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2/14: I [heart] Shittsburgh

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6 p.m.


• So I saw this list, looked through the first few questions, and figured it would be worth doing to waste time. All these answers were the first things that came to mind.


Questions for those of us who live in Pittsburgh, PA


1. Primanti's or Pierogies?:

Primanti's by far. For those that don’t know, it’s a sandwich place. Some people treat this eatery as god-like, but I’m not nearly going to go that far. Been to one of these shops about a half-dozen times in my life. Liked the kielbasa.


2. Favorite ride at Kennywood?:

The line isn’t bad and the ride is solid. However, as a kid the Logjammer was my favorite. No, I’m not Catholic


3. Favorite mall?:

Now – Westmoreland Mall. Monroeville Mall has too many black people and Ross Park Mall turned too upscale during my Shittsburgh hiatus.


4. What school district did you go to?:

Hampton. Home of the Talbots. Even though I went there, this government school generally produced good students.


5. Which grocery store:

Giant Eagle. Long live the personal scanner.


6. Kennywood or Sandcastle?:

Kennywood, although Sandcastle water park is where I first met the better half. Then again, Kennywood in a landslide of Reagan/Mondale proportions.


7. Penguins, Pirates or Steelers?:

Hmmm. Pirates last. I like football over hockey, but the Steeler fans here are batshit. Give me the Pens, I guess.


8. Favorite event:

When I drive through the city every weekday on my way home to the cozy suburbs. Second thought: Opening Day for the Pirates; it’s always fun to watch them get blown out and crush the pennant dreams of the remaining delusional fans who think they have a chance at winning.


9. The Strip, South Side or Station Square?:

None. If forced to pick – the South Side. My last job had me go there for a vendor. That’s all.


10. Favorite place to see live music [indoor and outdoor]?

None. I don’t go to concerts. If I want to hear a song, I’ll get a CD.


11. Favorite Dave and Andy's ice cream flavor?



12. Favorite thing to eat at Eat N Park?

Chicken Parmesan in meat sauce with the soup and salad bar, even though the salad bar chili is shit.


13. Favorite movie theater?

Don’t go to the theater that often (as regular readers would know). If I do, my favorite is the Destinta that’s only 5 minutes from my house. Location, location, locations.


14. Which part of Pittsburgh do you currently live in?

I don’t. You think I’m stupid?


15. What's the worst area to be in late at night?

The areas where you only see eyes and teeth: Homewood, Wilkensburg, et al.


16. Favorite museum?

N*gga plz. OK, I’ll answer. Carnegie Museum of Natural History because they have dinosaurs.


18. Yinz or pop?



19. Have you seen the view of the city from Mount Washington?



20. Do you ever ride with Port Authority?

Ugh. Don’t remind me of my college days.


21. Have you ever eatin "O" fries?



22. Do you like the Southside works complex or do you think it was waste of money?

With this being Shittsburgh, I’m sure they wasted a buttload of money. I don’t go there. I don’t care. I think that’s the place whose theater had a shooting during 50 Cent’s “Get Rich or Die Tryin’” movie release.


23. Should we have kept 3 Rivers Stadium or are you happy with Heinz field and PNC park?

I’ll never willingly go into either. I’ve talked about this subject before.


24. Do you ever wear black and gold?

I’m sure I have once or twice. I don’t the day before a Steeler game.


25. Have you ever stuck your feet in the Fountain at Point State Park?

Probably when I was a kid.


36. have you ever ridden the "T"?

See number …. How the hell did this go from “25” to “36”?


37. How do you pronounce a gyro?



38. Do you like Donny Iris?

When I don’t have to hear him (or is it her)?


39. Do you like The Clarks?

I don’t listen to them so I’m indifferent.


40. Do you like Michael Keaton?

After what he said about the Pirates last year, hell yeah.


41. Favorite River name?

Allegheny, I guess. Although I love the name of the HOT MEATAL BRIDGE.


42. What do you think of UPMC?

Mrs. kkk worked there for a spell. That paid the bills. Every medical organization is a clusterfuck. Good thing the Democrats will give us FREE government health care.


43. Terry Bradshaw or Ben Roethlisberger?

Big Ben. I never had a problem with Bradshaw until I heard him talking politics a few times on Fox. Katherine Harris was Florida’s Attorney General -- lol.


44. Do you think the Pens deserve a new arena?

I’ve talked about this before.


45. Despite all the polls/reports that Pittsburgh is the dirtiest city in America, do you agree?

I never heard of this before. How can it be dirty when everybody’s leaving?


46. How much do you love Pittsburgh?

Do I really need to comment?


47. Do you think they should allow casinos in Pittsburgh?

Already happened. I can’t wait until this isn’t the be-all solution region “leaders” are making this out to be. And that’s why I live in Westmoreland County.


48.Do you like PNH?

Who? What?


49.Have you ever attended a Pittsburgh Sports event(Steeler Game, etc.)?:



50. Which do you like more--Panthers or Nittany Lions?

Neither, but if I have to answer it would be the Panthers. Then again, that’s like asking me who I like more: Hillary Clinton or nl-asshole.


51. If your parent worked for University of Pittsburgh and you could attend it for free would you go?

All academia institutions are the same. Go where you can get the best deal. I’d mooch.


52. Do you hate the Cleveland Browns?

No. But it’s sad when there’s a city out there that Pittsburghers can goof on. Other than Cleveland and Detroit, the pickings are slim.


8 p.m.


• I heard this trailer was out. Ugh.

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Oh God regarding the trailer for the new Indiana Jones.


The reason this movie will suck is because it will be one long continuous joke about how old Harrison Ford/Indiana is and all the things he won't be able to do. Like screwing up a rope swing. I'm anticipating the line "I'm too old for this" to occur at least once. It will be one of the most pathetic, appalling moments in movie history.

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