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The Valedictorian of Stupid School, JoeJoe is the kind of poster that makes you want to gouge your eyes out just to make the pain stop. I put this twerp on Ignore not long after he appeared because it was clear that reading his drivel was going to be more trouble than it was worth, and after accidentally catching his crayon etched rantings these past few days I knew I made the right decision. I think deep down he knows he is in way over his head when it comes to any kind of debate that requires actual knowledge and understanding of wrestling, but he clearly isn’t able to deal with this, so walks around with his cheeks puffed out and shouts around to try and hide the fact that he doesn’t know what the fuck he is talking about. I think the board would be best served by JoeJoe turning his computer off, walking away, and doing something else to pass the time. I suggest becoming a crash test dummy.

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Iggy McFly



Black Lushus


Iggy McFly


Iggy is quite possibly the most clueless and uninformed person on the wrestling forums, and that covers a lot of ground. As bad as the likes of JoeJoe and Rrrsh are, Iggy is far worse because he doesn’t know enough to know that he doesn’t know enough. Just a complete waste of space on the wrestling forums, Iggy is someone else who should turn the computer off and walk away. Possibly into traffic if a freeway or intersection is nearby.




He should post more often, but I can see why he doesn’t. Unlike others mentioned, MisawaGQ does know what he is talking about, which makes for a refreshing change around here. We could do with more posters like him, but it’s hard to make a case to convince them to stick around when you’ve got a tide of stupid to swim against.




W4F is not quite as bad as JoeJoe or Iggy, because there does appear to be a vague sense of intelligence in his posts. Unfortunately, when he’s shown up in a thread, he tends to rant and rave and act like everyone else is wrong, and you realize that he doesn’t quite have what it takes to be a truly valued contributor to the forums. It’s sad really.


Black Lushus


I can take or leave BL, and not really care. Nothing against BL, as he seems ok most of the time, but I can’t think of anything about him that makes me want to pay close attention to what he has to say.




I’ve nothing bad to say about cabbageboy. He has a decent handle on things, and while I don’t agree with some of what he says, at least he doesn’t act like he knows more than he does. That in itself can be just as important as knowing a lot of stuff, because it leave you open to learning and understanding things you don’t know about, and that’s a good thing.


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Well said. GQ and I may not see eye to eye on issues but he's a really good analyst and intelligent talker. I think that sort of thing rattles people if he tries to be more active. You can only take so much "blah blah blah elitist douche HBK is the best go back to Japan" (which in fairness, I don't think anyone here really says things like that, at least that I am aware of) before you determine that posting something is just a waste of your time.

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You can only take so much "blah blah blah elitist douche HBK is the best go back to Japan" (which in fairness, I don't think anyone here really says things like that, at least that I am aware of)


Yea, that kind of attitude is just prevalent in #wrestling on EFnet, where the people are infinitely more retarded than anyone on this forum could ever dream of being.

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Hunter's Torn Quad

Hunter's Torn Quad


HTQ, along with a few other posters, are the glue that holds together the wrestling forums on TSM. HTQ knows a lot about wrestling; some have even said he knows an unhealthy amount. Knowledgeable and insightful, if there was one flaw with HTQ, and some would say that it really isn’t a flaw, it is that he doesn’t tolerate the ignorant and the stupid very well. He was at his best in the WCW history thread, and has also contributed a lot to the WWF history and Old School Questions thread.


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Does have to be just TSM posters?


It can be, but if I've not heard of the person in question, I can't give an opinion on them.


Scott Keith


I’ve tried reading some of his work, but I couldn’t finish even one piece. Most of what else I know about SK is by reputation only, and the general consensus seems to be either that he was good at one time but he’s now lost a step, or that he was never that good to begin with and only got over because of how he wrote his trademark rants.


Herb Kunze


Is this the same Herb whose articles from the 90s I’ve read lately in the General Wrestling forum? If so, I hope he’s improved since then, because those articles weren’t written by someone with a firm grip on reality.


