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2/25: Redneck Weddings, Commercials

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8 p.m.


• So I talked about this show a while back, but tonight I actually got around to watching a few episodes. Oh. My. God.


But the best part was the eHarmony ads during the commercial break of a program which featured a bride with dentures and a groom who spells his beloved's name while peeing on the street.


• I found this in the "odd" story section, but I don't find it strange at all. In fact, I think it's a good idea.


Police dogs in the western city of Duesseldorf will no longer get their feet dirty when on patrol—the entire dog unit will soon be equipped with blue plastic fiber shoes, a police spokesman said Monday.


"All 20 of our police dogs—German and Belgian shepherds—are currently being trained to walk in these shoes," Andre Hartwich said. "I'm not sure they like it, but they'll have to get used to it."


The unusual footwear is not a fashion statement, Hartwich said, but rather a necessity due to the high rate of paw injuries on duty. Especially in the city's historical old town—famous for both its pubs and drunken revelers—the dogs often step into broken beer bottles.


I remember seeing a TV show that talked about this girl raising funds for the local police dogs to wear bullet-proof vests. Hey, these animals are many times the first to run into a skirmish so they should get protection. And if you think I'm being an animal-rights wacko, remember all the money spent training these K-9 cops and that some simple protection could mean the difference between several more years on the job and a quick trip to the big doghouse in the sky. Besides, many police dogs contribute more to society than the trash they're often urged to take down.

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