really what happens when the wolf in sheep's clothing goes back to the wolf.





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