Rick Scaia


The name is familiar, but I can’t place it. Who is he?




Scotsman seemed to be a real character in his heyday. I’ve read his site from time to time, and his feuds with various people were fun to read. Since he stopped covering wrestling, I’ve not heard anything about him, other than he apparently writes for some poker website.


Chris Coey


I’ve heard two differing opinions on Coey. The first is that he knows what he is talking about, but is a bit of a prick. The second is that he’s simply a prick. I’ve not had much first-hand experience with Coey, but I’ve read his postings on various message boards, and from what I’ve read I can’t say that he knows what he’s talking about because he’s too busy being a prick. If he knows what he is talking about when it comes to wrestling, I’ve not seen it, but others have said he does.


Justin Shapiro


Again, a familiar name, but I can’t place who it is.


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Does have to be just TSM posters?


It can be, but if I've not heard of the person in question, I can't give an opinion on them.


Scott Keith


I’ve tried reading some of his work, but I couldn’t finish even one piece. Most of what else I know about SK is by reputation only, and the general consensus seems to be either that he was good at one time but he’s now lost a step, or that he was never that good to begin with and only got over because of how he wrote his trademark rants.


Keith is a guy who has wildly biased and inconsistent opinions on wrestling, yet is never able to actually support those opinions. That makes him a shitty judge of wrestling and an even worse journalist in my eyes.


Chris Coey


I’ve heard two differing opinions on Coey. The first is that he knows what he is talking about, but is a bit of a prick. The second is that he’s simply a prick. I’ve not had much first-hand experience with Coey, but I’ve read his postings on various message boards, and from what I’ve read I can’t say that he knows what he’s talking about because he’s too busy being a prick. If he knows what he is talking about when it comes to wrestling, I’ve not seen it, but others have said he does.


Having read a bunch of Cooey's reviews, he generally is a good analyst of wrestling. His problem is that he occasionally gets too deep and starts finding fault with things that simply aren't there. And on the other end, he sometimes praises matches for psychology that is buried beneath so many layers of analysis, that it's doubtful that the workers even intended it to have such meaning. Although to be fair, a lot of people do this, especially a certain crew of people who think Steve Austin was one of the best workers ever during the later stages of his career. And as far as his attitude, he is a bit of a prick, even towards people who don't offend him. Not really enough to be a big problem though, and if his major tirades are directed towards people who are idiots, I really have no problem with that either.


Er, oops. This was supposed to be you shooting on people, my bad ph34r.gif

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Is this the same Herb whose articles from the 90s I’ve read lately in the General Wrestling forum? If so, I hope he’s improved since then, because those articles weren’t written by someone with a firm grip on reality.


Yes it is. Herb had a wrestling tidbits site and was very famous throughout the 90s as a wrestling analyst on the net. He was REAL BIG when I first started online but faded as time went on. He was famous for being the first online journalist to post news from the Observer. He is also generally regarded as first "workrate freak" to reach the scene. He was a real controversial figure on the scene back in the day.


Also, Rick Scaia was part of the original Wrestlemaniacs team that was popular in the 90s (with Scott Keith and "Mi casa" Mike. He runs a site called Online Onslaught. Again he was more popular in the 90s and has faded.


Justin Shapiro does work on the Observer site (Heat Report, sometimes RAW), The Weinerboard and was a pretty big contributor to the Old Rantsylvania and Smark sites back in the late 90s, early 2000s (I think it was him, it's been a while).


Yeah, I guess I assumed you were on the net back in the day LOL. This was pre-Meltzer days where you had a lot of famous personalities on the net.

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Er, oops. This was supposed to be you shooting on people, my bad  ph34r.gif

Shoot away.


Anyone else you want me to shoot on?


How about Dave Meltzer.

There aren’t many people who have the knowledge and understanding of wrestling that Dave Meltzer has. For all the negatives that can be said about Meltzer, there is no question that he knows what he is talking about when it comes to wrestling history and an understanding of wrestling. That said, Meltzer does have flaws when it comes to certain wrestlers, such as Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels. He tends to look at things too much from his own point of view, and not look at things enough from the point of view of others, and that can detract from the quality of his opinion. I don’t always agree with Meltzer’s opinions on matches and wrestlers, but his opinion on the historical aspect of wrestling, and the business side of wrestling, is usually spot-on.

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Justin Shapiro does work on the Observer site (Heat Report, sometimes RAW),  The Weinerboard and was a pretty big contributor to the Old Rantsylvania and Smark sites back in the late 90s, early 2000s (I think it was him, it's been a while).

Now that you mention what he writes, I've seen Shapiro's name on the Observer site, but he hasn't made any real impression on me, so I'm guessing nothing that he's ever written has stood out.

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Er, oops. This was supposed to be you shooting on people, my bad  ph34r.gif

Shoot away.


Anyone else you want me to shoot on?


How about Dave Meltzer.

There aren’t many people who have the knowledge and understanding of wrestling that Dave Meltzer has. For all the negatives that can be said about Meltzer, there is no question that he knows what he is talking about when it comes to wrestling history and an understanding of wrestling. That said, Meltzer does have flaws when it comes to certain wrestlers, such as Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels. He tends to look at things too much from his own point of view, and not look at things enough from the point of view of others, and that can detract from the quality of his opinion. I don’t always agree with Meltzer’s opinions on matches and wrestlers, but his opinion on the historical aspect of wrestling, and the business side of wrestling, is usually spot-on.


I pretty much agree. For knowledge of the business and history of wrestling, there's not many who are his equal. Even if his match ratings are crazy biggrin.gif

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I totally agree on Meltzer. I started a thread last year in Gen Wrestling about how his lack of objectivity really hurts his writing and credibility. He does extrapolate and tends to think that his opinions are generally accepted by most wrestling fans and that he speaks for "us", when in a lot of circumstances that isn't the case.


I also hate it that he openly makes fun of wrestlers he doesn't like. I don't want to get into it but it really hurts his cred. as a wrestling "Journalist"

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bobbins aka Bob Jackson. Teehee.

Bob Jackson, aka Bobbins, is just a complete asshole. He adds absolutely nothing to any board I’ve ever seen him a part of. This jerk is far more concerned with shouting and swearing as long and as loud as he can just to make sure that people notice him than in actually adding anything of any kind of value to any discussion he is a part of. If Jackson spoke to people in real life the same way he spoke to them online, he would get the shit kicked out of him. If he ever stepped out from behind the keyboard, we’d see a very small and insignificant human being.

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bobbins aka Bob Jackson. Teehee.

Bob Jackson, aka Bobbins, is just a complete asshole. He adds absolutely nothing to any board I’ve ever seen him a part of. This jerk is far more concerned with shouting and swearing as long and as loud as he can just to make sure that people notice him than in actually adding anything of any kind of value to any discussion he is a part of. If Jackson spoke to people in real life the same way he spoke to them online, he would get the shit kicked out of him. If he ever stepped out from behind the keyboard, we’d see a very small and insignificant human being.


Haha, that exceeded my expectations. Ok, last one, Rob Edwards.

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You'll have to refresh my memory on Rob Edwards. The name is familiar.


He's the guy that runs SmarksChoice. Not overly famous unless you frequent that site. He's not really a bad guy or anything, just a bit frustrating to discuss wrestling with. (As are a lot of guy's in thet crew)

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You'll have to refresh my memory on Rob Edwards. The name is familiar.


He's the guy that runs SmarksChoice. Not overly famous unless you frequent that site. He's not really a bad guy or anything, just a bit frustrating to discuss wrestling with.

I've only read maybe a few posts he's ever made, and none of them stand out. He only stands out by not standing out, in that nobody talks about him. Anywhere.

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